diy solar

diy solar

Install and Operation of the SUNGOLD 10KW 48V SPLIT PHASE SOLAR INVERTER

Interesting.... 5 make sense that way...would be my preference as well.

on mine the BMS set value for 9 and 11 is 56.4 significantly more but others are saying theirs is set to 57.6 for 9 and 11
9 is bulk, 11 is float, this is not related to the BMS... When you enable comms SOC takes over and the BMS is telling the inverter the SOC... In User 9 and 11 take affect based on voltage...
On voltages.... There was great advice given to meter voltage at the inverter terminals and the batteries, I see ~0.04V difference.
as far as balance threshold I'm never getting anywhere near 3.4/cell ?? right now max on all 5 packs is 3.321 .... maybe I don't understand what this does but if the cells never reach that voltage then is doesn't matter anyway, right?

I'm fairly certain user will take care of this... It will charge at max current available until you hit the programmed voltage...

All I know for certain is my only issues have been user induced until I dialed in settings, otherwise USER settings have been rock solid.
Person not having problems is running in user mode. Person in denial and having problems is running coms.


Maybe try setting it to user and using the settings the person that isn't having problems is using?

Ya know since it doesn't cost anything and just requires pushing buttons it might be worth trying for a few days. Leave the batteries connected to solar assistant and just unplug the battery coms cable from the inverter.
Wow! I said well F' it!
went to @42OhmsPA suggested (sort of with my variations on voltages) and Damn!
Suddenly back to serious charging ... 2K+ going to batteries voltage readings at 53.5 cell readings at 3.358 down to 3.341 or so...

...watching like a hawk....
Person not having problems is running in user mode. Person in denial and having problems is running coms.


Maybe try setting it to user and using the settings the person that isn't having problems is using?

Ya know since it doesn't cost anything and just requires pushing buttons it might be worth trying for a few days. Leave the batteries connected to solar assistant and just unplug the battery coms cable from the inverter.
Yep... just did that. LOL! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
I am willing to bet Configuration Item #7 (Max Charging Current) went from a low value to the default of 60 Amps.

You might see the same increase in charging by leaving the battery type = L16 and disconnecting the BMS cable. The inverter will go back to the defaults unless you changed them.

SOKTools will change 'CHARGING-ON' TO 'CHARGING-OFF' and 'CHARGING' will get grayed out once the BMS has determined the battery can't take any more
I am willing to bet Configuration Item #7 (Max Charging Current) went from a low value to the default of 60 Amps.

You might see the same increase in charging by leaving the battery type = L16 and disconnecting the BMS cable. The inverter will go back to the defaults unless you changed them.

SOKTools will change 'CHARGING-ON' TO 'CHARGING-OFF' and 'CHARGING' will get grayed out once the BMS has determined the battery can't take any more
Oh Yeah....currently cranking approx 8 A each to 5 batteries...which matches Solar Assistant Max charge current ... and inverter Param #7 reading 40 A
... User.... User... User ?
Setting 04 - 48V or higher
05 ~53V
08 - USER
09 - 55.2V - 55.6V
10 - 90 - 120 minutes
11 - 54.8V
12 - 44V
13 - 10 seconds or so
14 - 48V
15 - 40V or higher
16 - disabled!
21 - disabled
22 - disabled
32 - SLA
What about param 37? battery full? Does that not matter in User mode?
What about param 37? battery full? Does that not matter in User mode?
I would set it a bit below your float voltage.
"37 - Battery full recharge voltage point.
Inverter stops charging when the battery is full. Inverter resumes charging when the battery voltage below this value. Setting range: 44V~54V."
Well this is weird....seems to be 'stuck' charging at about 8 A each of 5 batteries voltage 'stuck' at 53.6 ... hasn't really changed in a couple of hours at least, maybe longer...
40 amps is the total from the inverter and it is being divided amongst the batteries (5 batteries * 8 amps = 40A total)
What does the SOKTool show for curent for each battery.
What does the SOKTool show for cell voltages and are they increasing (probably slowly)
Does the SOKTool (or the battery) indicate any alarms.
Is the left hand SOC led on each battery blinking, this indicates the battery is charging.
Set menu item #32 to SLA which will turn off BMS Comms or just disconnect the cable (ignore the alarm). This will ensure the BMS (even through the battery type is User) is not affecting any of the charge parameters.
40 amps is the total from the inverter and it is being divided amongst the batteries (5 batteries * 8 amps = 40A total)
What does the SOKTool show for curent for each battery.
What does the SOKTool show for cell voltages and are they increasing (probably slowly)
Does the SOKTool (or the battery) indicate any alarms.
Is the left hand SOC led on each battery blinking, this indicates the battery is charging.
Set menu item #32 to SLA which will turn off BMS Comms or just disconnect the cable (ignore the alarm). This will ensure the BMS (even through the battery type is User) is not affecting any of the charge parameters.
yes approx 8 A each battery
as before 3.34 - 3.35
yes batteries are charging
not to jump ahead, but as of now I've gone back to Closed loop and the settings as before
I would completely top up the whole bank. If each battery is still only taking 8 amps as one approaches 100% its amps will start to drop. The others will maintain amps and the voltage will slowly increase.
Mine charges like mad till it gets close then slows down big time within 5% or so of being charged then goes almost trickle charging for the last bit.
I would completely top up the whole bank. If each battery is still only taking 8 amps as one approaches 100% its amps will start to drop. The others will maintain amps and the voltage will slowly increase.
You may be right....may take some time....dunno though....that was about 6+ hours today and it kinda stuck at 3.3
Mine charges like mad till it gets close then slows down big time within 5% or so of being charged then goes almost trickle charging for the last bit.
Well I went back to Closed Loop but then (see how schizo I am) though I should just let it continue and see where it get to.....well next surprise...
I went back to open loop and @42OhmsPA 's values (approximately) and no charging! Guess it has to drop below some value... have I said this documentation is HORRIBLE! I'm not finding the param that causes the battery charging to start....gad!

Is it #12 Bob? I'll choose Door number 12!
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Only 12:30pm and all batteries show 100% SOC, 56.29V
But they still take 2.1A each

Inverter green light is OFF = not charging

Is this the cell level balancing going on?

Thinking of plugging in a space heater to burn some kWh

3 more hours of sunshine will be wasted!!
Only 12:30pm and all batteries show 100% SOC, 56.29V
But they still take 2.1A each

Inverter green light is OFF = not charging

Is this the cell level balancing going on?

Thinking of plugging in a space heater to burn some kWh

3 more hours of sunshine will be wasted!!
Ha! Don't Waste Sun!!!! I just got 2 more space heaters yesterday! :)

diy solar

diy solar