diy solar

diy solar

Unanswered threads

As long as someone reminds us to :)

Ive got so many pokers in the fire I'll forget to check this from time to time.
Same here... lists as long as my arm... I’ve been transferring my Twitter habit to here... much more beneficial...
Was just about to post that unanswered threads was empty... and the cat jumped off my lap to puke up...
i think im having an issue with my small battery bank. i will post it in the Unanswered Threads forum.

thanks guys ??
i think im having an issue with my small battery bank. i will post it in the Unanswered Threads forum.

thanks guys ??
I think you can just start a thread.. not sure how long it’s given before it ends up in the unanswered threads.. I had a look in new posts but didn’t see you.. did you ask your questions yet..?
Answered 2 threads just now and...

Threads with no replies​

There are no threads to display.

Answered 2 threads just now and...

Threads with no replies​

There are no threads to display.

Brilliant.. I didn’t think it was possible.. I did throw in a few cheeky answers... but all for a good cause.. thanx for all you help and beers to celebrate ?
I think you can just start a thread.. not sure how long it’s given before it ends up in the unanswered threads.. I had a look in new posts but didn’t see you.. did you ask your questions yet..?
It was my attempt at humor stating I would post to the Unanswered Thread forum. ?

But yeah, really cool you guys want to actually help. Im on another forum where most of the regulars want to be helpful, but then there are a great many keyboard warriors and know-it-alls who just want to be right about stuff - which is counterproductive to the plight of the OP.

Click onto menu bar.. and then expand “Forums”..
It was my attempt at humor stating I would post to the Unanswered Thread forum. ?

But yeah, really cool you guys want to actually help. Im on another forum where most of the regulars want to be helpful, but then there are a great many keyboard warriors and know-it-alls who just want to be right about stuff - which is counterproductive to the plight of the OP.

lol... I think my brain was frazzled at that stage...
Still plugging at it but some of the questions I can't help with.
Try this one...

It’s not unanswered... but may be unanswerable...
Someone beat me to the comparable battery my victory has to be shared..reluctantly...