diy solar

diy solar

Run from Signature Solar!!!

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As a project manager in manufacturing, email has saved my butt many times.
Yes, you can have much more of a conversation on the phone, but when it comes time to cover my butt, there's nothing like having an email to forward to the boss. On top of that, it allows both parties to deal with it at their best time.
Good morning Chadwick20021,

If you would like to reach out to me at with your name and email address, I can get you taken care of. We sincerely apologize and assure you this is not the service we aim to provide! I would like to look into what happened and ensure an investigation into the matter.
I just saw this post for the first time. I have emailed her.
so they are responsible for you not reading your emails ?
They are responsible for telling me on the phone that the order was complete and that the next thing to happen would be the order shipping out. No one told me I had to be looking for an email buried within the thousands that come in everyday. This is what the head of customer service admitted to me. End of story.
So now you are resorting to insults because people don't agree with you? Good luck in your future endeavors with that attitude.
Another example of you in particular not being able to comprehend what you read. I don't care whether people agree with me or not. That has not been my complaint.
Probably time for everyone to chill and enjoy what the forum has to offer.

Op-Hope you can dial it back and stick around to get to know the place. It’s a pretty good group but you parachuted into the middle of a long-term, controversial issue.
Yeah. A possible bot telling you to email a generic mailbox. After you have spent a bunch of time on the phone,

Instead of “Hi, my name is Jim. Email me at or call me at 512-123-4567 and I will fix this. Sorry for the trouble.”
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chadwick, myself as a lurker for a year+ on this site prior to registering, you have every reason to be upset and to voice your displeasure within the public venue such as here.
And to those that think posts such as this should have "evidential proof approval first" that is a slippery slope.
Are you suggesting video proof of a malfunctioning EG4 needs to be provided or any brand xyz, or product from any vendor.
Is this for real? Signature Solar and EG4 are basically the same entity? Don't split hairs... I consider 2 legal entities owned by another entity to be be the one and the same.
A big reason to split into multiple entities under the same owner is to protect assets in case of lawsuits, from a business standpoint it's a wise thing to do.
They are still one in the same at the end of the day but legally one is protected from the other.
Alright this thread is cleaned up. Future posts need to stay on topic. NOT imposing opinions on how a business should be run, or other tangents.

If OP has new evidence, please share.

If eg4 thinks OP is wrong or needs further help, your choice to respond.

There was no money taken and there doesn't seem to be anything else to discuss.
So (as a business) you would rather get thousands of phone calls or texts daily?
An email may take a minute to compose or respond to. A phone call can easily drag out much longer. And as I said, their is no proof of what was said on a phone call (unless it's recorded). The OPer posted some call logs, but how do we know what was actually said during those calls?
If attention or response is required, you better call or text me.
My business does have management that monitors company email, but you are talking about a personal transaction, and a company needing to contact them... no WAY i would put that to an email... it is insane.
This is the first time I have seen this email from Signature solars identity verification department. The first thing I notice is that not only are they wanting to identify and get government issued identification of the person purchasing the equipment even when they know for a fact because their own employee was on the phone while the bank verified the identity and the non-fraudulent nature of the purchase, signature solar is also wanting to verify the identity of the person that the purchaser is sending the equipment to. My question is this, how does that have anything to do with credit card or debit card fraud prevention? Many people that are buying solar equipment especially off-grid systems are concerned with privacy. It is obvious that signature solar is gathering the identity of everyone involved. What could the purpose possibly be? Looks to me like they are, and this is obvious to anyone who knows, all digital data that is collected is ultimately given to the government. As Edward Snowden, various congressman and senators and freedom of information act requests have proven, the government has access to all digital information. Signature solar obviously plays into that and absolutely does not respect the privacy of its buyers or users. Otherwise, what would be the purpose and verifying the identity of who is to receive the shipment? Their claim is that all they care about is verifying funds so that they don't get left holding the bag for unpaid product. Then why is the receiver of the shipment being identified?
Hi There!

We have your phone call from the 17th on this transaction, would love to post it for the group, have any issues with that?
I do not think a company on earth will not have issues. An apparent problem with this is that it is more typical for those with an alleged problem to air a complaint than for those with no problem to take the time to post their story, who really has time to comment on every positive experience.
Whilst I have no reason to believe @chadwick20021's post is not genuine, it was his first post here.
This seems a valid point?
We have your phone call from the 17th on this transaction, would love to post it for the group, have any issues with that?
After all of these posts, I would love to "hear" it or see it.
We have your phone call from the 17th on this transaction, would love to post it for the group,
I’d take a dim view of someone wanting to publicly post a phone recording that might include my address, credit card info, etc. Would certainly want to review the call privately before saying ok. And which call? He says there were a bunch of them around that time.
I’d take a dim view of someone wanting to publicly post a phone recording that might include my address, credit card info, etc. Would certainly want to review the call privately before saying ok. And which call? He says there were a bunch of them around that time.
PR damage control attempt that is perpetuating the problem becoming self-inflicted.
My opinion it was ill advised to even post that offer/comment.
Get your ? now, before the DIYSolarForum kiosk runs out ?
I love it when a new episode of as the sun shines airs you never know what will happen
will his lights flicker
will it update or brick
the dreaded code 61
will we find out Jess isn’t real it’s Dexter in disguise spying on ss
stay tuned for future episodes ?
I’d take a dim view of someone wanting to publicly post a phone recording that might include my address, credit card info, etc. Would certainly want to review the call privately before saying ok. And which call? He says there were a bunch of them around that time.
No that would not be allowed. And the OP would need to approve it being posted. When you call a company and they tell you they are on a recorded line, it's for instances such as these. I don't see any issue with it.

People can say whatever they want in a forum, but it would be interesting to see what they actually said.
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