diy solar

diy solar

Spam Attacks

Will Prowse

Forum Owner
Staff member
Sep 19, 2019
36° N 115° W
Last few days were tough, and we were slammed with thousands of posts by spam profiles. Not a fun time for me and the other mods.

This morning I found a spam comment management tool that works with our forum software. It is called akismet, and it's $100 annually. I am hoping this fixes the issue! I also made a time delay for registrations coming from the same IP address.

Hoping this fixes the issue! Let's see what happens today..
I use akismet for wordpress, it does help, if its a form sign up issue consider adding honeypots to all the forms so that when bots are filling out the form they miss this and the form gets rejected, works great on all my gravityforms plugin items
I appreciate it. The whole thing was odd. It wasn’t even the usual spam like “click here to win” or something. Just loads of Chinese writing. More like an attack really.

Spam Bots pushing whatever they can trying to overwhelm a system. One of the issues is that the posts all started a new thread, and that this is harder to deal with to just designate the user as a spammer and delete all the posts. It's something that should be addressed in an update to the forum software soon.
As always, these things are a fight between the spammers and the measures against their methods. The forum software is pretty robust though, and the tools to deal with the spam are already good, and improving over time.
Spam Bots pushing whatever they can trying to overwhelm a system. One of the issues is that the posts all started a new thread, and that this is harder to deal with to just designate the user as a spammer and delete all the posts. It's something that should be addressed in an update to the forum software soon.
As always, these things are a fight between the spammers and the measures against their methods. The forum software is pretty robust though, and the tools to deal with the spam are already good, and improving over time.
Thanks for dealing with it. It’s one of those things people may not consider on a daily basis. I’m certainly guilty of that. You just assume things run smoothly. But the reason they function is people behind the scenes managing and doing what’s needed.

What is the point of overwhelming a system? Just a digital form of vandalism?
What is the point of overwhelming a system? Just a digital form of vandalism?

It's a combination of things: if you overwhelm a system, you might be able to take it down, increase the costs for people running the system, etc. But it also helps to find vulnerabilities: if you can make a system crash, you can learn valuable information about said system (for example error pages, faulty responses, or other error messages to help find out what operating system is running to use that to target different malware exploits). In addition, since it's automated, it can also find abandoned systems it can use to turn either into a bot itself, or to use it to advertise from/push more spam.
Last few days were tough, and we were slammed with thousands of posts by spam profiles. Not a fun time for me and the other mods.

This morning I found a spam comment management tool that works with our forum software. It is called akismet, and it's $100 annually. I am hoping this fixes the issue! I also made a time delay for registrations coming from the same IP address.

Hoping this fixes the issue! Let's see what happens today..
With the dozens of things I use on a daily basis to fight spam, I have to say a basic v3 Recaptcha during sign up goes a LONG way.
Does the forum software allow rate limiting? Or even better rate limiting with progressive backoff?
It is not working, I still see lots of same spams yesterday and just now at 12:45AM 3-12-2023.
Nice idea, Mithril, if it's available. One thread per hour until 25-50 posts or something seems like it should do for this particular spam attack.
Yeah well. I really liked it when I signed up here how "loose" it was - almost no restrictions.
Most other forums I use have a lot more.
As they say in Spain, "Pagan los justos por los pecadores" - which loosely* translates to "The righteous end up paying for the sinners".
It's the usual "security vs. usability" trade-off.

*Cesare Pavese (who was a very good translator) said: "Translations are like wives. Ugly and faithful or beautiful and unfaithful".