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diy solar

6 MWh SRNE ASF48100U200-H 10kw.

Looks like early next year for parallel ASF.
Wow, talk about fast replies...
@Zwy 50w for the 5kw units.
Yes, but... It's lower than that in eco mode if the loads aren't requiring it. I really like my SRNE HYP units (only running one to charge my battery and be an inverter at the moment) but will eventually have all 4 doing split phase parallel.
Yes, but... It's lower than that in eco mode if the loads aren't requiring it. I really like my SRNE HYP units (only running one to charge my battery and be an inverter at the moment) but will eventually have all 4 doing split phase parallel.
Kinda regretting not going with the HYP from the start to have the ability to parallel, but I still beyond happy with the ASF.
Kinda regretting not going with the HYP from the start to have the ability to parallel, but I still beyond happy with the ASF.
I looked closely and realized that paralleling was a better option, but just about went with the ASF. It's a nice inverter, and am glad to hear you are happy with yours.
Been charging from the grid for a few hours at 100a to get the batteries up around 50%.
All looks good, I think.
I don't care for the temperature gradient between the packs at all, that will be addressed with the next expansion.
I'll most likely also upgrade the main 2/0 between the inverter to 4/0.


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Been charging from the grid for a few hours at 100a to get the batteries up around 50%.
All looks good, I think.
I don't care for the temperature gradient between the packs at all, that will be addressed with the next expansion.
I'll most likely also upgrade the main 2/0 between the inverter to 4/0.
none of those temps are very high at all. Also note that thermal cameras don't accurately report on shiny surfaces. This would include copper lugs, and probably your battery bus bars. Temp gradient between cells could be caused by conductor length or internal resistance. Seems your furthest bank is the coolest. I'd bet your largest capacity cells are the warmest because of the lower resistance.

In other news my inverter ran a jackhammer and various power tools for most of the day. 0 issues
none of those temps are very high at all. Also note that thermal cameras don't accurately report on shiny surfaces. This would include copper lugs, and probably your battery bus bars.
I did adjust the emissivity to copper for a few of the measurements I need to keep playing around with the uni-T, lots of settings and options. I also need to bring the FLIR home from work for some side by side comparison.
Temp gradient between cells could be caused by conductor length or internal resistance. Seems your furthest bank is the coolest. I'd bet your largest capacity cells are the warmest because of the lower resistance.
The 305ah are at floor level, in the basement, the 230ahs are at the mid and top. I think a lot of the gradient is coming from the cold floor and outside wall, in hindsight I should have put a sheet of insulation on the back before I started but I knew it would only be temporary until I expand again.
In other news my inverter ran a jackhammer and various power tools for most of the day. 0 issues
That's awesome. I may be borrowing my buddies Hilti in the spring for another project.
I'm still waiting for parts from amazon to get here via the courier to install my SRNE...
Most likely mid december... keep the thread up... a lot of valuable info here and other threads of the sungold ?
That's awesome. I may be borrowing my buddies Hilti in the spring for another project.
My project seems to be going faster than i expected and i'll be wiring some stuff tomorrow. I forgot if i asked this before, but do you have any gfci outlets in your home?
My project seems to be going faster than i expected and i'll be wiring some stuff tomorrow. I forgot if i asked this before, but do you have any gfci outlets in your home?
Yes, kitchen and baths. 0 issues with them, didn't even think about that until you brought it up.
Well I must say it looks a lot nicer with the cover on and the wiring tidied up.
Shhh don't tell the authorities my PV wire isn't in conduit to the inverter. ?


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Well I must say it looks a lot nicer with the cover on and the wiring tidied up.
Shhh don't tell the authorities my PV wire isn't in conduit to the inverter. ?
View attachment 181496
I had a video where I temporarily hooked up PV to the LV6548's and made it quite clear it was temporary as I was installing some separate SCC's.

Some dude comments on end about it needed to be in conduit.

There is one in every crowd that must be deaf or can't read. :ROFLMAO:

Looks good. ?
Ok i finally have one complaint. During some wiring there have been a few shorts. Inverter reads error 17 and needs to be manually reset.After digging through the manual there doesn't seems to be a setting for this, or a way that it will reset itself. Its being run to a critical loads panel, which then feeds another sub panel. I would much rather it trip the closer breaker. Anyone have any idea of what to look into?
Ok i finally have one complaint. During some wiring there have been a few shorts. Inverter reads error 17 and needs to be manually reset.After digging through the manual there doesn't seems to be a setting for this, or a way that it will reset itself. Its being run to a critical loads panel, which then feeds another sub panel. I would much rather it trip the closer breaker. Anyone have any idea of what to look into?
Do you have any more info? Have you quadruple checked to verify all the wiring is correct?
Manual lists this for 17 "Inverter short-circuit protection" I would assume something could still be wired incorrectly. Any photos?
I suppose it's good it's protecting itself.
Rereading I think you must have meant some setting wrt error 17... I don't think that's something to mess with... Inverter Short-Circuit Protection....

you said "During some wiring there have been a few shorts."

As @42OhmsPA said, this is a Good thing!
Do you have any more info? Have you quadruple checked to verify all the wiring is correct?
Manual lists this for 17 "Inverter short-circuit protection" I would assume something could still be wired incorrectly. Any photos?
I suppose it's good it's protecting itself.
Yes all my wiring is correct, the problem arose while doing some wiring in the new structure. The inverter protected itself and was not damaged, which is great. The problem is I wish the nearest circuit breaker tripped instead of the inverter itself. The error itself won't clear until it is manually reset. I'm hoping there is some way it will reset on its own. Seems like that isn't the case
Yes all my wiring is correct, the problem arose while doing some wiring in the new structure. The inverter protected itself and was not damaged, which is great. The problem is I wish the nearest circuit breaker tripped instead of the inverter itself. The error itself won't clear until it is manually reset. I'm hoping there is some way it will reset on its own. Seems like that isn't the case
Wow, I would probably replace that breaker that didn't trip.
Did you try @Kenny_ s link to restore it to factory defaults?
If you can't get it, reach out to SRNE.

I assume you tried powering off the rocker switch on the bottom right and powering it back on? Did you try that with the AC output breaker on the left side off?
I think I was confused. I think @nickj was able to reset it but was concerned that the inverter shut down instead of the breaker tripping.... not certain though.

I guess my concern is more about doing wiring on live circuits! Hopefully that's not what happened and the new wiring caused the inverter to shutdown when it was turned on/connected instead of tripping the breaker...

I suspect the inverter detects a short way faster than a breaker could detect and trip so that makes sense sort of...
I think I was confused. I think @nickj was able to reset it but was concerned that the inverter shut down instead of the breaker tripping.... not certain though.

I guess my concern is more about doing wiring on live circuits! Hopefully that's not what happened and the new wiring caused the inverter to shutdown when it was turned on/connected instead of tripping the breaker...

I suspect the inverter detects a short way faster than a breaker could detect and trip so that makes sense sort of...
This is exactly the issue. Inverter reacted faster than the breaker and you need to reset it manually in order to clear the error code.

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diy solar