diy solar

diy solar

Half price electric cars

I wonder if you pulled back the curtain, how much all these green climate agenda companies are getting from the govt? Even solar companies must get massive govt funding to get started just like the EV makers. Hell the govt pork bills have millions of dollars for some ridiculous crap so nothing surprises me.
So in other words they are . . . just like oil companies. (Well, oil companies get billions, not millions, but similar idea.)
The end point is the same, it's just the timing that's off.
Yes, but at the most by two years.

If every passenger car/truck in the United States was fully electric or ran on a carbon-neutral source.

The United States C02 output would be reduced by 8%
It's approximately the same for Australia. Which is why I say they are not going to save the planet. That however does not mean it is not worthwhile doing.

EVs are just less worse than ICEVs in that sense. Still, being able to remove some of that 8% all contributes to the overall picture. It needs to be done in concert with other actions, with the biggest being the reduction in use of fossil fuels for all other energy demand.

If EVs were that good right now then everyone would own one or be lining up to buy one.
Every EV brought into our country is sold, most before they arrive. There is a waitlist for most models. People here can't get enough of them.

At least here EV demand is not the issue, supply is.
Yeah, 55,000 reactors with highly enriched uranium visiting ports all around the globe.
And when it is time to retire them, have barefoot children in Bangladesh break them.
Just think of the proliferation! With 93% U235, who needs centrifuges?


Sailing from strange countries.

Lots of nuke power so they can ram those pesky, in-the-way bridges twice as hard.
African or Australian?
I actually know nothing about either, I just wanted to maintain the thread spirit of arguing to argue
My gut says African because those are the giant ones at zoos. But Galapagos might have something to say
Then again, Crush was 150 and still young when cruising the east Australian current
Another deceptive narrative by the oil companies.
We are not just Moving Passenger Cars and Trucks to electric.
The Push is on to Move everything including Buses. Trucks and even small items like Lawn Mowers, Chainsaws Leaf blowers and even Generators to Electric.
By time Phase 2 is implemented the only thing that will be running on Hydrocarbon based fuels is Aircraft and Ships.
When Phase 2 is implemented the last Major producer of Co2 will be replaced.

All transport combined is 28%.

Is that enough to stop the weather but from being slightly different in the town you grew up in as a kid?
Not really, it would be a manageable amount of Co2.
The plan as of now is that ships will probably be Hybrid in design. They are already testing them.
I don't know how planes will work out in the USA, but other countries are already investing heavily in Railways to get ahead of the domestic issue.
Gen Z has already been programmed to stay at home and stay on their phones, so that will cut down on international flights in the 2040s :ROFLMAO:

Not super hard to figure out that you don't know what you're talking about Robby. "It will work cuz lawnmowers". 😒

I think you need to do more research. You wil find that most of those sectors are already being converted to electric power.

Bruh, did you mean something different or do you think electricity = Carbon neutral.
My thought is we shouldn't be putting a single US job at risk due to CO2 reduction mandates or whatever feel good environmental laws have been passed, as long as China is still building hundreds of coal plants per year. One step forward, two steps back.
Yes cause the US oil and gas industry has just been closing up shop left and right.

Eyes my Marathon Stock that’s gonna up 1000% in the past 4 years, and sips my coffee.
If we had approached cars with a horse and buggy mentality we would still be feeding horses and sweeping up horse crap in our streets.
this answer is kind of disingenuous depending upon how the actual questions was intended. not sure which way it wants to go.

on the EV side... Yes a few industrialists whom the left now hates decided that they could improve all of the worlds like with their new products. the other half decried it as progress for the sake of progress...

one for the current progressive ideologues, (socialists) even though they hate the messenger.

the industrialists on the other side looked at it as a possible revenue stream.. (and they were right)

one for the non progressive ideologues, IE the traditionalists ( those that look at working and creating a product that enhances lives hence they make a profit off of it.) as they were right.

now to really bugger his statement up a little more. at the end user side of things nobody gives a rat fark about either of the two parties above them... they just want their life to be a little bit better. and yes the well to do were the first to have gasoline powered cars. eventually that requirement was removed my Henry Ford... not the first to build a horseless carriage, just the first to make it affordable.

so until battery replacement do not cost 60k Canadian electric cars from china and korea are not affordable.

score one for the industrialists and minus 5 or 10 for the socialists, and plus minus zero for the end consumer.. those that can afford a spare care to get a tax rebate on own them and do not drive them as they are a net loss except for government subsidies.

diy solar

diy solar