diy solar

diy solar

Data extraction from inverters

so close yet so far.. all booted up, and connected as discussed. no data showing on Grafana . I have the wifi stick disconnected and I have connected straight into the molex, yellow and blue. AB to the same usb stick as you. i have tried all 4 usb ports... lsusb lists device as shown


further investigation is showing my rs485 stick as TTY USB0 should this be USB1?

I welcome any help, many thanks


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so close yet so far.. all booted up, and connected as discussed. no data showing on Grafana . I have the wifi stick disconnected and I have connected straight into the molex, yellow and blue. AB to the same usb stick as you. i have tried all 4 usb ports... lsusb lists device as shown

View attachment 92833
View attachment 92832

further investigation is showing my rs485 stick as TTY USB0 should this be USB1?

I welcome any help, many thanks
ok, went into node red, serial and clicked serial, and selected usb0... now looks as if the mqtt is not connecting? just a thought as it stays on connecting.


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updated the sertalking.pngial port to usb 0 and manually started mqtt (now showing connected) still no data on the grafanna page .. looks like we are talking ;)
It doesn't use MQTT, that is for a separate output double check that your USB to RS485 doesnt have the A & B swapped over, try connecting a to b and b to a
Just downloaded the Solis image and installed it on a RP4, loads up to the login prompt and I've tried using the default credentials but they dont appear to work. Have they changed?

PS New to the site and I'm glad I've joined.
Just downloaded the Solis image and installed it on a RP4, loads up to the login prompt and I've tried using the default credentials but they dont appear to work. Have they changed?

PS New to the site and I'm glad I've joined.
What login, Grafana? is admin and olivetti
Just downloaded the Solis image and installed it on a RP4, loads up to the login prompt and I've tried using the default credentials but they dont appear to work. Have they changed?

PS New to the site and I'm glad I've joined.
Hi have you enable SSH on the pi ?
PS sorry I don't use this image so not able to check if it's enabled by default.
Hi, you can.
Just Google "enable SSH on a raspberry pi".
You just need to add a file to the SD card.
I am a little busy at mo but if you get stuck let me know.
PS everyone makes this mistake when first playing with a pi ?
No the image is for a Sofar ME3000SP & it is working. But I need the credentials for the Pi & Grafana logins.
I can see the Wiki for the forum is being updated as I type, but the credential are incorrect.
G0emf, I've just noticed that you had the same problems logging into the Pi. I can access Node Red and Grafana and I can now get a login prompt if I SSH onto it. I just dont know what the correct username and password is, it doesn't appear to be pi & raspberry
SSH is enabled by default on all my images, the username is pi and the password is raspberry. I have just double checked this and it works.
I've used a different program to burn the image to the sd card and this worked perfectly. thanks for the help
Hello @shavermcspud

Hoping you can shed some light on my challenges getting this running on my side.
I flashed the image file, but on boot Grafana, InfluxDB and MQTT does not startup. There's likely more not working that I've yet to discover.
I purged Grafana, InfluxDB and MQTT and reinstalled. All running now. I get to the dashboard now but there isn't any data loading.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls /dev/*USB*
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232 Serial (UART) IC
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

My RS485 to USB adapter shows as /dev/ttyUSB0. Change the serial-port in Global config on NodeRed to reflect this. I'm certain I'm cabled up properly - A to A and B to B.

I'm likely missing something obvious and was hoping you can point me in the right direction.
Hello @shavermcspud

Hoping you can shed some light on my challenges getting this running on my side.
I flashed the image file, but on boot Grafana, InfluxDB and MQTT does not startup. There's likely more not working that I've yet to discover.
I purged Grafana, InfluxDB and MQTT and reinstalled. All running now. I get to the dashboard now but there isn't any data loading.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls /dev/*USB*
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232 Serial (UART) IC
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

My RS485 to USB adapter shows as /dev/ttyUSB0. Change the serial-port in Global config on NodeRed to reflect this. I'm certain I'm cabled up properly - A to A and B to B.

I'm likely missing something obvious and was hoping you can point me in the right direction.

What inverter do you have?
For reference, I've written a set-up guide for Grafana (both on Pi and vanilla Debian) on the wiki here:

In addition to the scripts for MUST inverter/charge controller and JK BMS, I also just published a script to read data from a Victron Multiplus-II using the MK3 USB interface:

Has anybody using Influxdb run into the compaction issue yet with a large db?

My db is >2gb now and on Raspbian32bit & Influx 1.8 I'm looping on compaction that fails with memory issues. Seems to be due to Influx trying to map the db into memory and it exceeds addressable space.

I have no CQ or RP setup (other than infinite)
Are you 100% sure you have the connections right from the USB to RS485 connector?
Yes. Absolutely positive the connections are right.

I suspect grafana, influx and mosquitto were all broken after flashing because your image is likely meant for something that's not a Pi Zero perhaps?
I've got grafana, influx and mosquitto all running just fine now though. Double, triple checked that the connection from RS485 to inverter is right. Swapped them about as well. Still shows "no Data"
Yes. Absolutely positive the connections are right.

I suspect grafana, influx and mosquitto were all broken after flashing because your image is likely meant for something that's not a Pi Zero perhaps?
I've got grafana, influx and mosquitto all running just fine now though. Double, triple checked that the connection from RS485 to inverter is right. Swapped them about as well. Still shows "no Data"
Ah yes, its not for the Pi zero, the Pi zero doesn't support the versions of OS or grafana/nodered.

diy solar

diy solar