diy solar

diy solar

VanLife + Signature Solar = Resolved

I am checking out this thread again today and I still can't get over a representative for the company hiding behind the "Specifications subject to change without notice." disclaimer!
Welcome to the world of manufacturing in China when you don't have direct control.
I picked up the replacement batteries today, and installed them. I did have to reach out to tech support during testing. The BMS software doesn't show all the connected batteries, like the other batteries did, but they are talking to each other. Tech support said its a known issue, and won't affect operation.
EG-4LL V2? I wonder how many hours between all of us are spent figuring what is "known" and won't work out of the box? A simple "known bugs" list would save a lot of customer time and would likely decrease the support costs SS. (FYI, I think this "bug" just got fixed)

I am glad this got resolved... Thanks for posting about. Good to see it wrapped up.