diy solar

diy solar

Bad days for Solar Production.

Phoenix is swell. Almost 63. produced, maybe another 2-3KWh before the day is done. ~40 used, dumped about 10 of that in the Kona. Only one load of laundry today pushed up to about 90% on the 60KWh pack. I will bleed off ~10 more first thing in the morning if the heat doesn't gobble up too much this evening. It will be weaker tomorrow, but should hit 100% SOC with no other loads while we are at work. The cat doesn't need much power thru the day. EV makes it tough to keep the batteries charged. I really only need about 4KW more of PV to clear the hump. 60KWH of Batteries will likely not quite handle it in this summer. But I think I finaly have it tuned for winter. To a point Tim has made, I don't want to have to think about it. Looking at a < $30 electric bill for the first time since I put all this crap in. Solar is practically a no-brainer here if you can swing the cost.

At least for my neck of the woods, this coming week looks very promising, 2-4 days are forecast to be clear with the rest mostly clear and no snow.
Forecast here was sunny all day. It wasn't, dark and overcast. So don't count on the weather person. :ROFLMAO:

Went on a 3 hour trip to buy something, came back and Batrium had shut down everything. Checked logs, couldn't find anything, battery was still at 53V. Tripped about an hour after I left, battery was at 38% when I left and still at 38% when I fired everything back up.

My phone went bonkers today too while traveling, just weird stuff all around. Solar flare today?
Forecast here was sunny all day. It wasn't, dark and overcast. So don't count on the weather person. :ROFLMAO:

Went on a 3 hour trip to buy something, came back and Batrium had shut down everything. Checked logs, couldn't find anything, battery was still at 53V. Tripped about an hour after I left, battery was at 38% when I left and still at 38% when I fired everything back up.

My phone went bonkers today too while traveling, just weird stuff all around. Solar flare today?

It's just a glitch in the matrix.
The rain/snow and clouds are welcome sight for us with Hydro ? it’s been a dry couple of months in WNC “compared to normal at least”.
Forecast here was sunny all day. It wasn't, dark and overcast. So don't count on the weather person. :ROFLMAO:

Went on a 3 hour trip to buy something, came back and Batrium had shut down everything. Checked logs, couldn't find anything, battery was still at 53V. Tripped about an hour after I left, battery was at 38% when I left and still at 38% when I fired everything back up.

My phone went bonkers today too while traveling, just weird stuff all around. Solar flare today?
Was suppose to be full sun here today also in central wi. It was cloudy all day and it snowed over night so I had to clean the panels early, they are ice covered as the snow was wet and then got colder and froze. With 57kw of pv, I only made 16kwh. all day.
Was suppose to be full sun here today also in central wi. It was cloudy all day and it snowed over night so I had to clean the panels early, they are ice covered as the snow was wet and then got colder and froze. With 57kw of pv, I only made 16kwh. all day.
Dang you have twice as many panels as I do. I thought 30 kW was big.
Look on the bright side (pun not intended)...

We can all(*) start celebrating after Fri, 22 Dec 2023 @ 3:27 am UTC :) ☀️

* By all, I mean all on this thread - apologies to our southern hemisphere members!
I'm counting the seconds!

4 kW array made 8 kWh yesterday. These long shadows of the power poles kill me in December afternoons.
This year, it looks like Nov. was my bad month. My Enphase system only produced 227.4 KWHs for the whole month. That is less than 8 KWHs a day on average. So well under 2 sun hours on my 4,800 watts of panels.

Dec. is looking a little better. We are just 11 days in and the Enphase system has already made 147.7 KWHs in just 11 days. 147.7 / 11 = 13.4 KWHs per day. That is almost 2.8 sun hours each day. And my panels are DIRTY. The rain we did get was not enough to rinse them off. The dust just turned into mud on them. I need it to get a little warmer to climb on the roof with the hose though. Maybe today, they are forecasting 77F (25C) later after noon today. I'm not holding my breath for that

Solar production has just exceeded usage for the last 4 days. Helped by being at work a lot, so consumption has also been down.

Half my panels quit making power early due to my trees with the low sun angle in winter.

Thats it, I need to build some kind of steam generation system for when the zombie apocalypse hits and you cannot get fuel anymore except for wood.
No sun for 2 days here, 1 day of sun in 2 weeks aint cutting it.
Forecast shows 4 days of sun coming up finally.
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Thats it, I need to build some kind of steam generation system for when the zombie apocalypse hits and you cannot get fuel anymore except for wood.
No sun for 2 days here, 1 day of sun in 2 weeks aint cutting it.
Forcast shows 4 days of sun comingup finally.
Do it.
Was suppose to be full sun here today also in central wi. It was cloudy all day and it snowed over night so I had to clean the panels early, they are ice covered as the snow was wet and then got colder and froze. With 57kw of pv, I only made 16kwh. all day.
We drove over to Black River Falls to get a log splitter, roads good until the last 25 miles. Pure ice. At home it snowed but roads were dry. Any fixed ground mount here was still covered with snow but my 65 degree tilted array was perfectly clean.
3 systems with a combined capacity of 22.9 KW has produced a total of 86.3 KWH for December to date. :cry:
To make you guys feel better a commercial solar farm in Western Maine with nameplate of 80MW is only generating 12MW.

Granted a strong rain storm just moved through the area and it’s still overcast.
Last night, the iPhone weather app was predicting clouds all day, so I forced 11 amps of charging from grid. Consumed 2.5 KWHs of grid power over night. Not a whole lot, but hopefully enough to get me through the high rate time. Well, the sun decided to come out anyways. It is cloudy, the the clouds are a bit spotty and we are having gaps where I am seeing over 2,500 watts from the Enphase 4,800 watt array. That's not bad for this time of year with the low sun angle. And the 2,000 watt DC system has been going as high as 1,200 watts, averaging about 800-900 watts. It is only 1:30 pm as I am typing this, and I have already produced 2.9 KWHs from the DC system, and almost 10 KWHs from the Enphase system. The battery bank probably still won't quite hit 100% though.

I did go up on the roof and hosed off some of the mud the last rain left. It will be interesting to see where my peak power ends up tomorrow. I am past Solar noon for today.
Another day of "supposed to be full sun was a bust full clouds. Only 23.7kwh from 57kw of pv. Battery is down to 34% tonight. Full sun forecasted for tomorrow......
predicted to be somewhat sunny today, I was at least expecting to see it. Nope just solid clouds all day. at least it wasn't raining.
We had to use the honda 2200 last night for the first time this year...

we managed 1.87KWH!!!!
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diy solar

diy solar