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diy solar

diy solar

I need some help with my Schneider System

That was 400bird's suggestion but we are in agreement that the charge controllers are working and recharging the batteries. Its just a Xanbus communication issue.
Thanks everyone that help me. I tried without the SCP on the XANBUS but no change. I have not yet updated the InsightHome so I will wait to tomorrow when the sun comes out again. It is a very strange problem as I think the MPPT's work but do not show anything from the solar panels. I have also ordered a DC clamp meter to verify if I get voltage/current from the MPPT's. That comes after some waiting time.
Here is the history - I still can not see any power coming from the solar cells although I knew they are providing power because I can see power PV Power and PV Voltage from the MPPT's. The battery is being charged even though it looks on the picture (see below) that the battery is helping the home power. I have tested the Xanbus cables ant they were good. I have removed the CommBox from the Xanbus as requested. I have had the SPC removed temporarily and no change to the system. I have upgraded the firmware to the InsightHome from 1.14 to 1.17 with no improvement to the problem. I have played with the set-up parameters and currently sell 0 Amp to the grid. Several other parameters have been played with and no change. I had the system in total power off when I tested the Xanbus cables. I ma lost as to why I do not see any solar power on the picture below. I see power coming into the MPPT's on the picture below. What remains and can be my problem?
No DC output is showed on the picture above but I think there is some. I have ordered a DC clamp current meter so I will eventually know what comes out from the MPPT. I will inform Schneider about my problem and see if they have any additional suggestion. Thanks everyone who have helped me so far.
Did you try power cycling the charge controllers and Insight?
If that doesn't help, my next step would be factory resets on the Insight then MPPTs.
The firmware is up-to-date,

Do you recommend that I do a reset to factory and then program all my changes?
The power cycling was part of testing the Xanbus cables = no power to the MPPT's for approx 1 hour.
The firmware is up-to-date,
Do you recommend that I do a reset to factory and then program all my changes?
Before entering your settings I'd check to see if the battery voltage/charge current is displayed. There's a chance it's a setting that is causing the loss of displayed charge info. Then keep rechecking as you enter parameters.
The battery voltage seems constant:
The total picture shows no solar and that power is from the battery
Does this answer your questions?
Does this answer your questions?
I didn't have any questions.

By battery voltage, I meant battery voltage and charge current as reported by the charge controller. The charge controller reporting has the issue, so we're focusing on the charge controller and communication.

In your post #65, it is called "DC output voltage" and "DC output current" in the charge controller status page.
Sorry, I got the name slightly incorrect.
Are you sure your two MPPTS have different device ID's? They need to be different.
Modbus Slave Address (Port 503) 170 and the second one has 171. they are called MPPT 1 and 2.
Bus ID shows 1 for both units but different Bus Addresses.
Any problems with that?
Wait if those are 1 and 2, what do you have the XW set to?

I don't have multiple MPPTs so, I'm not 100% sure how the set up works.

I think I'd try running a test with just one MPPT connected to the Xanbus and Insight (drop the inverter and second MPPT) I'd drop the disconnect, but I think you need it in the system to allow the MPPTs to output.

@pvdude I think has 2 MPPTs and 2 XWs
Your MPPTs show DC output current and voltage, right? Any clues as to what's going on?
I recall having to set the device name & number individually on each CC.
Otherwise, I think the values for the other settings are all identical.
Here is a configuration from one of the Schneider MPPT 100A-600vdc charge controllers.
It is night here now, so the PV is quiescent.
(Note the batteries are FLA's, so the settings are different from other battery technologies)
Based on what you are describing, it seems like the current is flowing where you want/expect. I'd remove all xanbus cables, and add 1 thing back at a time. Connect the essentials first. insight, inverter, and 1 MPPT. see if the dashboard shows power flow.

If yes, add the next essential. (probably an MPPT). rinse repeat until it's misbehaving, and you've found your conflicting/problematic device.

Based on the other info you've provided, I suspect this is just a xanbus communications/conflict issue, and not a power flow issue.

I may have overlooked it, but you DO have a xanbus terminator on the last device in the xanbus chain, correct?

If you still have an SCP and/or combox, leave those for last. both are deprecated (replaced by the insight), so those are not only "non essential" but also.. probably not ideal to have installed.
I have terminators at each end of the Xanbus. I took MPPT 2 away from the buss and we will see what happens tomorrow when the sun comes up.
The power seems to flow the right way but it does not show so on the picture. We will see tomorrow now that MPPT2 is not on the buss.
I own both but only the InsightHome adapter has been on the Xanbus for several days now with the ComBox removed.
I own both but only the InsightHome adapter has been on the Xanbus for several days now with the ComBox removed.
I know you mentioned a xanbus terminator on each side of the chain. but, the insight has one built in.

I'd probably make the insight the first device. ie:

insight > inverter > mppt (terminator on other port of MPPT.

so there should only be one physical terminator plugged into the port.
See how that works. Then expand if the dashboard shows info
I am waiting for sun... pvdude showed setups which showed under Advanced Device Setting 3 green settings - I have none of those set and the question is if I should? Is Periodic Transmit Enable required by my system?
I have only 1 terminator at the MPPT Disconnect. The other side use the built-in terminator in the InsightHome device. So while waiting for sun I have the following connected today = InsightHome - SCP - Inverter - MPPT 1 (and not #2) - MPPT Disconnect. Lets see how that works this PM when the sun is expected.
This is the picture I am getting - the solar panels must be charging the battery as the Voltage is going up from this morning 50 Volts to now 52 Volts.

But why no energy from the PV panels is shown really makes me confused.
This is the picture I am getting - the solar panels must be charging the battery as the Voltage is going up from this morning 50 Volts to now 52 Volts.

But why no energy from the PV panels is shown really makes me confused.
View attachment 181139View attachment 181137

Can we please only include the essentials. remove the SCP. The essentials are: insight device, inverter, and 1 MPPT. leave everything else off of the xanbus network for now.
I have had the SCP off the Xanbus with no improvement. Let me set up the recommendation tonight while there is no power coming coming in. I have also written Schneider for their recommendation if I ever will here from them - they seem to take forever to make any recommendations.
Yes I do have two banks of 48 Volt batteries tied to the system and I am able to read the battery as 54 Volt max and also slightly below if not charged.
Since we've exhausted just about everything else, i am still wondering why you have 15S batteries?

3.65V x 15 = 54.75V

Your batteries must be REALLY well balanced to handle the 54.4V you see to routinely charge to:

54.4V / 15 = 3.626V

Sounds a little too good to be true based on all the batteries i have ever built and used.
For the MPPT's set-up under section under Charger Setting there is the "Charge Mode" with Stand-Alone, Primary, Secondary and Echo to select. I have one MPPT as Primary and the other one as Secondary - should they be Stand-Alone or Echo. There does not seem to be any write-up about this in the manual. Any advise would here be appreciated.

diy solar

diy solar