diy solar

diy solar

DIY Solar Ain't Rocket Science

Don't know anything about the texas launch site, and there could be a depth perception illusion going on, but ...

The fft in me sure hopes those foreground tanks are fire suppression, and not fuel storage ...

Raise your hand if your propane (rocket fuel) tank is next to your propane (rocket fuel) space heater ...
Don't know anything about the texas launch site, and there could be a depth perception illusion going on, but ...

The fft in me sure hopes those foreground tanks are fire suppression, and not fuel storage ...

Raise your hand if your propane (rocket fuel) tank is next to your propane (rocket fuel) space heater ...
One picture I saw looked like there dents in some of the big tanks. It is going to be interesting to see what all comes out about the various aspects of the launch.
It may not be rocket science… but hopefully all our DIY solar (and battery!) installs go better than yesterdays Musk launch
or this


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I wonder if those panels survived the launch. There was a lot of stuff blowing around when that candle was lit.
Looks like a RV parked on the road with solar panels on the roof......

I doubt Elon lets the RV owner leave it parked there during launch. :ROFLMAO:
I doubt Elon lets the RV owner leave it parked there during launch. :ROFLMAO:
Actually, they did allow some of the SpaceX Youtube channels to leave vehicles with cameras fairly close. One of the cars got hit pretty hard with a chunk of flying debris.
Don't know anything about the texas launch site, and there could be a depth perception illusion going on, but ...

The fft in me sure hopes those foreground tanks are fire suppression, and not fuel storage ...

Raise your hand if your propane (rocket fuel) tank is next to your propane (rocket fuel) space heater ...

There was at least one puncture. Right after the launch there was venting at the small hole circled in red.


That is an oxygen tank so it is not as bad a LNG, but if it is mixed with LNG it could make one hell of an M80!
The two tanks with all the big dents are water tanks.
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Not sure why they thought that would last when they already had to replace the concrete once when they did a test fire with a lot less engines.
If you watch some of the videos even released by SpaceX and look at the surrounding land/ocean you can see large amount of debris going into the ocean and all over the land around it. There's got to be a huge amount of damage all over that launch pad.
Thing lifted off slow as shit. Lots of time to dig.

Any good "real audio" video floating around?
I got to visit this test site and see an Ares Heavy Lifter solid fuel booster being thermally conditioned before firing, but wasn't there for the test.
This was during a tour/class at the ATK rocket motor factory in Utah.

The nozzle was big enough to park a local delivery truck inside, and throat was big enough to fly a Trident-II D5 through.
That's interesting. Watched the launch again. You can see a few of the engines failing and parts coming off shortly after liftoff.

I wonder if that's why it didn't flip properly?
At a certain point, fawk it. Run it and see what happens.
EXACTLY… Just do it….This taught him more about a real launch and what to do next than a year of meetings , reviews and simulated computer models… sometimes ya have to just throw a punch to see what yer made of….
I could see him having different engines built differently to see what really worked and what did not. Maybe.

Or they're just crap lol.
After the flips, just before flight termination system explosion.
Bent booster connection to Starship. At this point booster nearly empty, Starship fully fueled, so it is main center of mass.
Three heat tiles showing missing.
Just before FTS ignition.jpg
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diy solar

diy solar