diy solar

diy solar

Install and Operation of the SUNGOLD 10KW 48V SPLIT PHASE SOLAR INVERTER

That is damn low. It compares to 24.5V in my 24V system, which doesn't have any fancy BMS communication. I use it to charge a PHEV and I won't start charging if there's not at least 26.5V displayed. The 24V system doesn't show a SOC either.

I thought with the AC in, it would never get that low, thus extending the battery life?
all depends on the settings in the Inverter and BMS....I'm still trying to understand...
In this, #5 has highest Voltage and lowest SOC simultaneously ?

The voltage may be over reported because it has an incoming charge on it.

I know... I think the SOC is bogus on #5 and there was no incoming charge at the point I captured that screenshot from Solar Assistant.
PbmsTools (or SOKTool which I like better) needs to be connected to the RS232 port instead of SA (on the master battery). Select "FF" (last option in the Pack dropdown) for the Pack in the Serial Port box before opening the serial port then all you have to do is click the battery icon at the top on the "Real-Time Monitoring" tab to view each battery. Compare the data for each and something might stand out about battery 5 that is significantly different than the others.
What I learned this morning is the differences in Param #6 .. if in "CSO" mode solar will 'override' grid charging.
When even a small amount of PV was coming in, Grid Charging turned off.

When I put it in "SNU" (default) mode it went back to (majority) grid charging but with PV coming in as well.

(This is the kind of thing that is NOT EXPLAINED in the so-called User Manual and why I think it is SHIT!)
Currently bat voltage at 52.4, standing by to see it hit #35 - 52.8 and #37 - 53.6....
Is the SGP manual different?
PbmsTools (or SOKTool which I like better) needs to be connected to the RS232 port instead of SA (on the master battery). Select "FF" (last option in the Pack dropdown) for the Pack in the Serial Port box before opening the serial port then all you have to do is click the battery icon at the top on the "Real-Time Monitoring" tab to view each battery. Compare the data for each and something might stand out about battery 5 that is significantly different than the others.
Yep, thanks. I wish I could do both at the same time. That's why I was looking for a RS485 option to connect to PBMStools... :(
The software can be connected just to battery 5's RS232 port. Just select "1" (not 5) for the Pack before opening the serial port. The data will show up under the "1" icon under on the Real-Time Monitoring tab. The ADDR textbox in the Serial Port box will show 5 indicating you are connected to battery 5. SA should still run on the RS232 port of battery 1. You will only be able to view battery 5.
The software can be connected just to battery 5's RS232 port. Just select "1" (not 5) for the Pack before opening the serial port. The data will show up under the "1" icon under on the Real-Time Monitoring tab. The ADDR textbox in the Serial Port box will show 5 indicating you are connected to battery 5. SA should still run on the RS232 port of battery 1. You will only be able to view battery 5.
Yep....figured that out. :)

dug out another cable to look at two batteries simultanously and have SA up as well.....I'm gonna figggur this shit out! LOL!

Someone ... I'm looking at you @42OhmsPA ... but not certain .. suggested that I set my full charge voltage to 54.4 per pack / 3.4 per cell and @Steve_S says here: 54.8 max per pack so I've set my Param #37 to 54.8 and am approaching full charge on all 5 batteries/packs after getting that bastard pack #5 up even with the rest. I'm on full grid bypass and charging... watching both pack 3 and 5 with PBMStools.....let's see what happens kids!

Screenshot 2024-01-14 152023.png
Sounds like positive progress...

If you use the SOKTool you can look at the BMS paramenters. The SOK Tool in my opinion is just a much better PbmsTools version and if you notice on the pic below the window title starts with "PbmsTools". With the SOKTool you have more tabs for more data

Screenshot 2024-01-14 120029.png
Sounds like positive progress...

If you use the SOKTool you can look at the BMS paramenters. The SOK Tool in my opinion is just a much better PbmsTools version and if you notice on the pic below the window title starts with "PbmsTools". With the SOKTool you have more tabs for more data

View attachment 188958
That's what I'm using, the difference is the SOK allows me to change params but I ain't gonna do anything with that for right now. ...
....I'm pretty sure it's the inverter that has limited the charging a bit with param #37 (default 52V, BMS set to 53.6V and I just upped it to 54.8V - which did seem to stick, hasn't changed back at this point)... that's why the test ... :)

and the circled values on your screen cap match mine for all five of these batteries FWIW.
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The 'system?' inverter? BMS? has backed off on the current at this point at about 98% SOC and it's slowly slowly reaching for the sky!! :)
Almost perfection on the batteries.. All showing 100% and very similar voltages.

Notice how the current is distributed very unevenly.

And don't ask about the individual cell voltage levels. I didn't want to photograph those ?

With the panels I have more problems. Damaged goods, it seems. Used = cheap.

View attachment 188963
View attachment 188962
Nice! (Sorry about the panels) ... That comm connection method is working for you? Looks like you've got battery #1 RS485A going to inverter then RS485B going to battery #2 RS485A etc #2 RS485B to #3 RS485A....
I thought I'd tried that early on and didn't work....but who was very confusing (still is for that matter) mine are Battery 1 RS485 to inverter then bat 1 RS485C to bat 2 RS485B etc. etc. and all is working fine.

I don't remember but do you have Solar Assistant running on it?
That comm connection method is working for you?

I had it pretty random initially and when I added the 5th battery on top, I had to change each box's address (+1) to make the new one #1. At that time, I rearranged the cables for more symmetry. I did not see a change in communication from it.

Is it working for me? Kind of. The inverter reports SOC as received of battery 1. If they would be unbalanced, that would likely be very poor reporting.

Someone else here worded it today as "master battery drives all decisions" or similar. Well said.
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and @Steve_S says here: 54.8 max per pack so I've set my Param #37 to 54.8 and am approaching full charge on all 5 batteries/packs after getting that bastard pack #5 up even with the rest.
That post is somewhat dated. I responded earlier in this thread with my suggested charge params for "48V" and a bit more information.
Here's a link to that post.
That post is somewhat dated. I responded earlier in this thread with my suggested charge params for "48V" and a bit more information.
Here's a link to that post.
Thank you! Will look there....I'm grasping, trying to understand what's going on here.

okay, back from reviewing that.... see the thing is I'm having a hard time translating that charging information into the parameters that are controlling my system....maybe I'm just too old for this sh*t....or not, but I understand what you are saying both here (above) and in your previous post I linked to but I can't seem to understand how to enter the parameters to make that happen with my Inverter and or BMS (which I'm hesitant to change in case of voiding warranty, but I'm almost to that point of saying F' it cause Sungold warranty returns are like pulling teeth or worse.

I'll keep hacking at it. Appreciate it!
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from Steve's post: (maybe I've got to do something like this to force the issue)

"I am unsure what BMS those SunGold packs use but they look like Seplos/Pace/TDT without Active Balancing. NONE of those will reset to 100% until 1 cell has hit High Volt Disconnect.. it's a known quirk that MANY BMS' have, even the older JK's, Daly's & JBD's.
The only way to resolve that is to set the High Volt Disconnect lower to something like 3.550 which a runner cell will hit before the rest.
NOTE that some BMS' are Feature/Function locked and some setting changes/adjustments may be disabled."

and if that is true then it sounds like I need to reboot these bastard batteries. LOL!
Thank you! Will look there....I'm grasping, trying to understand what's going on here.
I'm sorry, I haven't actively followed this thread, I got "invoked" lol and so I chimed in from what I picked up, but more generically.
The "grand experience" here has taught the lesson about being reasonable & conservative, it's the best & simplest solution to the majority of issues when it comes to charging & maintaining battery packs. When dealing with a bank full, well stuff really pops up and can cause follicle loss ! I ain't got much left no more ;-) Simply put, keeping within LFP Working Range spec and taking the "average", works best with all of the packs in a bank making life a hell of a lot easier.

On the SUNGOLD BMS, I do not know exactly WHAT they are but from the screen shots they appear to NOT have that 100% set default. It also looked like your BMS is unlocked (some companies require admin to adjust some parameters) so it's just a matter of finding the sweet spot.

I don't think there's any chance of hitting the fully charged voltage since it seems the 100% SOC has been 'recorded' and the inverter will stop charging when that happens regardless of pack or cell voltages. I'm going to let it continue to run on grid charging etc as they hit 100% and see what happens but seems clear they are not going to reach the best/highest voltage ... i.e. 54.4 or 54.8/pack 3.4../cell

maybe I have to actually change/reset the BMS in each of these packs and kind of start over to reach max voltage at 100% soc... crying.... :)

diy solar

diy solar