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diy solar

RayfromTx video "Reduce the Risk When Buying Lifepo4 From Alibaba!" is misleading

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Dang man you seem to have it out for him. Chill out.

I don't know Ray from the next guy so I have no dog in this fight.
I was going to ignore the abuse but I changed my mind and now I'll chill when the Church of Ray cuts the innuendo and disbands from this thread
"Jenny Wu came back to me and said "Oh we must make it so you can get commission!!!"

But then I said

"Oh no, Jenny Wu! Me make money??! But then can everybody still trust me like they did before?!"

(Purses lips together and grimaces as if he's so torn by the dilemma.)

Well, okay, I mean, I really don't want to take any money, but if you really have to, you can email Jenny and tell her I sent you, but you don't have to do that!"

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When you attack someone's credibility in a forum where they are highly respected, you have to expect some push back.
Yeah I know how that works, if I was afraid of that, I would never have posted.

And if Ray posts another video that misleads, I'll continue to point out what's wrong about them, and everyone here who's still posting attacking me can come and attack me again.
This is not the way to make friends, in a new environment.
True. Couldn't agree more. With this thread I tried to be helpful to other noobs like myself who can easily get mislead and confused and buy the wrong batteries, and look what it got me. 10 people attacking me with insults and innuendo. Ray is not my hero. He's just another dude on the internet, just like me.

His video was an attack mainly on Luyuan and it was either intentionally or unintentionally untruthful.

I don't care how many people here love the guy, it doesn't change the fact that it's wrong, and I myself was very nearly deceived by it. The fact that Ray is making money with the video makes it all the more questionable. I make no apologies for my post.
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you accused people who have been here much longer than you, who have helped many more newbies on this forum than you, of acting in bad faith.
You or he or anyone else here can feel free to present any evidence showing he's not acting solely to mislead and profit from it. Nobody has done so yet. Easier just to attack the messenger.
producing youtube videos takes time and effort. much more than text accusations. i got your point. now you are just creating animosity here.

reading threads and providing relevant advice takes time and effort from each person. i am saddened that you so freely accuse long term helpers here of bad faith. it is so harmful. please consider another approach.
What's harmful in my eyes is Ray's untruthful video, the harm it's done to Luyuan, the harm it's done to noobs who were confused by it, the fact that I was almost deceived by it, and you here attacking me for having the audacity to point it out. If you want me to shut up, stop posting here attacking me and the thread can end.
The Topic:

RayfromTx video "Reduce the Risk When Buying Lifepo4 From Alibaba!" is misleading​

As for the whole EV / ESS Grades oiey.
CHALLENGE: Find ONE Automaker using Prismatic Cells for their EV's excluding Low Speed EV like golfcart or those awesomely weird Alibaba < $5000 ones. LOOK HARD !

The BYD blade cell is prismatic. BYD use it in many EV’s.
New member joins, finds something to be offended about and goes on the attack, gets their feelings hurt when others have differing opinions, has a temper tantrum and throws personal attacks about, then plays victim.

Yep, pretty much sums it up.

More than likely, these behavioral issues led to this person being kicked off another forum and finding their way here where the process will be rinsed, and repeated.

In a broader picture, the mentality of attacking anyone of differing opinion appears to be becoming today's societal norm.
I think Kolec has a fair point.

I also think those believing that “B grade” cells are good value are in for a rude awakening.

Time will answer a lot of questions. Fortunately LiFePO4 has been around since 2007, and many of the questions currently being asked were asked 15 years ago - and some of use were around back then and remember the answers. A new generation that think they “discovered” LiFePO4 a few years ago will find the same answers in a few more years.
I think Kolec has a fair point.

I also think those believing that “B grade” cells are good value are in for a rude awakening.

Time will answer a lot of questions. Fortunately LiFePO4 has been around since 2007, and many of the questions currently being asked were asked 15 years ago - and some of use were around back then and remember the answers. A new generation that think they “discovered” LiFePO4 a few years ago will find the same answers in a few more years.

You could very well be right about the value of "grade B" cells, but is it an issue of cost, cycle life, or otherwise? We need to ascertain if they are suitable for use as solar storage batteries, because throwing them in the landfill would be awful. So, does the cost need to be lower for them to be of good value. Do users need lower depth of discharge to ensure safe long-term use?

Also, with the questions surrounding cells from sunfunkits, is building a DIY battery with grade A cells feasible? Seems like there is a lack of supply, or is it merely a lack of supply at low cost?
Some said that was a good source, but I have no idea if that's really the case or not.
You could very well be right about the value of "grade B" cells, but is it an issue of cost, cycle life, or otherwise? We need to ascertain if they are suitable for use as solar storage batteries, because throwing them in the landfill would be awful. So, does the cost need to be lower for them to be of good value. Do users need lower depth of discharge to ensure safe long-term use?
I think the cost is too high. If a cell is half price and lasts half as long i think that is a good deal. With the B grade EVE cells i see too many fail early for me to consider taking the gamble.

To me the main safety risk is the dodgy job a lot of vendors are accepting when it comes to welding terminals - this will burn people sooner or later.
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