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Half price electric cars

Free market solutions? The free market has only one purpose and that is to make as much money as it possibly can. Negative externalities, like pollution, unless prohibited by law (and thus the voting public) is not a consideration. By making rules on what is and isn't allowed, the free market has some guidelines that all players have to follow.

Yes, with some (enforceable) guidelines free markets can do better, but that is not a given. I would not want private ownership of roads, nor would I want governments to build the cars to drive on them.

Free markets can still have laws. It is when the government and corporations join together to design, implement, and enforce laws in a coordinated way that problems arise.
Hertz is ditching (some?) electric cars in part because companies like Tesla don't give volume discounts to Hertz. At to that that in China there is a price war going on between the 300+electric car manufactures and profits are dropping. IF other countries allow car imports from China, (under a free market they would) The traditional companies are in a world of hurt as they are too slow to innovate.
Gas got the worst under Obama and Biden. It was much better under administrations that were energy friendly. Heck everything was cheaper 2016-2020 before the current pResident and his (purposeful) train wreck.
gas absolutely skyrocketed and went insane in 2007-2008 wtf you talking about

Free markets can still have laws. It is when the government and corporations join together to design, implement, and enforce laws in a coordinated way that problems arise.
ban lobbyist then
Free markets can still have laws. It is when the government and corporations join together to design, implement, and enforce laws in a coordinated way that problems arise.
In reality that is correct, should we call them regulated markets? (Which is something a few people here are aggressively against)

I have a problem with corporations having so much influence on government. I hear that in the US they can donate money to the political campaigns of politicians and in return those politicians will give subsidies to those corporations well in excess of the campaign contributions. Add to that their news media is privately owned, which means advertising dollars can and do prevent the news media pointing out the real issues in an unbiased way.
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Hardly the same thing and you know that.

Unless you expect to have super giant batteries capable of storing enough from summer sun to have excess to use in winter... holy crap that is a lot of batteries.
Hydropower is seasonal energy storage. Pumped hydro is weeks, batteries hours. We are building large pumped hydro for just this purpose. Massive batteries are going up at a rate of knots.

Places unable to have sufficient renewables + storage can use nuclear.

Just need to end coal and most gas where possible for grid energy generation. Gas should be saved for applications that cannot be transitioned economically (e.g. many industrial processes).
Where are you getting this from?

YearNational Average Gas Price (Dollars/Gallon) ThenNational Average Gas Price (Dollars/Gallon) In 2022 Dollars
Are you literally only talking about gas here or both of them?
I got gas from the prices here. 35 cents to who the hell knows somewhere around 4

hell even in 1999 gas was still 85 cents all over colorado mountains
Are you literally only talking about gas here or both of them?
I got gas from the prices here. 35 cents to who the hell knows somewhere around 4

hell even in 1999 gas was still 85 cents all over colorado mountains
You said "gas has gone up 12x in 40-50 year"
Please explain this. I purchased a lot of fuel back then and I don't believe this is true. I posted National Average prices and price adjusted for inflation.
gas absolutely skyrocketed and went insane in 2007-2008 wtf you talking about

ban lobbyist then
Right, I recall that in 2008. Some smug Prius owner tried gloating at the gas station about his mpg until I pointed out I still got upper 20s out of a car that cost me only $3500 and asked him what his car payment was.

But the highest I've paid for gas was during Obama and Biden. I paid over $4 sometime in 2010 or 2011 I think it was. Near $5 under the current clown show a year or two back. Came back down some but still higher, and been edging up again recently.
You said "gas has gone up 12x in 40-50 year"
Please explain this. I purchased a lot of fuel back then and I don't believe this is true. I posted National Average prices and price adjusted for inflation.
and I asked if you were talking about only gas or both of them..
and then I did explain it
need to be linked to my post again?

Right, I recall that in 2008. Some smug Prius owner tried gloating at the gas station about his mpg until I pointed out I still got upper 20s out of a car that cost me only $3500 and asked him what his car payment was.

But the highest I've paid for gas was during Obama and Biden. I paid over $4 sometime in 2010 or 2011 I think it was. Near $5 under the current clown show a year or two back. Came back down some but still higher, and been edging up again recently.
Yep, people buying those insanely priced cars will never see a return
I still have my car from the 1990s, still runs fine. Cost me ~4k as well
Remember when diesel was cheaper than gas pre bush? the good ol' days
Yeah not sure why diesel is so high now. Demand is part of it. Stricter regs? And clue.

Also, the 10 cents difference between grades is looong gone. My toy car needs mid grade and it is like 40 cents more per gallon now. Blah.

20,000 years ?- glacial periods are 120,000 years.
The interglacial periods are short, the glacial periods are far longer - the graph above has the temps invertered I expect.
We are not (today) under two miles of ice, in a glacial period, we are in the latest interglacial period -ie the short warm period between ice ages.
If the pattern were repeating as ice cores indicate in the past, it should be getting colder every winter at this point in the cycle.
Yeah not sure why diesel is so high now. Demand is part of it. Stricter regs? And clue.

Also, the 10 cents difference between grades is looong gone. My toy car needs mid grade and it is like 40 cents more per gallon now. Blah.
The missing 10c grade difference is infuriating lol.
I still pay it but sheesh. Although if I can find an ethanol free station I go there over getting blended premium
and I asked if you were talking about only gas or both of them..
and then I did explain it
need to be linked to my post again?
I read your post several times. It is a little tough to read without punctuation and complete sentences.
My post is clearly labeled and is talking about gasoline prices that you claimed have risen 12 fold in 50 years.
So you bought gas for $.85/gallon in 1999.
$.85 x 12 = $10.20/ gallon?
Where are you getting this 12X increase in gasoline prices?

Colorado looks to be a lower cost state on average so it would probably be better to stick with national average prices for comparison.
20,000 years ?- glacial periods are 120,000 years.
The interglacial periods are short, the glacial periods are far longer - the graph above has the temps invertered I expect.
We are not (today) under two miles of ice, in a glacial period, we are in the latest interglacial period -ie the short warm period between ice ages.
If the pattern were repeating as ice cores indicate in the past, it should be getting colder every winter at this point in the cycle.
Actually, they vary, and don't necessarily match up with the Milankovitch cycle.
So much joy in driving a car that runs on batteries.
I am sure batteries are reason number one for you and why you should not even think about driving or owning an EV. I an sure you have twenty five other reasons as well. You will be able to drive the car of your choice for at least the next twenty years. After that I have no idea what the choices will be and I wont care.
Where are you getting this 12X increase in gasoline prices?
I don't know about his experience but 50 years ago in the late sixties I remember gasoline in California at $0.27 a gallon. With a fill up, even with a VW with a 9 gallon tank I would get a free drinking glass. Now prices are routinely above $4.00 a gallon in California.
Have a look on YouTube for unsold Chinese EVs! There are thousands, if not tens of thousands of brand new EVs sitting in huge lots in China. Some are approaching 5 years old and now obsolete - not to mention the fact that the batteries are probably completely rooted from sitting for so long. Nobody wants them.

Massive Communist Party subsidised factories producing EVs that few Chinese can afford or want.

For those companies that went 'all in' on EVs a few years ago - it must be a tough gig!

Tesla may survive in the US, if tariffs are applied, but there's going to be millions of cheap EVs dumped into European and Asian markets soon.
Actually, they vary, and don't necessarily match up with the Milankovitch cycle.
Indeed they do vary, or at the very least, the data we have been able to collect varies.
The point of my post was to bring attention to the errors, especially since @Hedges is typically very good with data.
The chart I referenced from his post shows "Today" at a glacial minimum, and shows the interglacial periods longer than the glacial periods, something the data does not support, actually the opposite. As far as I know, the ice core data is about 400,000 years and indicates 4 glacial periods. Some of the posted data shows hundreds of millions of years.
Nobody wants them.

Massive Communist Party subsidised factories producing EVs that few Chinese can afford or want.

For those companies that went 'all in' on EVs a few years ago - it must be a tough gig!
Not a tough gig for those that produce EVs that are selling. In China today, 25% of new car sales are EVs even though it is a lottery system skewed toward EVs, they are selling well. . Oddly despite the authoritarian government there is a robust system of capitalism with this odd governent influence that is driving peoples choices. In China, power is cheap and people have been driving electric scooters and even three wheeler carts to bring produce into the cities from the farms so people are used to plugging in overnight to charge their vehicle.
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Not a tough gig for those that have EVs that are selling. In China today, 25% of new car sales are EVs even though it is a lottery system skewed toward EVs, they are selling well. . Oddly despite the authoritarian government there is a robust system of capitalism with this odd governent influence that is driving peoples choices. In China, power is cheap and people have been driving electric scooters and even three wheeler carts to bring produce into the cities from the farms so people are used to plugging in overnight to charge their vehicle.
Are they real sales or book cooked sales?

Sorry I just cannot trust any official numbers from China.

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diy solar