diy solar

diy solar

Half price electric cars

And to be clear, I'm not for one moment deluded into thinking EVs will save the planet. They are just less worse than ICEVs.

The biggest benefits will be the vast reduction in harmful particulate emissions in our cities and (in Australia at least) the fact that the energy required to power them is all made from locally generated sources rather than foreign oil which we are way overdependent upon.

Do they make EV's in Australia?
I want to reduce the federal deficit. Freedom to pollute has a cost. It would be appropriate for the polluters to pay society's cost.
Where does it stop? Should we allow industrial waste to be dumped in the rivers again? What else?
Federal deficit has nothing to do with pushing people to EVs (except maybe making the deficit worse with all these subsidies).
Do you think that an EV is pollution free? Ok it has no tailpipe emissions, but dang man you seen the mineral requirements for them and the mess that makes?
Look everything has some level of pollution - I am in no way saying that ICE vehicles have no related materials mining pollution but I'm just reminding that really you're shifting some forms of pollution from around from usage to manufacturing. Then there is the whole disposal side of things at the end.
I'm again not against EVs, just against being forced into something I don't want or does not work for my situation as well.

And please, I never said to dump chemicals into the water. But now that you mention it, the mining process for lithium isn't exactly water friendly IIRC. Ironic.
I said they were happening already...
You will be dead by the time what you're worried about will happen, so stop worrying & dry your tears.

Do your parents know you're sneaking into their liquor cabinet and then playing on the internet?

yes, haven't you heard all of the movement to abolish the EPA?
Why wouldn't you want oil filled rivers again? Reagan was a mistake, should have never let the EPA happen

Reagan didn't create the EPA, Abraham Lincoln did and announced its creation at the Gettysburg address.
Do they make EV's in Australia?
Only some very specialist/niche vehicles. But we don't make ICEVs either. Car manufacturing ended here many moons back. Lack of scale.

If for some reason we have a supply of new vehicles cut, well at least the existing fleet can continue operating for some time. You have time to work out a strategy.

If for some reason we have our oil supply cut, well we have just 3 weeks supply of petrol and diesel on hand at any one time. That's it.

Our oil reserve beyond that (about 3 month's worth) is held in the United States. We pay for the privilege of storing oil in Texas.

Meanwhile all electricity generation is from domestic sources of energy (water, wind, sun, coal, gas).
Larger gas-powered equipment such as generators and large pressure washers will still be allowed. However, bans on those are slated to take effect in 2028.

**Correction: A previous version of this story failed to clarify that the law applies only to gas-powered equipment made after December 31st, 2023. Equipment manufactured prior to 2024 can still be sold at retailers across the state.

It is not me saying this, it is the government of California.
Also good to go with engines of 26hp and larger. I guess just take a road trip to Nevada to buy an "outlaw" sub 26hp engined machine.
Who's talking about models? The relationship has been firmly established from observations.
What observations? With what equipment? Over what period? In what location? Did that location change over time? Just because it may or may not be warmer now compared to when you were a kid doesn't mean much. There was 1-2 miles of ice near my home at one point. There were dinosaurs at one point too.

Climate changes, and did before man burned hydrocarbons from deep in the Earth.

We aren't talking about gravity or some other observable force. We are talking about a theory. The planet heats up and cools down levels of atmospheric gases change through time.

The output of the sun is not constant either.

To state as fact that we will have any measurable influence on the temperture by releasing co2 trapped in things which were burned in the last tiny fraction of time is a stretch.
Also good to go with engines of 26hp and larger. I guess just take a road trip to Nevada to buy an "outlaw" sub 26hp engined machine.
Yes this is typical of centralized control. They drive buyers from a 12hp mower to a 26hp mower even if it is overkill.

There have been attempts to limit hair dryers wattage to save electricity. Of course this just means that the person runs their hair dryer for longer at a lower output.

In the US we went away from station wagons based on cars to station wagons based on trucks because of emissions and efficiency standards imposed on us.

Water vapor can trap heat in the atmosphere.
It is causing the climate to change.

We must reduce the amount of water vapor caused by humans.

Any natural process by which water vapor is created is completely fine and not a threat, but the human caused water vapor is destroying our planet. We must capture this human caused water vapor and get our contribution to human caused water vapor down to zero or we face an ecological nightmare.

This theory is clearly a joke, and so is the one that is being used to force us to give up our prosperity and security for.
Only some very specialist/niche vehicles. But we don't make ICEVs either. Car manufacturing ended here many moons back. Lack of scale.

If for some reason we have a supply of new vehicles cut, well at least the existing fleet can continue operating for some time. You have time to work out a strategy.

If for some reason we have our oil supply cut, well we have just 3 weeks supply of petrol and diesel on hand at any one time. That's it.

Our oil reserve beyond that (about 3 month's worth) is held in the United States. We pay for the privilege of storing oil in Texas.

Meanwhile all electricity generation is from domestic sources of energy (water, wind, sun, coal, gas)
You have those big land train trucks there that would probably have enough roof to help charge a battery. An efficient diesel tractor plus an electric assist. It wouldn't replace the diesel engine, but could reduce consumption.

One might be able to make a fully electric truck that isn't absurdly expensive and heavy if it could drive very slowly. An electric only limp mode so to speak.

Build yourself one now and if the gas supply ever runs out you will be the only game in town! Haha.
And many do include the energy consumption and emissions from the battery.

The IEA published this years ago:

View attachment 205907

Yep, manufacture of EVs requires more energy and emissions than ICEVs. But the extra is far outweighed by the much lower emissions required to operate the vehicle.

What is the meaning of those capital "I" shaped error bars on the EV graphs?
And considering them, is it true the energy and emissions are far outweighed by lower emissions to operate the vehicle?
Who's talking about models? The relationship has been firmly established from observations.

The temperature rise from CO2 is miniscule. Already enough CO2 that any more has precious little direct impact on Earth's temperature, because virtually all IR it can block it already blocks.
Only multiplying factors, where warming up 0.8 degrees causes positive feedback and raises the temperature a number of degrees, is a concern.

The Earth is in the middle of a secular warming trend, as it comes out of a recent ice age. Won't it warm up more than that 0.8 degrees on its on, undergo positive feedback, and tip toward even warmer temperatures? All without without our help?


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Imo the current hybrid crop is kind of lame.
The new ram or the i3 rex would be a better solution imo.
Most hybrids funnel the petrol energy through the drivetrain. Far more inefficient I imagine as well as more complex than a generator
What you describe is a series hybrid. Toyota's designs are parallel (mostly) hybrids. Parallel is more efficient - Toyota uses a simple planetary gear that's 98-99% efficient vs. the 85-90% efficient series hybrid generator --> inverter --> e-motor path. Parallel is also generally less expensive as the power electronics don't have to handle combined ICE+battery power and the motor/generators can do double duty. The only real advantage to series is design flexbility. You can put the engine/generator anywhere you like and snake wires all over to reach the e-motor. A parallel hybrid needs a pretty direct and preferably very short path to the drive wheels.
Would you agree to put your great great grandchildren into slavery for your own comfort today? Do you not care what happens to future humans?
No, I'm not like you lot. The future is actually important.

Do your parents know you're sneaking into their liquor cabinet and then playing on the internet?

Reagan didn't create the EPA, Abraham Lincoln did and announced its creation at the Gettysburg address.
Not degenerate enough to drink, princess
my bad, it was nixon

Should we allow industrial waste to be dumped in the rivers again?
see I told you, yes, we have to make the rivers red with oil again
The EPA allows all sorts of adulteration of our environment. The EPA Is unconstitutional.
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And to be clear, I'm not for one moment deluded into thinking EVs will save the planet. They are just less worse than ICEVs.

The biggest benefits will be the vast reduction in harmful particulate emissions in our cities and (in Australia at least) the fact that the energy required to power them is all made from locally generated sources rather than foreign oil which we are way overdependent upon.
You must have missed the recent report that showed that due to accelerated tire wear EVs have significantly higher particulate emissions than ICE vehicles.
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diy solar

diy solar