diy solar

diy solar

Half price electric cars

Not that kind of don't care.

I don’t want gas vehicles regulated out of existence until electric cars and trucks can do exactly what gas cars and trucks can do for the exact same price or less with equal service/repair costs 10 years down the road.

The lack of empathy from the EV dorks who "do just fine" is what drives me nuts. They think because the ev suits their needs that it suits everyone else's as well.
yep they are just like the Vegans... give them 5 seconds and they will talk off your ear about how stupid you are for eating meat...

kind of like the pro vaxxers do what we say or will will not treat you in a hospital for any illness...

its called the I am special and you are not brigade.... kinda like marxists and socialists.
The ONLY thing I like about government mandating, or setting a deadline for a mandate (that can easily change) is it helps nudge companies into developing tech, and working out kinks in existing tech prior to the deadline…
did n't the USSR trying running a central government during the cold war and it failed? sorry this smacks so hard of communism that I cannot and will not abide by it.
Well we are working on making sure the electricity costs as much as gasoline. Probably need to double the price one more time. :cool:
I'm working on the opposite. I have two EVs and I pay $6 a month for power.
Not a tough gig for those that produce EVs that are selling. In China today, 25% of new car sales are EVs even though it is a lottery system skewed toward EVs, they are selling well. . Oddly despite the authoritarian government there is a robust system of capitalism with this odd governent influence that is driving peoples choices. In China, power is cheap and people have been driving electric scooters and even three wheeler carts to bring produce into the cities from the farms so people are used to plugging in overnight to charge their vehicle.
power is cheap as they do not regulate its production. why you think they have so much air polution issues?
Except a large and powerfull industry is threatened and has spent a lot of time and money obstructing organic growth.
this is myopic at best. the oil industry will be around forever... just for cosmetics... you going to bed with an ugly chick? nope but she has enough foundations, cremes and (basically paint) to make you want to boff her... those are all made with a healthy dose of petroleum products.....

Oh thats why you want everybody to go tranny... hoping that a lowered sex drive will lower the use of cosmetics... sorry even going ball less use's oil for many of the treatments and drugs
Interesting question, but what geological effects have a measurable outcome delta in a 200+ year span.
It is clear that sequested Carbon has been released to the atmophere in a very short time (compared to geological processes) even with ice-core data we are limited to a tiny fraction of geological history data, and I wish we had a lot more. Do we need certainty to guide our decisions, or common sense.
It would be a poor scenario to continue playing with things that may destroy our ability to feed humanity, akin to a one-year-old paying with a hand-grenade, simply because we didn't know the outcome for certain.
really? What you think happens when a lightening strike starts a forest fire in lets say 200 AD? yes a lot of sequestered carbon going up in smoke. this has to be the stupidest comment yet.
Yep. And your body's biology is ever changing, and someday you'll die. Still, if someone changed it so quickly that you died tomorrow, I think you'd think that was not ideal.

And we once required horses, oxen and mules to feed all the humans living on the planet. Then we moved on - as we will again.

You are watching too much FOX News. Get some real sources.
you went straight from something that was thoughtful to propaganda... another member on ignore
Correct I am stating that the prognosis is not really as bad as some want us to believe
We moved on because of advancement through innovation and continuous improvement. Not because all of the oxen and mules were shot years before the new tractor was delivered.
yes my grandpa was still farming in rural indiana with horse in 1955. then he bought his first tractor when he could afford it.
I don't watch TV news. Haven't had TV for almost 2 decades.

I do read though, maybe that is the issue. I guess I need to stop reading so I don't disagree to far outside the lines of the false left right paradigm.

I can read people in their own words and writing. I need no source other than the source which I seek at any moment. I don't require some false authority to spoon feed things to me.

Is the person who says something or writes something down considered a good source for insight in their intentions?
sound words.
Not really, it would be a manageable amount of Co2.
The plan as of now is that ships will probably be Hybrid in design. They are already testing them.
I don't know how planes will work out in the USA, but other countries are already investing heavily in Railways to get ahead of the domestic issue.
Gen Z has already been programmed to stay at home and stay on their phones, so that will cut down on international flights in the 2040s :ROFLMAO:
take a prozac, plant more trees... whooo... shaaa... whooo... shaaa you can do it Bro!

diy solar

diy solar