diy solar

diy solar

6 MWh SRNE ASF48100U200-H 10kw.

I noticed their aliexpress store as well. In the end I went with alibaba and had no issues.
I noticed that the SRNE 10K could be had with free shipping for around $1100 with all the Single's day (11/11) discounts at Aliexpress. I was tempted but bought battery cells instead. If someone is looking for the best price for one of these it helps to check for Holiday and various discount periods that Aliexpress offers.

I really would like the 8k version but it never seems to be available. It also would be neat if SRNE (and its re-branders) brought out a 240vAC 6K split phase unit that matches the EG4 unit from Luxpower.
I noticed their aliexpress store as well. In the end I went with alibaba and had no issues.

Yeah, I think that is how I want to proceed as well. I just sent them a request. Kind of kicking myself for moving so quickly on the two LVXs last year as I really didn't start using them until July of this year. I only got a megawatt out of one before it blew up and I was fortunate to have a 6000EX to replace it. They work, but neither unit is a long-term solution at this point. Hopefully the SRNE will be a keeper.
Hmmm. Interesting I'm really close to ordering at least 1 HYP.

I'm fairly certain that's not an SRNE. I parsed the manual, it's not the same layout as current SRNE and the software they reference looks a lot like the old watch power software.
I swear I had ran across somewhere where it was stated it was a SRNE. But couldn't find it later.

If you put up a request on Alibaba, you get about 25 different people trying to sell you something. :LOL:
Ordered... I think I chatted with 10 different people. They must think I am nuts...
I think you'll be very happy. Was it still around $1400?
Oh I was reminded once or twice I was already chatting with a different agent...

I swear I had ran across somewhere where it was stated it was a SRNE. But couldn't find it later.

If you put up a request on Alibaba, you get about 25 different people trying to sell you something. :LOL:
Good to know. I never tried that, I've always tried to find the direct storefront.
I have this really bad temptation to order more charging and inverting capacity as well as cells...
I've really been considering Midnite's Rosie, yesterday AC/DC's Whole Lotta Rosie came across the playlist... I think that's a sign.
I could put the mission critical loads on Rosie - the well pump, food storage, kitchen, septic system and a few lights.
Everything else would stay on the ASF and I'd order an HYP series for a third MPPT...
Hmmm I like that idea. I'd have plenty of AC power.

In other news the ASF continues to perform flawlessly after the random error code. If I get enough sun before the new year I should be able to break 2 MWh before the new year.
I've picked out 2 locations for new arrays, one is SW facing the other would be SE. I want these to be somewhat portable since I plan to sell this place sooner than later...

I should probably hold off on buying anything else since I'll have more power than I know what to do with in a couple months.

Happy Friday, hoping for clear sky's today.
I should probably hold off on buying anything else since I'll have more power than I know what to do with in a couple months.
Yep....that's what I'm thinking too.... My two additional/final? panels have gotten 'lost' in shipping...shipper shows no indication...Amazon has extended the delivery date to 1/4 and if they don't show up will refund my money.
I think you'll be very happy. Was it still around $1400?
$1338 with DDP shipping. What is killing me is the ex-works price (you know, before Uncle Sam, Uncle Xi, and a few other random uncles get their cut) is less than $1k. It must be pretty affordable to setup solar in China.
Yep....that's what I'm thinking too.... My two additional/final? panels have gotten 'lost' in shipping...shipper shows no indication...Amazon has extended the delivery date to 1/4 and if they don't show up will refund my money.
I have panels all over the place. Pretty much everywhere, but where they belong (on my roof). I have ten 325W laid out on the back patio, six 325w stacked against the wall, eleven 325w in the garage, and a trio of 250w in the garage.
I swear I had ran across somewhere where it was stated it was a SRNE. But couldn't find it later.

If you put up a request on Alibaba, you get about 25 different people trying to sell you something. :LOL:
I stand corrected, SRNE does have a 12k.
I stand corrected, SRNE does have a 12k.
According to the information there, it looks to be parallel capable.
I stand corrected, SRNE does have a 12k.
So, is it US split phase or 230v only?
Keep me posted, even pm if you have to, if/when this inverter comes out in US split phase and parallele-able.
Seeing a fair amount of clipping from the 5,180w of NE solar on the ground mount. Pretty awesome they are performing so well but slightly irritating I'm losing out on photons...


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Well dang. And here I was planning 16 per input and you’re clipping at 14
Well dang. And here I was planning 16 per input and you’re clipping at 14
I suspect they won't be over achievers for very long... 8s2p would be a solid array, I think you would lose out on a few KWhs / day during optimal conditions... Could always just buy an HYP inverters to use as another MPPT and extra 5kw AC output...
Maybe I missed it, but are the PowMr 10kw and this inverter the same unit by SRNE? Does this unit also show ac voltage on the pv lines?
Maybe I missed it, but are the PowMr 10kw and this inverter the same unit by SRNE?
Yes, to the best of my knowledge.
Does this unit also show ac voltage on the pv lines?
I will need to check this again, I honestly don't remember. I would bet yes since they all seem to do this, hence the need to ground the array at the main panel....
Yes, to the best of my knowledge.

I will need to check this again, I honestly don't remember. I would bet yes since they all seem to do this, hence the need to ground the array at the main panel....
Your buddy from crc just messaged me. Says he has a bunch of panels on the way if you're interested


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diy solar

diy solar