diy solar

diy solar

EG4 6000XP 120v AC grid connection to 120/240v L1 and L2 input

The Chargeverter would only be able to start and stop based off of voltage and SOC.

View attachment 212842

Yeah definitely not as good as using the inverter. I wish people would stop suggesting that as a GRID replacement. It's not. It's a glorified battery charger.

I may end up using it anyways, but I still would like to find a way to connect the GRID to the GRID inputs on the inverter.

Thanks again everyone!
Yeah definitely not as good as using the inverter. I wish people would stop suggesting that as a GRID replacement. It's not. It's a glorified battery charger.

I may end up using it anyways, but I still would like to find a way to connect the GRID to the GRID inputs on the inverter.

Thanks again everyone!
You should use the dry contacts on the 6kxp to control when the charger is used.
This might give you what you want.
I feel your pain. I fell into this same thought dungeon but was re-educated by the likes of the same bunch that chimed in here. Do feel like the documentation is a bit nebulous for most diyers but they’re not wrong. I ended up just getting a Chargeverter from EG4 (or should I say, I’m on the waitlist), which will solve my issue.


Just as an FYI, the documentation wasn't nebulous or misleading, it's just straight up, plain old, WRONG. It said 120-240VAC, which I come to find out is not true at all....

I'm looking at the chargeverter also, but I just don't have room for it.... so I'm trying to figure that out. I appreciate everyones feedback.
Are you sure what it said?
Which one was it?

There are two versions of the document. Originally it said this:


Like you said, that is just plain old WRONG. I bought it because of these published specs.

Here are links to the web archive showing the original document:

I contacted them in February and said 120v isn't working and they said, no 120v wont work, it needs 2 legs of 120v and a neutral. I told them that isn't what the document says and then a few days later they updated the document to this:


The really shady part is, if you look at the URL of the "new" documentation (which was updated sometime in early March 2024), it was updated in place. They tried to make it look like this is the document that has been up there the whole time:


So I feel like I had the rug pulled out from under me and I'm looking for ways around it. I might just be SOL, but still, it's not a great situation. Don't get me wrong, the inverter is absolutely awesome, and I love it, which is why I want to use it and not a chargeverter :) It's just that this bad documentation of an important aspect has thrown me off a bit.

The original document is plain old WRONG. The new document, I would call it confusing or misleading at best, lol.
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There are two versions of the document. Originally it said this:

View attachment 213065

Like you said, that is just plain old WRONG. I bought it because of these published specs.

Here are links to the web archive showing the original document:

I contacted them in February and said 120v isn't working and they said, no 120v wont work, it needs 2 legs of 120v and a neutral. I told them that isn't what the document says and then a day or two later they updated the document to this:

View attachment 213066

The really shady part is, if you look at the URL of the "new" documentation (which was updated sometime in early March 2024), it was updated in place. They tried to make it look like this is the document that has been up there the whole time:


So I feel like I had the rug pulled out from under me and I'm looking for ways around it. I might just be SOL, but still, it's not a great situation. Don't get me wrong, the inverter is absolutely awesome, and I love it, which is why I want to use it and not a chargeverter :) It's just that this bad documentation of an important aspect has thrown me off a bit.

The original document is plain old WRONG. The new document, I would call it confusing or misleading at best, lol.

I will be sending this to our technical writing team to see if we can have this reviewed.
The original document is plain old WRONG.
That is a shame. And I understand your frustration. I would feel exactly the same way.
The new document, I would call it confusing or misleading at best
I disagree with this. As it appears to be very clear. 120/240VAC
Even going beyond what is needed by explaining (L1/L2/N required)
I will be sending this to our technical writing team to see if we can have this reviewed.
Jared, it just needs to be rewritten to 240v Spilt Phase. It’s not like someone is going to bring 90v into one leg and 150v into the other. And we (you and I @Marobel) went around with this in my feed so I understand now the other needs for having the 240v SP. Powering the AC output at 240 SP during bypass mode is the reason. So hopefully this ‘dead horse’ will be put to rest soon.

diy solar

diy solar