diy solar

diy solar

Install and Operation of the SUNGOLD 10KW 48V SPLIT PHASE SOLAR INVERTER

Sidenote: I just got a shipping label from Ecoflow. They are going to replace my toasted River 2 Pro with a reconditioned unit. Yes!!! Doing right by the customer!

and I got the replacement River 2 Pro today. Great customer service!
Sungold just got back to's the order page for the rs232 cable

I ordered it ... dunno yet whether it will work... :)
Will follow up when I receive it (even if the alternate cable(s) work)

Sungold just got back to's the order page for the rs232 cable

I ordered it ... dunno yet whether it will work... :)
Will follow up when I receive it (even if the alternate cable(s) work)

I would tell them to ship you the cable for free since the equipment doesn't work as intended, mention leaving a negative review on amazon and I bet they get things resolved quicker....
It shouldn't be this difficult, sorry you're having so many issues Kenny.
I just got a #12 Error on my Inverter.

Has anyone seen that one before?

Maybe it doesn't want to be hung on the wall?
I just got a #12 Error on my Inverter.

Has anyone seen that one before?

Maybe it doesn't want to be hung on the wall?
"Master-slave chip SPI communication failure"

I'm guessing this has something to do with the battery communications... I'd run user settings.

SGP Support should be pretty responsive at this time of night / day.
I would tell them to ship you the cable for free since the equipment doesn't work as intended, mention leaving a negative review on amazon and I bet they get things resolved quicker....
It shouldn't be this difficult, sorry you're having so many issues Kenny.
Well it is 'optional' but you know it really should be included as standard equipment.
10/3 romex?
"Master-slave chip SPI communication failure"

I'm guessing this has something to do with the battery communications... I'd run user settings.

SGP Support should be pretty responsive at this time of night / day.
You mean param 32? set to SLA?
If there is something hosed with my battery communication....that certainly would explain a few things!
Got my cables....but still no go....guess I'll standby til I get the cable from Sungold...and it that one doesn't work we got Trouble in River City!
Are you using the 10/3 to feed your loads?
If so note that you will not be able to run max output. 10awg should be protected with a 30a breaker.
You mean param 32? set to SLA?
No. 08 to USER then program battery voltages. 55.2 bulk 54.8 float. I have all mine posted in my thread and I posted them in Lighthouses thread recently.
I found them, attached.
I'd honestly forget coms to the inverter and work on SA when you get the cables.


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Are you using the 10/3 to feed your loads?
If so note that you will not be able to run max output. 10awg should be protected with a 30a breaker.

No. 08 to USER then program battery voltages. 55.2 bulk 54.8 float. I have all mine posted in my thread and I posted them in Lighthouses thread recently.
I found them, attached.
I'd honestly forget coms to the inverter and work on SA when you get the cables.
Ah thanks. Not sure how/why that would affect the communication and not sure that error is actually battery comms....but will keep that in mind....particularly if it should happen again!
Loads.....yeah.....temporary setup still using the generator-style connection to my transfer switch.... not doing any large/massive loads/loading. Most short-term sustained load is the microwave at around 1 Kw for minutes at a time....
Just fitzed around with trying the various cables and talking to battery...

Tried a different laptop..
verified that the Com Port was showing up via Device Manager
(also can see blinking lights on one of the usb - DB9 I think it's trying using the pbmstools)
I think the problem is with the RJ11 wiring or with the protocol...dunno. Tried different protocols in pbmstools and still no connection.

May have to just wait on the Sungold cable and see if it works.
(and if not give 'em hell til it does! :) )

Will try to get inverter mounted on wall today.
No recurrence of Error 12 (yet).
I definitely need more solar panels but the 6 I have are just about keeping up with my daily use/loads (maybe 1/2+ of my household)
Awaiting Rack for batteries from Sungold...a few weeks probably.
Fancy! Nice!
You can get these little wooden balls that go on it too to keep it drilling straight and not going at some stupid angle and poking through the ceiling below. Something like this:

I used one with a flex bit to install a wall switch in my house where the builder evidently didn't think a switch needed to be (so that reality was you had to walk across a dark room to get to the only switch, how stupid is that). Didn't have to make any drywall repairs using that bit, an alignment ball, and an old work electric box for the switch.
On the wall! Still need to put the bottom screws in and then all the wiring cleanup... breakers, disconnects, etc.


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Seems a lot louder on the wall! Not sure why.

Glad I didn't decide to install it in my office. :ROFLMAO:
It's called a loudspeaker.
Try to hang it on compliant mounts. DIY from old tires if you're cheap.

(first, as a test, take off wall and just have standing on table, then on a cushion. To make sure the issue is mechanical coupling before doing work to fix it.)
My understanding is that it can be, depending on your setup. The thing I've been told is that to meet code the bonding should be done at the main AC panel only. But I'm new to this game as well.

The Sungold version is just a rebranding of the same SRNE inverter.
Good evening Kenny hope all is well.. question on wiring, my pv is 60feet from the inverter. I got 75 feet 10g wire is the ok or I will need to go with 8g also from the main panel to the sub panel what gauge wire should I use is about 2 feet distance..
Good evening Kenny hope all is well.. question on wiring, my pv is 60feet from the inverter. I got 75 feet 10g wire is the ok or I will need to go with 8g also from the main panel to the sub panel what gauge wire should I use is about 2 feet distance..
I can't really answer but maybe a licensed electrician will chime in.
Actually I don't have a lot of hope or confidence that the Sungold cable will solve my problem in communicating with the Sungold battery.

And beyond that even if it works with a computer/laptop I have my doubts it will work with the Raspberry Pi/Solar Assistant communicating with the battery. :(

I'm thinking something else may be going on with computer communicating with the Sungold Battery as was mentioned earlier like drivers or com issues on the computer.

The only thing that makes sense otherwise would be if the RJ11 connector on the Sungold Battery were wired in a non-standard way. But why would they do something like that?

In other news, I connected the Inverter to the 220 AC line I fed from above (a former air conditioner plug that I've never used in 20+ years). I know it's not optimal for full time power and inspection/certification but for now it will do (with my relatively minimal loads and not using it other than dire situations). Also it allows me to plug my clothes dryer back in full-time. :)

I think I'll likely continue running this way (i.e. the five batteries, the six panels, the current 5 circuits (of 6) via the transfer switch, etc.) for the remainder of the year as I evaluate the usage, Xcel Power bill, etc. It's pretty clear I'll need additional panels to keep the batteries up to top snuff. The current setup is pretty much just keeping up with my usage for those 5 circuits daily and the battery has been cycling between 40% SOC and 60% SOC.

In the mean time as I evaluate I'll probably do some minor work in wiring etc, adding breakers and cutoffs and stuff on the installation. Also I did order the battery rack from Sungold which will help a bit in getting the batteries up off the floor and add a little mobility.

P.S. the discrepency in the PV/Battery/Load numbers as reported by Solar Assistant is still annoying me significantly. My obsessiveness I guess. :) I'm trying to get used to it but it's making me crazy. I know it wasn't like that (i.e. no discrepancy) before I added the two final batteries, but I'm also not convinced that had anything to do with it....other than perhaps something with the current surge with the unequalized batteries when I connected them. It's possible that threw something off or even broke something (current sensing in the inverter?) Dunno. Maybe if I can connect to the batteries it will be evident. I also an hoping that maybe if I get a full charge on the battery system things might 'reset' and match up again, but given the low sunlight this time of year it's not likely to happen unless I force charge from the grid.

Obligatory Pic:
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I also an hoping that maybe if I get a full charge on the battery system things might 'reset' and match up again, but given the low sunlight this time of year it's not likely to happen unless I force charge from the grid.
This is probably what will fix it.
Ummm... . I hope this is extremely temporary and you reduced the breaker size on the other end to account for the 14awg wire.
Sorry if I'm coming off as picking on you, I don't want to see you in the up in smoke section.
Please don't run the dryer or any high loads on grid pass through. I would put this inside a junction box with the same wire gauge going to the inverter ASAP.

diy solar

diy solar