diy solar

diy solar

Half price electric cars

Did you know there were no gas stations when the first gasoline powered cars came out? Gee, I wonder how that turned out?
I admire all the passion for EVs. Once the infrastucture is there, the range is extended, and the charge times are quicker, then I will be first in line to purchase one.
My car is not large but a 6' adult can comfortably sit in the back. Lack of a transmission hump adds a bit more leg room too.

If your use case really requires daily transport of four large humans, then sure get a larger car. But for most that's not the case, more likely an occasional drive across town.

Yeah, the options for EVs are yet to fully catch up with ICEVs. And the initial production of EV utes are are predictably following the same form factor as the big-ass utes since they are the biggest selling category of vehicle, closely followed by the SUV form factor (and Tesla Model Y is the world's biggest selling vehicle). So it's unsurprising that EV makers targeted the larger and more expensive end first. That will change.

Smaller options are coming, it's just a matter of time. Heck even this Aussie mob see the opportunity:

Might be smaller than what you are looking at but it just points to the future.

For much of what we do this would be perfect. I have to take our garbage to the local waste transfer station. Currently using our old Golf for that. Be good to pick up the small loads we would like to be able to for the garden. A$26k (~US$17k). Speed and long range is not needed, it's local town utility that matters.

But I suspect it'll get its lunch eaten in time by Chinese small truck options.

Has nobody, in the history of driving cars, ever run out of fuel? Range gets them all the time.

Tesla's battery management system would preheat the pack for safe charging. They have excellent thermal management technology.

My EV is already a generator.

The vehicle to load function can be used to power things, and if needed in an emergency, help to get some charge into someone else's EV, enough to get them to a charge point.

Indeed we have a day long scheduled grid outage in a couple of week's time. Pole maintenance on our property. I will be using our EV to support the home's energy supply during this time.

Strawmen are a low grade logical fallacy.

EVs are not perfect. Neither are ICEVs. But there is so much FUD and false and misleading nonsense being written it's hard not to respond to those points.

You're making this overly complicated.

It's literally a car with batteries. That's it. Stop pretending like it's something special. They've been around for over 150 years.

Not everyone lives in a house. Some people live in apartments that only have outside parking. A Tesla cannot be charged on a 20 amp household outlet outside in 0 degree temperatures that way.

This is what I mean when say lack of empathy and understanding from the EV dorks.

In your mind everyone lives in a house with a garage and close to the city where they work.
I'm just glad all you EV haters weren't around when we were trying to win WWII, or build the interstate highway system, or send people to the moon.

Electric vehicles were around before man went to the moon.

I'm happy that we finally brought golf cart and indoor forklift technology to vehicles. 🥰🥰🥰
You're making this overly complicated.

It's literally a car with batteries. That's it.
So why all the hate on them?

Not everyone lives in a house. Some people live in apartments that only have outside parking.
Correct and charging options for people in dense urban environments is an issue. It will improve. Transition in these areas will take a bit longer. Car ownership I'd imagine would be lower though as ride share, public and active transport are more common in such areas (at least it should be).

This is what I mean when say lack of empathy and understanding from the EV dorks.
What do you think I've been driving for the past 40 years?

It's not a lack of empathy, it's just pointing out things are not as awful as many make out and there will be a transitions. Some areas will take longer to implement the solutions, that's all. Yes, the charging situation for some is pretty crap at the moment. It will improve.

That does not mean it's crap for everyone. 20% of all new cars sold globally are now a plug in electric. The change is happening. Faster in some places, slower in other. Like all changes.

I waited until the time was right. Two years ago it wasn't. 12 months ago it wasn't. But it changed not long after when some newer offerings hit the market. The highway charge network got a lot better. For the half dozen times a year I might need it.
I'm just glad all you EV haters weren't around when we were trying to win WWII, or build the interstate highway system, or send people to the moon.
Your problem is, just what you said, "EV haters". I haven't seen that at all. Most of us would look into an EV once it makes sense. The real problem is that you NEED us to embrace EVs just because you believe that is what is right.
Your problem is, just what you said, "EV haters". I haven't seen that at all. Most of us would look into an EV once it makes sense. The real problem is that you NEED us to embrace EVs just because you believe that is what is right.
Yes, I believe EVs are better than ICE in a lot of ways. And I say that as an old gearhead with grease under my fingernails as I type this.
Yes, I believe EVs are better than ICE in a lot of ways. And I say that as an old gearhead with grease under my fingernails as I type this.
So enjoy your EV. Just don't get your need for everyone else to think like you. And calling those who don't haters, well that really paints a clear picture of you.
So why all the hate on them?

Ugh. Now I feel like I'm arguing with a chick.

Correct and charging options for people in dense urban environments is an issue. It will improve. Transition in these areas will take a bit longer. Car ownership I'd imagine would be lower though as ride share, public and active transport are more common in such areas (at least it should be).

Ok. Build it.
What do you think I've been driving for the past 40 years?

A Dukes of Hazard big wheel.

It's not a lack of empathy, it's just pointing out things are not as awful as many make out and there will be a transitions. Some areas will take longer to implement the solutions, that's all. Yes, the charging situation for some is pretty crap at the moment. It will improve.

No one said it was awful, we are just tired of not being listened to when we lay out the reasons why they won't work for our particular needs and will end up increasing the cost of electricity for everyone.

That does not mean it's crap for everyone. 20% of all new cars sold globally are now a plug in electric. The change is happening. Faster in some places, slower in other. Like all changes.

I waited until the time was right. Two years ago it wasn't. 12 months ago it wasn't. But it changed not long after when some newer offerings hit the market. The highway charge network got a lot better. For the half dozen times a year I might need it.

Remember CFL bulbs?

If battery technology is about to take another leap then a crap load of money has been wasted developing lithium and lipo4 batteries and getting cars equipped with those kinds of batteries as well as all the money that's been wasted developing lithium miner and manufacturering.
Here’s a full breakdown of electric vehicle registrations in the United States. Maybe one day the tiny minority will be the majority, but not right now and not for a long, long time. But I digress!!!

StateRegistered EVs% of All Registered Vehicles
District of Columbia5,8601.85%
New Hampshire6,9900.51%
New Jersey87,0301.22%
New Mexico7,0800.37%
New York84,6700.75%
North Carolina45,5900.51%
North Dakota6400.08%
Rhode Island4,3400.49%
South Carolina13,4900.27%
South Dakota1,1700.13%
West Virginia1,8700.13%
Yes, I believe EVs are better than ICE in a lot of ways. And I say that as an old gearhead with grease under my fingernails as I type this.

Why skip over hybrids?

Make the tax credits and all that BS available for hybrid vehicles.

That would save a crapload of fuel and make for a nice transition as battery technology improves.