diy solar

diy solar

RESOLVED: EG4 6500EX and 6000EX Lights Flickering FIRMWARE

Normally I'd agree, but the TS at SS is glacially slow right now... I sent tech 3 emails over 3 different days, on different topics, more than a week ago and just got a reply to the first of the 3 yesterday. I'm hoping it's because they've gotten so much business they haven't been able to grow fast enough to meet the demand.

A 90 minute wait on hold also got me nowhere so I hung up.
If you have the opportunity to call in now the queue is fairly clear. We are on less than 5 min wait currently. The wait times tend to get really long in the afternoon. Morning is always your best bet. Was the call back function not available when you tried?
Oh that was a fluke. It did not update to the new version according to solar assistant, the readme says to run the other exe too but Norton removed it. Time to try again.
I've never gotten a callback when I used that function of the queue. Now it's been a couple months since I called last, so that might be fixed now.
you have to try a few times I've noticed
We just recently upped the capability of that function, one of the reasons I asked was because I've gotten mixed feedback since we did this and want to know what customers are actually experiencing on their end. In the past there was only capability for 2 people to be in the call back "queue", that number is now 40 so it should be better. If it's not I plan on finding out why.
My 2P2 EG4 6500 inverter that I bought in May 2022 failed and was replaced by a new inverter the day before Thanksgiving in November 2022. I installed the new 2P2 inverter and updated the firmware in both inverters before starting the system up.

The firmware version number for the older 2P1 inverter shows U1 = 79.02 with U2 = 61.06, and the newer 2P2 inverter shows U1 = 79.03 and U2 = 61.06.

In addition to flickering lights, if the system is running in USB or SUB mode overnight with batteries at full charge, as soon as the sun comes up and PV output makes a watt or so, the inverters switch repeatedly between Utility and Solar, affecting everything I have connected to the system. The only fix has been to turn the PV input off to the inverters using the IMO switches, and then change the mode to SBU using Solar Assistant.

This has been such a problem that I am in discussions about taking the EG4-6500s down and going with a Schneider XW Pro system (I am waiting on the final quote from Weston on the new system now).

Will the firmware update fix the flickering lights when both an old EG4 6500 and a new EG4 6500 are running in 240V parallel?

Will it affect the SUB/USB switching problem? If I can't get the EG4 6500s to run reliably in SUB or USB mode when needed, they are not going to work for me.

The USB and SUB idea centers around protecting a non-lithium battery from use, right?
Please give tech support a call. They can walk you through this.
Can you please state in order what should be the process for the FW update? When I did mine on December the video stated to only do the MCU. Now there are other files and from what I read and if the updates are not done in a sepcific order the screen may black-out.
Can you please state in order what should be the process for the FW update? When I did mine on December the video stated to only do the MCU. Now there are other files and from what I read and if the updates are not done in a sepcific order the screen may black-out.
I will. Give me a bit to get that all together and I will post it here.
There's a Readme in the firmware download. It states that it doesn't matter which order to run the updates, but you need to run both .exe files in each folder.
The 6000ex folder its different. There is a "upgrade-guidebook file" which states to only do the "InfinitVMasterCPU Reflash tool"


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There's a Readme in the firmware download. It states that it doesn't matter which order to run the updates, but you need to run both .exe files in each folder.
Yeah poor instructions on SS part on their site. I updated the other exe and I thought I bricked it. Had to do it twice. Now waiting for solar to test it. Also if you have Norton it will delete that other exe file so make sure you undo it.
I think on Solar Assistant you're not going to get an answer because that's a 3rd party software and I would not expect it to work properly. I know a lot of people here like it, but it's not a native tool for EG4 equipment.

I have the pre-Nov version of the 6500EX, so I have not experienced flickering or other issues. My units have been stable running my house in SBU mode.

I don't have any experience running USB or SUB mode so I cannot provide any feedback there.
I have 60A 120V circuits running to each inverter, and my original intent was to be able to run in all three modes, as needed. I planned to maximize solar output when I could, or run with grid input when bad weather was approaching to keep the batteries fully charged when there was a risk of Utility power going out (as a battery backup). Solar Assistant makes that easy - I can do it from anywhere using a browser.

I've tested extensively over the last few months, and if all a person wants to do is run in SBU, it works. When I hook up AC input and attempt to run in other modes, I have problems when the sun comes up - every time when the batteries are fully charged.

I don't know if it is due to running an old model of the EG4 6500 with the new one, a difference in firmware between the old and new inverters (I updated them at the same time and ended up with two different firmware version numbers), or even the presence of lack of neutral-ground binding screws. I do believe that this Utility to Solar switching issue is what ruined my first 2P2 inverter, though.

A couple of prior responses from SS:

"We recommend using SBU always. We have had some issues with the SUB setting, as utility REALLY wants to power things. Let me know how it works for you!"

"You should not have to remove the N/g Bonding screw to operate properly. If it is interfering with your system we can show you how to do that if you'd like." (Note that it is now it is being reported that later model EG4 6500s are being shipped without the bonding screws, so I may have one with the screw and the other without)
Can you please state in order what should be the process for the FW update? When I did mine on December the video stated to only do the MCU. Now there are other files and from what I read and if the updates are not done in a sepcific order the screen may black-out.
The readme says it doesn't matter which order you do the 2 exe updates.
The USB and SUB idea centers around protecting a non-lithium battery from use, right?
That is not my understanding of how the Output Source Priority is used. As it is described in the manual:

The Utility/Solar/Battery (USB), Solar/Utility/Battery (SUB), and Solar/Battery/Utility (SBU) determine the "Output source priority: To configure load power source priority" (This is Setting 01 in the manual).

With USB, "Utility will provide power to the loads as first priority. Solar and battery energy will provide power to the loads only when utility power is not available."

With SUB, "Solar energy provides power to the loads as first priority. If solar energy is not sufficient to power all connected loads, Utility energy will supply power to the loads at the same time."

With SBU, "Solar energy provides power to the loads as first priority. If solar energy is not sufficient to power all connected loads, battery energy will supply power to the loads at the same time. Utility provides power to the loads only when battery voltage drops to either low-level warning voltage or the setting point in program 12."

I do have AC input set up, with 60A 120V going to each inverter. My system ran fine for nearly 2-months in SBU, but when I switched it to the SUB or USB to charge the batteries at night or when the batteries were low and PV output was limited, if I don't switch back to SBU before the sun comes up when the batteries are fully charged, the inverters switch back and forth repeatedly between Utility and Solar until something shuts down.

I can make the system run by monitoring it at all times switching between modes as needed, but that's not possible. I should be able to set the system to SUB or USB and keep the batteries charged as a battery backup in case Solar or Utility power are not available. Is that not how the Output Source Priority works?

A previous response from SS TS on December 16, 2022: "We recommend using SBU always. We have had some issues with the SUB setting, as utility REALLY wants to power things. Let me know how it works for you!"

My question to SS TS on February 2, 2023:

"Do you have a fix yet for the SUB issue? What is the current version of the EG4-6500 firmware, and will it affect SUB or light flickering?

I need to come over and get more batteries and I'm thinking about switching over to a Schneider XW Pro system, possibly this week if it turns out the EG4-6500s can't run reliably in SUB."
The readme says it doesn't matter which order you do the 2 exe updates.
As I commented above, Im not sure which two exe they are referring. As per my screenshot of the 6000ex folder there are 3 exe. Also by the "upgrade filebook guide" it states to use only one app which would be the "InfinityMaster"
As I commented above, Im not sure which two exe they are referring. As per my screenshot of the 6000ex folder there are 3 exe. Also by the "upgrade filebook guide" it states to use only one app which would be the "InfinityMaster"
Follow the readme that comes with yours, if any that is. With the 6500ex there are only 2 exe's in 2 different sub folders. It was a complete waste of time as it did nothing for me. Did not fix any issue that I had.
If you have the opportunity to call in now the queue is fairly clear. We are on less than 5 min wait currently. The wait times tend to get really long in the afternoon. Morning is always your best bet. Was the call back function not available when you tried?

I selected the call back function after about 30 minutes and it said it wasnt available and I went back into the queue.
That is not my understanding of how the Output Source Priority is used. As it is described in the manual:

The Utility/Solar/Battery (USB), Solar/Utility/Battery (SUB), and Solar/Battery/Utility (SBU) determine the "Output source priority: To configure load power source priority" (This is Setting 01 in the manual).

With USB, "Utility will provide power to the loads as first priority. Solar and battery energy will provide power to the loads only when utility power is not available."

With SUB, "Solar energy provides power to the loads as first priority. If solar energy is not sufficient to power all connected loads, Utility energy will supply power to the loads at the same time."

With SBU, "Solar energy provides power to the loads as first priority. If solar energy is not sufficient to power all connected loads, battery energy will supply power to the loads at the same time. Utility provides power to the loads only when battery voltage drops to either low-level warning voltage or the setting point in program 12."

I do have AC input set up, with 60A 120V going to each inverter. My system ran fine for nearly 2-months in SBU, but when I switched it to the SUB or USB to charge the batteries at night or when the batteries were low and PV output was limited, if I don't switch back to SBU before the sun comes up when the batteries are fully charged, the inverters switch back and forth repeatedly between Utility and Solar until something shuts down.

I can make the system run by monitoring it at all times switching between modes as needed, but that's not possible. I should be able to set the system to SUB or USB and keep the batteries charged as a battery backup in case Solar or Utility power are not available. Is that not how the Output Source Priority works?

A previous response from SS TS on December 16, 2022: "We recommend using SBU always. We have had some issues with the SUB setting, as utility REALLY wants to power things. Let me know how it works for you!"

My question to SS TS on February 2, 2023:

"Do you have a fix yet for the SUB issue? What is the current version of the EG4-6500 firmware, and will it affect SUB or light flickering?

I need to come over and get more batteries and I'm thinking about switching over to a Schneider XW Pro system, possibly this week if it turns out the EG4-6500s can't run reliably in SUB."
SBU should charge the batteries based on SOC%, you essentially want SBU but automatic top off of your bank at night by the grid as well?

if you want a minimum SOC like 80% you should be able to do that with SBU
SBU should charge the batteries based on SOC%, you essentially want SBU but automatic top off of your bank at night by the grid as well?

if you want a minimum SOC like 80% you should be able to do that with SBU
SBU will charge the batteries to whatever Solar will do during the day, then when the sun goes down, the loads will run on Battery until it reaches the cutoff, at which point it would switch to Utility.

Are you suggesting that Setting 12 should be set to 80% to allow Utility to charge the batteries back to 100% or so?

If that's the case, in order to avoid the Utility to Solar switching issue, could you then set Setting 13 at something less than 100% (maybe 95%)?

With bad weather and the likelihood of Utility power outage approaching, that would at least leave 80-95% reserve in the batteries.

I set the inverters up to try that.
SBU will charge the batteries to whatever Solar will do during the day, then when the sun goes down, the loads will run on Battery until it reaches the cutoff, at which point it would switch to Utility.

Are you suggesting that Setting 12 should be set to 80% to allow Utility to charge the batteries back to 100% or so?

If that's the case, in order to avoid the Utility to Solar switching issue, could you then set Setting 13 at something less than 100% (maybe 95%)?

With bad weather and the likelihood of Utility power outage approaching, that would at least leave 80-95% reserve in the batteries.

I set the inverters up to try that.
yes, exactly

I would say that this approach will reduce your utilization of solar, the best situation for max power offset is to be discharging your batteries at night so that extra solar will have a place to go during the day; I get that you may have to backup in a situation with low batteries (sand solar recharging in the ensuing hours) and that may not be worth it to you if your main focus is backup.

Personally, I always went with SBU and 20% reserve because I want max power offset from my battery investment
That is not my understanding of how the Output Source Priority is used. As it is described in the manual:

The Utility/Solar/Battery (USB), Solar/Utility/Battery (SUB), and Solar/Battery/Utility (SBU) determine the "Output source priority: To configure load power source priority" (This is Setting 01 in the manual).

With USB, "Utility will provide power to the loads as first priority. Solar and battery energy will provide power to the loads only when utility power is not available."

With SUB, "Solar energy provides power to the loads as first priority. If solar energy is not sufficient to power all connected loads, Utility energy will supply power to the loads at the same time."

With SBU, "Solar energy provides power to the loads as first priority. If solar energy is not sufficient to power all connected loads, battery energy will supply power to the loads at the same time. Utility provides power to the loads only when battery voltage drops to either low-level warning voltage or the setting point in program 12."

I do have AC input set up, with 60A 120V going to each inverter. My system ran fine for nearly 2-months in SBU, but when I switched it to the SUB or USB to charge the batteries at night or when the batteries were low and PV output was limited, if I don't switch back to SBU before the sun comes up when the batteries are fully charged, the inverters switch back and forth repeatedly between Utility and Solar until something shuts down.

I can make the system run by monitoring it at all times switching between modes as needed, but that's not possible. I should be able to set the system to SUB or USB and keep the batteries charged as a battery backup in case Solar or Utility power are not available. Is that not how the Output Source Priority works?

A previous response from SS TS on December 16, 2022: "We recommend using SBU always. We have had some issues with the SUB setting, as utility REALLY wants to power things. Let me know how it works for you!"

My question to SS TS on February 2, 2023:

"Do you have a fix yet for the SUB issue? What is the current version of the EG4-6500 firmware, and will it affect SUB or light flickering?

I need to come over and get more batteries and I'm thinking about switching over to a Schneider XW Pro system, possibly this week if it turns out the EG4-6500s can't run reliably in SUB."

I think this is what is happening, because I happened upon this behavior and posted it in my build thread, but its a guess for your situation.

If your inverter ever was placed into SBU and AT ANY TIME the battery charge lower limit (Setting 12) was activated, it WILL NOT forget that even if you switch modes. Meaning the inverters will flip back and forth between solar/utility based on solar input until the batteries are allowed to reach Setting 13 while the inverters are in SBU mode.

Set the inverters to SBU mode and ensure your bank is above Setting 13. If not, allow the bank to charge and do not flip modes until it switches back to battery.

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diy solar