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diy solar

Steve_S update.

Pretty good idea who... Picked wrong MOFO to mess with.
1) walking dead nothing to lose and if in jail free cremation saving $20k
2). Ex SSF ! I can make & deploy my own Napalm. And worse.
(SSF = special service forces)
0331 here.
Happy hunting
Latest test results. Left lung has Necrotizing Pneumonia. !!! It's rotting from that infection.

Some Karma for everything Ive done to everyone... What a pile of crap.

Now I'm at the lowest of hopelessness... Self termination with a vengeance and finis.
Speedy recovery Steve, so you can get back to healing and enjoying the remote northern living.
So Sorry to hear man. Wish some of use were closer to watch your homestead. Be encouraged by every bit of even the smallest of hope. Don't give up.
Good News sorta.
1) I'm out of the hospital as they have done what they can BUT will have to go in weekly for tests (cat scans +) and medication adjustments. They have me on some pretty heavy-duty antibiotics and more.
2) I am having to make some serious changes to my lifestyle, foods eaten and such to help manage this better & to control the pain and deterioration better. MAJOR Changes.
3) Considering when I was Diagnosed terminal with cancer, they gave me 5-7 years, I got a bit over 8 Years, so I guess that's good eh, how else can I look at it. Sadly this is NOT what I envisioned or thought, but ces't la vie.

Cabin & Solar Front.... NOTHING STOLEN ! PHEW !, my Mechanic saw the storage tent open and other odd things, so he told me and I assumed the worst at first... Seems "Someone" got very curious but I think that in their "explorations" they saw a few of the Video Cams (have several) - SNAP, you are on film ... AND yes, it WAS who I suspected.

Now to clear everything out, hire a contractor to finish a few things that MUST be done and finalize the revised Solar Setup (with a little help on that) which seems to have come available...

Priorities for next couple of days is getting meds & foods etc sorted and the primary critical stuff to keep out of Hospital.

I have a load of extra BMS' (Chargery's, JBD 4S & 8S), Relays, Various Active Balancers and a pile of stuff which I am going to drop REALLY CHEAP (Much is new too) hopefully to someone local that will drive out to Renfrew / Pembroke Ontario Canada. Major "Fire Sale" you may say. It's a LONG List that I will have to make up later.

That's the full update at this time.
Thanks for all the Good Wishes etc I really appreciate the support.
,,,,1) I'm out of the hospital
WOOT! Welcome back!

Cabin & Solar Front.... NOTHING STOLEN !
Whew! After seeing your post I was thinking about the homestead here and figuring most thieves are lazy there wasn't much they'd take except the kayak. So, thinking about taking a page from your book...

... I think that in their "explorations" they saw a few of the Video Cams (have several) - SNAP, you are on film ... AND yes, it WAS who I suspected.
...and putting a little sign on the hitch that says, "Smile, the videos go to the cloud" on it. ; -)
See, you still have lots to teach us.

Priorities for next couple of days is getting meds & foods etc sorted and the primary critical stuff to keep out of Hospital.
Keep hanging tough!
Awesome news Steve, I'm glad to hear you're doing better! Also that nothing was stolen. Are you going to report your trespassing evidence to the police?
WOOT! Welcome back!

Whew! After seeing your post I was thinking about the homestead here and figuring most thieves are lazy there wasn't much they'd take except the kayak. So, thinking about taking a page from your book...

...and putting a little sign on the hitch that says, "Smile, the videos go to the cloud" on it. ; -)
See, you still have lots to teach us.

Keep hanging tough!
Sadly the Video Tech (Infrared etc) I have strung all around is NOT capable of going to web, as the Satellite is only on when I am home and the tech is 2016 stuff. I installed several after the "Baddies" who were my verified suspects had set a fire on this land 1 week after I took possession and started clearing the required areas. When that happened & went to the OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) to report what & who did it, and they are Very Well Known to Law Enforcement here. They recommended the Video Setup, some visible while others not.

The OPP Sargent "told them" prior to their "Holiday behind bars" I was REALLY the wrong guy to fuck with, they SAW my Military CPIQ info and basically told them that if they mess with me, they will bring body bags for them. The Police KNOW Who I am and what I can do.

Are you going to report your trespassing evidence to the police?
Those that Need to Know, now Know.... ;-)
Great news. The lifestyle/diet stuff seems shocking and unsustainable at first.

As with most things, it get normalized in a couple of weeks, if you can stand it that long.

All the best. Glad you got a reprieve.
Good news. Cancer is insidious, eh?
We're going through this, but it's not as deleterious - wife at 37 beat lymphoma, now 21 years later it's back. She just finished her first 3-week round of chemo, it's much less invasive than the CHOP from the last stint, and she's doing well, 3 more sessions scheduled. All blood work is normal, a couple of swollen lymph nodes. Monthly rituxan infusion - monoclonal antibodies. We've covered our $9K annual out-of-pocket max already, with the scans and test. Eight grand for a PET scan.

Most of the rest of the family gone from cancer. I often wonder what keeps me going. I told her I didn't work my butt off to get to retirement and spend it alone, so she better get better. I have another year, a couple for her. :love:
good to hear you can move back home Steve.
Hopefully your diet changes and medication helps you move forward....
also good to hear they left your stuff relatively alone....
I am glad to hear that you are doing better, Steve.

I'm watching my 95 year old mother go through dementia and a failing body, so getting old isn't always the best way either. Going out like Clint Eastwood in "Gran Torino" wouldn't be the worst way.

This reminds me of my favorite morbid joke (please forgive me if morbid jokes are too morbid considering the situation, but this one has a bit of truth to it):

When I die, I want to go quietly and peacefully in my sleep, just like Grandpa did.
Not yelling and screaming like the passengers in his car.
@Steve_S totally missed this thread, but I'm damn glad to hear you're back.
Thanks, my friend. It's good to have the chance to finish up a few things here before the "Game is Over" which is only a few sort months now. It feels good that I will be able to get some of the key detail stuff done for everyone's benefit. Was quite Busy Today (20th) getting some posts & other material completed & others put together. May want to check out the stuff I posted. Even managed to get a few important things done around the house, forced by the Temps which hit 41C / 88% Humid with the crap that was dumped on us on top... Humidex is Nasty !

Take Care and have fun ;-)
Thanks, my friend. It's good to have the chance to finish up a few things here before the "Game is Over" which is only a few sort months now. It feels good that I will be able to get some of the key detail stuff done for everyone's benefit. Was quite Busy Today (20th) getting some posts & other material completed & others put together. May want to check out the stuff I posted. Even managed to get a few important things done around the house, forced by the Temps which hit 41C / 88% Humid with the crap that was dumped on us on top... Humidex is Nasty !

Take Care and have fun ;-)

With all these reports of high temps, I feel pretty fortunate to live in Phoenix. It's pretty much just a normal summer for us, but with a wee bit more humidity, but nothing like 88%. Can't imagine what that's like that far north. Nuts!

Dang! You've been busy posting! I'll check it out.

I wish for you to have as much time as you need or want.

Take care,


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diy solar