diy solar

diy solar

Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

Yesterday was my 1st anniversary here.

Let's see how much damage I can do towards the next ;)
also I am a bit sad. I am not shy to tell.

When I first started here a year ago I was a newb. *cough* still am.

After the cheap Chinese wind turbine debacle thread I knew all that was left is to actually DIY.

When I started this journey I had naive thoughts like. I'll do this in a month maybe a month.1

Boy how this turned out to be a miscalculation ;) I should have known though. I have an IT background and in that realm, when done waterfall, planning is always a challenge.

80 winds does not fit !!!

screw these coil separators. I am printing taller ones. to allow for 80 winds minimum. I mean the mag field boost one gets with powder slabs is insane so a few mm extra tall does not hurt the cause.
screw these coil separators. I am printing taller ones. to allow for 80 winds minimum. I mean the mag field boost one gets with powder slabs is insane so a few mm extra tall does not hurt the cause.
screw coil separator fans, for the time being. I am going to try something more flexible figuratively and perhaps also literally
that type of axial flux alternator is what I am trying to avoid. because, using my possibly flawed reasoning;
*) coils are less expensive than magnets, so if the goal is to increase voltage with lower rpm, as opposed a typical high rpm alternator, one must not half the magnet field reversal frequency and one must double the coil count. To make things worse the field strength between attracting magnets is not double that of a single pole of a magnet. So we are wasting a lot of magnetic field here.
*) a serpentine coil that goes around the whole perimeter is difficult to maintain in installed alternators that are already attached to a turbine.

Hence I came up with this
View attachment 115050
this alternator can be made in quarters, 8ths, 16th and so forth. and could generate power even with a single element if the others are under maintenance.
Also this alternator uses coils on both sides of the magnets. So no need to half the amount of magnets.

If no blunder has been made I believe this is an improvement over the basic concept. especially over the image you attached as there the coils will suffer from greatly reduced power output as one coil direction is both under influence from a north and south pole at the same time. If I am interpreting things correctly that is. If that is the case than the coil gets stronger field - weaker field to play with and although it does work it will be rather little power.

I think my earlier 14 day prediction for some actual results is still doable.
@Warpspeed at your earliest convenience would you mind stating if my reasoning sounds sound or perhaps you are not certain or I flunked the physics exam?
What's the benefit or tradeoff of two magnet discs, one winding disc, vs. the other way?

To answer my own question, it involves the iron or other pole-pieces that duct magnetic field around and back through.

Two magnet discs can be made by bonding magnets to sheets of steel. No moving magnetic field (relative to steel), no eddy currents.

If two winding discs with magnets in between, the magnetic field through coils alternates, so steel discs holding coils would probably get eddy currents and dissipate power.

Brandnewb's coil holder appears to have something troweled in back. Just structural? Or a ferrite mixture? The electrically non-conductive ferrite mixture would serve to duct magnetic field that passed through a coil around and back through another.

But I think metal performs better than powder at low frequency? So the two magnet discs scheme might have a lower "resistance" for the magnetic circuit.

Another idea regarding windings -

Magnetic circuit is through magnets themselves, jumps a gap through air, passes through metal or ferrite, back through air, to another magnet.

Air is the worst magnetic "conductor", so you would like the air gap to be as short a path as possible, and as wide a cross section as possible.

Windings, copper, take up significant thickness. So the opening through center of wire coils is reduced in cross section. If filled with air, that is higher "resistance". If filled with steel/ferrite, a lower "resistance". By using steel/ferrite to duct magnetic field through middle of coil, then fanning out to wide area before jumping the gap, air gap can have as large a cross sectional area as possible. Gap is also as short as possible, with rigid material able to hold its shape, no danger of it bending and contacting rotating magnets.

Here is an example of a (radial configuration) stator. Note pole pieces have a narrow gap to slip in wire while winding coils. The pole pieces are something of a "T" shape, wide area for gap to rotor, small area to allow more winding volume.


These coils are also tall, which is OK with pole pieces. Yours will be flat to minimize air gap, but I don't know that you can get enough turns to get the amount of power transfer you want.

For your flat coils disk you may want to encapsulate in epoxy, with a flat surface pressed down as a "mold" to define a rigid flat surface.
@everyone, please keep in mind that we are building a low RPM (and with low I mean like 6 to 60) high output alternator.
This could mean that all the 'usual, no longer to be improved upon' alternators that we all know and love are just not relevant here.
@Warpspeed wake up brother, I am still hoping for your input.
Two magnet discs can be made by bonding magnets to sheets of steel. No moving magnetic field (relative to steel), no eddy currents.
Yes indeed. it's a brilliant solution to the eddy current issue. However it does increase the alternator complexity.

btw @Hedges is this ferite you keep mentioning the same thing as my iron powder? I am of the strong believe it is not. But I am willing to stop believing in god if I was set straight

My stance is that using this particular iron powder I have we can do several things.
*) don't worry about eddy currents as it is not electro conductive.
*) Have less complexity in the construction of the alternator.
*) make use with what I have. I bought like a million kilos of that s$$t in one of them brain waves I had. So now I am looking for ways to actually make use of this iron powder.

Let's not forget though that I did build a freaking DIY high power transformer using this same powder.
But I think metal performs better than powder at low frequency? So the two magnet discs scheme might have a lower "resistance" for the magnetic circuit.
hmm interesting point. ok bro, let me tell you this. as soon we get to improve on results after having marveled over them in the first place then please let's revisit this comment.
Magnetic circuit is through magnets themselves, jumps a gap through air, passes through metal or ferrite, back through air, to another magnet.

Air is the worst magnetic "conductor", so you would like the air gap to be as short a path as possible, and as wide a cross section as possible.

Windings, copper, take up significant thickness. So the opening through center of wire coils is reduced in cross section. If filled with air, that is higher "resistance". If filled with steel/ferrite, a lower "resistance". By using steel/ferrite to duct magnetic field through middle of coil, then fanning out to wide area before jumping the gap, air gap can have as large a cross sectional area as possible. Gap is also as short as possible, with rigid material able to hold its shape, no danger of it bending and contacting rotating magnets.

Here is an example of a (radial configuration) stator. Note pole pieces have a narrow gap to slip in wire while winding coils. The pole pieces are something of a "T" shape, wide area for gap to rotor, small area to allow more winding volume.
understood brother, but I am going to be a little stuburn, please forgive me. In where I think your comment to which I am now replying, although very sound, not relevant to my specific scenario.

this is what dedication looks like


and for coils () and this is but the 0.4 spool I have. I have also a 0.7 spool.

I challenge anyone from the past that acted (cool) to revisit and act more mature.

Sure mistakes are being made and sure things can be more efficient.

But once this project get to see the light of day then also you can copy paste it. so please be cool !!
as to avoid misunderstandings, my most recent post was to those that in the past have been messing up this thread.
Not at all am I referring to my most dearest of participants .
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In the whole magnetic path length, one miserable extra mm of air has the same resistance to magnetic flow as a whole metre of extra steel !!
So keep those air gaps absolutely tiny.
yes sir, understood. I am going to try to make the gaps nanometer level. as in I am just going to have the stators and rotor touch. I am open to suggestions as always
hmm interesting point. ok bro, let me tell you this. as soon we get to improve on results after having marveled over them in the first place then please let's revisit this comment.
Ummmm, you promised "the sickest ® VAWT ever." I guess if the revisit gets us there, we'll be happy.
Ummmm, you promised "the sickest ® VAWT ever." I guess if the revisit gets us there, we'll be happy.
I did do that did not I?

So here is my latest attempt at coming up with a coil holder that can fit more winds than the fans.
I removed them completely and now have holes were one can nit a piece of string through to tighten the coils in place.
It will take longer to print and longer to put the coils down. But it will just be sooo much beter once done.

I am going to use iron powder filled PLA and then fill the whole structure with iron powder and then cast the whole thin in iron powder filled resin.


if that is not sick ®nothing ever will be ;)
never let it be said that I am one to break promises!


80 winds and coil winding underway.

Now if breaking my promise applies to that I will not wind the extra 2 phases and that multiplying the results by 8 times then I guess my stance on that will depend on how much output this 1/8th of the coil can give us.

If my dear readers want a show then I will give them that of course. I mean entertainment is my middle name :)

If my dear readers are happy with stats that one can use to get to where we need to get then that will save some time.

Fear not though. I am all for wasting time. Let's get this show on the road!!

You can tell me a lot of things, but a sick coil like this is a sight one has rarely seen. And 96 high powered magnets to excite the coils is also something not something seen in a common setup!!!!!

Please understand all that this is just an 1/8th of the total setup here that is being constructed in coil terms.
correction!! 1/8th for a single phase. the other 2 phases are for the time being left out of the equation. Until one of course explains why having 3 phases is needed to blow up car lights ;)
ugggg. I am failing hard!! :(


I have had around 230 mv before spinning but 9 winds at 60 rpm in a traditional arrangement.

Now we have 800 winds (the serpentine coil was tripping too hard on LSD so it never got the correct size to get to 12 coils x 80 winds. now only 10 coils)

And I am only getting around 500 mv at 60 rpm. Something is not right.

There are a million things that can be the issue here but I think the first place to look is the quality of the multimeter.

Can anyone suggest a renowned mm that has a high accuracy and most important a high sample rate. Ab average function per session would be a nice bonus of course.

I am looking for something available here in the NL and no more than 200 bucks. If we go any higher than it is starting to become scientific and I have no research fund ;(
brain fart alert. It might be that the magnets are all facing one way. I it could be that I am only measuring a north pole with the tesla meter because there is an iron powder slab underneath the coils. (btw that did not change the readings at 60 rpm at all. still the same crap 500 mv)

I'll redo the whole magnet disk and this time making sure the magnets are properly placed.

Fingers crossed.
testing for coil short circuits does not indicate a short in the coil.

I am measuring a resistance of 40.1 and theorectically it should be


So the coil seems to be fine and dandy does it?
WOW!! brain fart confirmed. Actually it was never a prain fart. Just that I was sleeping while putting in the magnets. I always knew that they should toggle between N and S.

I screwed up the orientation of the magnets. all where facing in the same pole direction.

This does however tell us one thing. It all about change in magnetic field strength and not about actually switching to the other pole.

I have so much brain waves coming up, I am getting overloaded at the moment.
Keep in mind that you'll run into the same issue as a motor with that many poles: you have to get the energy in (or out) and you're dealing with the fact that you're dealing with (derived fromFaraday's law) v(t) = L di/dt, meaning that as you energize and de-energize coils you have a factor di/dt that is not instantaneous and thus impacts how fast you can do this. The more poles, the less time you have. Also, be careful when simulating this that you don't just look at the magnetic flux. You can have an excellent magnetic flux but no way to get energy out of it with too many poles - it has to be a dynamic simulation, with the speed of the rotor and the di/dt factor when doing energy calculations, since energy stored in a coil E = 1/2 * L * I².
is it too late in the timeline to ask for a translation that is slightly more geared to math/physics shy people like myself?
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It is actually conceivable I'll reach the Netherlands. Again.
I visited some time in the '90's. I took a photo of someone's house-barge, low enough to fit under bridges over the canals. Tethered behind it was their barnyard-barge with animals

For now I'm happy enough mostly sheltering in place, working with people who are mostly well protected, and minimizing my exposure to the Great Unvaxxed.

I always struggled with the analysis end of my education. I'm pretty handy with Ohm's Law, but a lot of the fields equations are much more difficult. Other people can do the more complex math more readily.
I was a better student the 2nd time around, but still struggled. I use what did stick.
So, I still have this apartment ready and waiting. get your buttocks to the NL and we can both marvel over how bad things are here, even though metric. ;)
Still busy treating EM fields as interference at work, and discovering that not all transformers like to be driven backwards at home.
I submitted a preliminary patent disclosure related to SEM which the company intends to file. I may get to dig through the dumpster and put some salvaged parts on a test rig to demonstrate proof of concept.

I guess at 60 RPM, 1 revolution per second, your stator has enough coils to produce around the 60 Hz meter is designed for. So the readings should be valid. How about current into a short, and into a load?

diy solar

diy solar