Transformer or choke core acts as a permanent magnet.
I can't even come close to agreeing in theory or practice.
Transformers have a completely different function than a ferrite core, choke being just one function of ferrites.
The transformer core is specifically designed NOT to become a perminant magnet.
If it did, the transformer wouldn't function as designed, the reason residual magnetism is avoided at all costs in transformer cores.
Apply voltage to coil, current tries to increase and the magnetic field it produces changes. That orients magnetic field of each crystal grain in the core,
Correct, TEMPORARY electromagnet due to the magnetic field surrounding the conductor when the current is flowing.
The core is only there in transformers to keep a MAGNETIC focus point for the magnetic field.
If it had its own magnetic field it would resist the electromagnetic field, particularly if it were perpendicular to the electromagnetic field.
and those resist increase in current flow. As they all get magnetized, core's ability to resist is reduced (becomes more saturated) until eventually same as an air core.
Again, can't agree.
While the core material will reach a MAGNETIC saturation point, simply because the winding voltage isn't increasing anymore, so it can't create more current magnetism around the conductor.
The secondary to that is the core heats from induction reducing it's magnetic properties.
If you reduce current to zero at that point, some remnant magnetism in the core.
Only in the sense the electromagnetic field has stopped, and it takes TIME (Duration) for the iron core to attract the last of the magnetic field the current produced.
The origional magnetic polarity of each grain (crystaline) will return to it's origional orientation, the core will demagnatize itself since it wasn't magnetic to begin with. It doesn't 'Store' magnetism, and it doesn't produce it's own magnetic field.
If you reapply voltage of same polarity, it goes into saturation sooner. I've applied DC to a transformer and it held off current for 20ms. Second time I did it, 2ms before current from CV/CC supply shot up to limit.
Not that I've ever seen. Between 2ms and 100ms depending on core material and design, but that's simply how long it takes for the magnetic field to fully collapse and rhe core material magnetic poles to randomize again, go back to a non-magnetic state.
That's transformer inrush.
Again, completely different subject and I don't agree with the assumption of what causes inrush effect.
Reverse polarity, and it holds off current for 20ms the first time. 2ms the second.
Of course it 'charges' quicker, the conductor material, winding, is ionized, the electrons are excited, and an electronic doesn't care which way the current flows through a conductor.
We are talking sub atomic particles, literally as fast as the speed of light...
Either polarity direction all they have to be is excited. The first charge excited them and they haven't gone back into stable orbits (or phases if you are a physicists).
Electrons are weird little animals, they have at least 32 states we know about, do weird dissapearing things, etc.
That's why it's called electrical theory instead of electrical fact, we just don't know what those little buggers do in their private life...
If you try to reduce current to zero instantly, the collapsing field will induce current.
Only if there is a completed circuit in the path of that collapsing magnetic field.
If not, it's like any wire conductor and the residual magnetic field fades out into the planetary magnetic field.
We've blown up some power supplies that way.
I can't comment on how your power supplies failed...
It is how points-type ignition works. Energy is stored in the magnetic flux (mostly in your air gap, or distributed gap for ferrites, or in the shellac gap between laminations of an e-core.)
Nothing is 'Stored'.
Its transformed from electrical current, to magnetic field, when the magnetic field collapses THROUGH the secondary winding that MOVING magnetic field INDUCES a current in the secondary winding.
Everything depends on movement, current movement to produce the magnetic field, collapse movement to induce secondary coil current, all movement, nothing stored.
There is a delay only because of the gap in the spark plug.
It takes time to ionize the gap, get the plasma ball started,
Voltage in the secondary winding will increase as the magnetic field collapses.
That secondary coil induction current will stop when the magnetic field collapses. Period. No storage.
Of the plasma ball didn't form, there won't be a spark...
If the plasma ball does form, then you have a completed circuit.
The POTENTIAL became actual current.
That's why we manipulate core material, shape, conductor size in both primary & secondary windings, adjust the gap at the plug, etc.
We manipulate for VOLTAGE to get the plug gap ionized, the plasma ball started.
Once that happens, we manipulate for DURATION, as much TIME as we can keep that plasma ball alive in the gap.
The sooner the gap ionizes, the plasma ball forms, the more of the very short time can be spent on keeping that plasma ball alive to get the fuel/air mixture burning.
6 volts @ 3 amps didn't do it, so we tried 12 volts @ roughly 3 amps.
Thicker primary wire for more than 3 amps and the coil became too big/expensive.
Thicker wire means more wire for the same number of turns, and a circle expands at a rate of 3.14 (pi), so more than 3 times the size for just the primary winding.
The next step was to get away from breaker points with ionization/arcing problems, slow switching.
Transistors had pretty much a square switching wave form, no bell curve ramp up, ramp down issues, and no mechanical wear/dwell time issues.
Firing voltages went from 7k to about 18k volts, but open circuit peak out voltage could reach 75k.
The higher the voltage the less amperage/duration, so quick, thin, thready weak plasma at the gap, bit it was plasma every single time...
You CAN'T increase saturation time, the time the breaker points are closed, you can't add a lot more windings, but you CAN take the losses in saturation TIME from the breaker points by using a transistor for switching.
When that pretty much maxed out, transistors were reliable and capacitors were being used as storage devices, so capacitive induction threw 600 volts at the ignition coil.
Two banks of capacitors could keep the plasma ball in the plug gap 6 times (or more) longer, virtually ensuring the fuel/air mixture would get ignited.
Of course, this changed everything, vehicles started promptly, and in all conditions, even when the fuel mixture was screwed up.
When the RPM increases above 2,500 to 3,500 there is no longer mechanical TIME to fire that plug 6 times so fast you never loose the plasma ball.
The ignition has to go to single fire, but again, the mechanical engine DWELL doesn't matter anymore, both sets of capacitors can feed the coil at 600 volts for one LONG duration plasma ball.
Engines running at higher RPM are MUCH easier to ignite than a cold one at a couple hundred RPM with screwed up fuel mixture... so it works well.
I don't normally post this, but I do have a couple of patents (long expired) in automotive ignitions.
There is a reason I had money in the bank to buy land with when I got disabled in the Marines.
Not Bill Gates or Bruce Springsteen money (shows how old I am), but enough to get started on.
So self educated, so I do fully admit I have some gaping holes in that education. Not like a self-propelled sandbag in the Marines accidently gets an EE degree...
The reason I did well at ignitions is right time, right place, understanding of the electromagnetic principals, and a little OCD, I can't leave a stone unturned. See backups and redundancy for everything in my solar systems for examples.
Ignirions were the big limiting factor, switching from breaker points to electronic breakerless, and I had car parts to play with as a kid.
Conversions from breaker to breaker less was my first paying business about 13 years old.
I tuned race cars before that, and trucks/farm equipment before that.
I'm naturally a gears and wires guy.
Either mechanical motion, or just magnetic field collapsing because you tried to stop the current.