diy solar

diy solar

Deye/Sunsync inverter - battery full, still drawing from grid

Guys maybe this is a clue.
When I turn on the breaker to grid, the main icon menu which shows a graphical picture of where the electricity is flowing changes.

The load on my house goes to zero, like the load disappeared even tho it didn't disappear. The demand on the battery goes to almost zero. And there is NEVER anything flowing from grid. That is what's especially wierd. Even tho grid is being pulled to cover load, there is no indication of it. I have never once seen grid showing any value, and no arrows showing electricity moving from grid.
I also don't have a CT connected. Is that relevant?
Ok I found the box with what must be the CT. Checking the manual as to what to do with it. This isn't the source of my problem is it?
Ok I found the box with what must be the CT. Checking the manual as to what to do with it. This isn't the source of my problem is it?
Not sure but if its not to much trouble give it a shot because I'm out of ideas.
Ok trying the 2 CT. I see how they should be connected.
Can I connect the CT to the pins with the inverter on? Or should I shutdown before connecting the leads?
Yes it was, requested a update because the mppt's where doing weird things.
So it seems like the "Days of the Week" screen is not mandatory to getting it to work. (y)
Did you ever set the setting from all the screenshots I provided you a couple of weeks ago in a PM, incl TOU ?
I would guess not given your question
Yes, but there are 3 issues.
1 you are selling to grid and I am not
2 you are using comms and I am not.
3 biggest problem is about 1/3 of the setting labels in your solar assistant app don't match the labels in my menus, so it's unclear what the settings are referring to
Yes, but there are 3 issues.
1 you are selling to grid and I am not
2 you are using comms and I am not.
3 biggest problem is about 1/3 of the setting labels in your solar assistant app don't match the labels in my menus, so it's unclear what the settings are referring to
1 don't tick solar sell
2 get yourself a proper BMS, or use voltage as you wish
3 really ? Come on, this is a DIY forum, not your personal installer

I know I might come of harsh, not meant like that, but multiple folks here gave given good place to start, yet you seem to want us to configure your system for you..
We can't, we can merely help you in the right direction

Since you are using voltage instead on comms, you will have to convert % to voltage, which will be very iffy at best given the very very flat curves with lifepo4