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diy solar

Off-grid: illegal in Florida?

I live in Florida, Pasco county. I need the grid to deliver high loads in the summer. But when the grid goes out I do make it with the 42 kw of storage I got here.
Storage is one thing but charging is another. Manage your loads and HVAC by not trying to keep the entire house going as usual. Solar, Grid, or
500-1000 gallon propane tank with a generator is your temporary answer
How exactly are we supposed to build a fortress style bunker if it's electricity can be simply shut down from the outside? :ROFLMAO:
9 months later but I had to address this. a homemade CIWS firing a 6 barreled .22 rimfire cartridge should be adequate to keep the scumbags away form it... that Or some home made claymores.
Hardly seems worth it to save $20 / month. Especially since the grid supplies so much convenience.
If the average home is using 1,000kWh per month, at an average cost of 15-cents per kWh - isn't this 150 per month? (and then again a lot of homes use more than 1,000kWh per month running A/C)
Maybe I missed what you mean?
If the average home is using 1,000kWh per month, at an average cost of 15-cents per kWh - isn't this 150 per month? (and then again a lot of homes use more than 1,000kWh per month running A/C)
Maybe I missed what you mean?
I was saying that if I made my on grid house off grid, I would save $20/month because all of the energy I use is from solar.
If I was to go completely off grid it would be a huge expensive pain in the ass to save $20/month. Being connected to the grid has many benefits. I decided to keep the connection
I was saying that if I made my on grid house off grid, I would save $20/month because all of the energy I use is from solar.
If I was to go completely off grid it would be a huge expensive pain in the ass to save $20/month. Being connected to the grid has many benefits. I decided to keep the connection

And when you look at it this way, $20/mo is cheap insurance. $250/year for access to a grid seems rather small in the big picture. YMMV.
The minimum charge here ends up being just short of $30 a month but that does not give you x amount of kilowatt hours to use, you're paying extra for those on top of the minimum fee structure.
This new house was designed from day one to be fully off grid and the town were on board with it all the way up until the pre-power inspection, when they suddenly changed their mind. We are having some serious discussions about it now.
The minimum charge here ends up being just short of $30 a month but that does not give you x amount of kilowatt hours to use, you're paying extra for those on top of the minimum fee structure.
Interesting. Can you post a screencap of your bill details? I hope one day to test this minimum bill deal myself (which should be around Dec-Jan if put my panels up on the roof).
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I was saying that if I made my on grid house off grid, I would save $20/month because all of the energy I use is from solar.
If I was to go completely off grid it would be a huge expensive pain in the ass to save $20/month. Being connected to the grid has many benefits. I decided to keep the connection
I do this as well. Mostly due to the northern lat / crappy overcast Nov-Dec period.
Converting to USD I pay a minimum monthly charge (ie if zero kWh used) of $25 USD for the connection.
As you say low cost back up system - doesn't take a lot of fuel in a generator to be at least this amount.
you have to look at your break even cost for the solar. I have battery backup and that justified the system expense to have have the system. Payback time is 8 years at current rate.
Backup Power with solar charging benefits and piece of mind. A few more panels and price will keep going down.
my thoughts: worst case scenario is get the absolute lowest priced service you can. if its a 50 amp service then do it. run it to the meter, have it power one or two outlets that are not critical, and a chargeverter. use solar for everything else. it has power from the utility, and its a non critical load. they never say how much of the house you need to power, only that you have the hookup.
It's $32/mo minimum bill which gives you 239 kWh per month to use or lose.

FPL here is $26.98 for a meter fee. If you get some solar you can get a credit enough to wash that every month. I have not had a power bill in a very long time.

What do you mean 239kWh to use or lose? That's interesting.
What do you mean 239kWh to use or lose? That's interesting.
That was from the link in my comment. I plugged numbers from my bill and got 101 kWh "use or lose".

base$ 9.55
non-fuel$ 8.26
fuel$ 3.45
serv. Tot$ 21.27
gs tax$ 0.55
fran fee$ 1.31
util tax$ 1.89
reg fee$ 0.02
tot$ 25.04
Except it doesn't work like that, as soon as a single unit of consumption is logged, you get charged for it on top of the minimum fee's.
I was saying that if I made my on grid house off grid, I would save $20/month because all of the energy I use is from solar.
If I was to go completely off grid it would be a huge expensive pain in the ass to save $20/month. Being connected to the grid has many benefits. I decided to keep the connection
Yea that last 10-20% of electricity in the winter is costly from a solar perspective.

I could go 100% off grid ( I am 100% non grid usage for 9 months of the year) but that would far outstretch the connect fee and usage during that time.

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diy solar