diy solar

diy solar

Solar has been hijacked/co opted. A wakeup?

What don't you like about outdoor wood furnaces?
For smaller demand systems/households it uses a higher volume of wood per btu, and when not full heating season it uses a lot of wood. And I don’t have my own woodlot.
An indoor woodstove makes more sense to me in the grid-down circumstances we’re discussing.
Have you looked into a wood gasifier to run your generator?
I’ve thought about that, incidentally.
It could be an alternative to consider. Diesel seems more attractive since you can burn various basic things that you can self-source the ingredients for.
My local zoning laws now want to charge for the water coming off my AC coils this switch to fees and fines is a shitty way around taxation without representation King George must be laughing his ass off.
My one time thought rolled for 13 pages.
My little solar trailer project was ALL about preparedness/ resilience separate from ANY government.
Just like the '60s hippies" did.
Now, it's about rebates n broke gov, from people who take your dollar, n give a penny back.
I'm disappointed.
From the comments.
There is no economic 'growth"
There is stagnation to contraction.
$1 growth w $3 debt doesn't equal growth.
SEEDS economic model is not tefutable.
Peak everything is done.
Plan\ get used to it.
There is NO American 'exceptionalism.'
Just another of many empires that come n go.

I'm next door in Canada.
I'm stuck next door to a dying empire, with petulant politicians thinking they're someone..
Not good
If someone smarter can manage a new categtegory of prepper, that might be handy.
NON political.
Preppers know politics is unrelated to real life.
not really true. Preppers in Holodomor event in Ukraine had govt take their stuff ….food and what not. Ppl were removed from their farms. Politics matter.

Communist politicians painted preppers as pigs and locked some preppers up for hoarding the foods they had prepared and stored away. The foods were distributed to others that had not prepped.

Politics matters and communist take for the State. The individual suffers and is often cheated.
My one time thought rolled for 13 pages.
My little solar trailer project was ALL about preparedness/ resilience separate from ANY government.
Just like the '60s hippies" did.
Now, it's about rebates n broke gov, from people who take your dollar, n give a penny back.
I'm disappointed.
Hi Robstrom,
Everyone has opinions and thoughts. No need to be disappointed. No need to agree.

You sparked some conversation, that's all.
My one time thought rolled for 13 pages.
My little solar trailer project was ALL about preparedness/ resilience separate from ANY government.
Just like the '60s hippies" did.
Now, it's about rebates n broke gov, from people who take your dollar, n give a penny back.
I'm disappointed.
I love some of your posts but to think it’s all the way down to the power companies is a tad bit excessive.

I thought this too, but when you realize that companies are pretty much obedient to anything that is dictated from above, no matter how crazy, even to a point of losing customers and money, all bets are off. (Examples are numerous - ESG, woke agenda, etc). Plus Utilities are de-facto govt monopolies, so they will always do what they are told minus organic resistance they encounter from the populace (because lets face it, if they decide to ration everyone at once without conditioning them first, they will quickly have a little revolution on their hands).
Which is why its important we resist.
I thought this too, but when you realize that companies are pretty much obedient to anything that is dictated from above, no matter how crazy, even to a point of losing customers and money, all bets are off. (Examples are numerous - ESG, woke agenda, etc). Plus Utilities are de-facto govt monopolies, so they will always do what they are told minus organic resistance they encounter from the populace (because lets face it, if they decide to ration everyone at once without conditioning them first, they will quickly have a little revolution on their hands).
Which is why its important we resist.
Just call their name Fink at Blackrock says jump…they jump. When he says land they land. Most everything Woke originates via him. Does he personally over see it and direct - probably not …. Blackrock is huge. Lot of ppl making decisions under him.

They were running housing way up…. Hyper inflated market with home buying…. Managed properties. Fink starts small ripple that turns into Tsunami. Blackrock = Definition of to much power and influence. Shown As 1 example

diy solar

diy solar