diy solar

diy solar

The new "My Sol-Ark" App and Migration to AWS is happening very soon.

Just registering etc won't work. They need to put your serial number in the system and migrate your data over to AWS first. You can ask them but I am not sure if they will make exceptions and migrate over an older customers.
So everyone that has brought solark in the past are stuck on the China servers and only new customers get AWS in the US? Surely a migration system would be basic common sense? Especially given the premium pricing/local support model.
So back to the original question, why can't you access settings? Can you use the screen on the SolArk?

I think solar-assistant website says that RS485 through CAN/ BMS port is read only and you need to hook up to RS232(?) port where WiFi dongle is connected to be able to modify settings on 15k. For 8k/ 12k, you can modify settings through any port.
From SA website


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So back to the original question, why can't you access settings? Can you use the screen on the SolArk?
I was referring to limitations of Solar Assistant. I can change settings on the Sol-Ark screen or PowerView.
Has anybody upgraded from a RPi3 to like a 5?
I am wondering if the speed difference is noticeable?
Has anybody upgraded from a RPi3 to like a 5?
I am wondering if the speed difference is noticeable?
I just upgraded from a 4B to a 5. No visible speed increase, but I like having the HDMI screen available.
I'm running 3B, and my data refresh is almost every 2 seconds. Not sure how much faster you can get with 5.
I finally hooked up SA to Home Assistant to turn off non-critical circuits via a my new smart breakers. I probably have the most electrically sophisticated 120 year old cabin in country..
That would be nice..
It would be nice if I was near the inverter a lot, but I go into my electrical room maybe once a month just to dust it out.
I pretty much do the same thing with an Amazon Tablet via Wifi. The WiFi tablet is in my Kitchen mounted on the wall.
I find the wording confusing. Is it an instant switch on that date, or are they going live now with mysolark but killing the current one on that date?
Either way, looks like your historical data might not be available for over a month.
Yes which is kind of confusing since Sol-Ark told me last week that the migration would happen in phases. I don't see how they migrate over all the users in one day!
They first have to update the Firmware in your dongle so it points to the New IP and then you have to make an account and then they then transfer your data.

BTW I am not getting that message so possibly they are doing it in batches.
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Yes which is kind of confusing since Sol-Ark told me last week that the migration would happen in phases. I don't see how they migrate over all the users in one day!
They first have to update the Firmware in your dongle so it points to the New IP, you then you have to make an account and then they transfer your data.
Don't get having to make a new account, the notice says that the credentials from your old account will be used for the new one.
Don't get having to make a new account, the notice says that the credentials from your old account will be used for the new one.
Possibly true. The story keeps evolving, I guess the plans changed.
The website has mysolark 2.0, you click on it, it asks for a password. Maybe that's been there a while, I haven't been to their site in a long time.
Okay so I talked to my friend at Sol-Ark. Keep in mind he is a hardware engineer and has nothing to do with the Web software or the App.
Thankfully he took his time to go over to some of the Coworkers that knew what was happening and he relayed to me in real time what they knew.

1) Everyone is going to be Migrated on May 13th even if you did not get a notification. This is the plan as it stands.
2) Your Credentials from Powerview will be migrated over, so you only need to go to the website or App and put them in.
3) Your Archived Data will not show up right away. It will take anywhere from 1-60 days for it to show up. Yes it could be 60 Days!
4) If your Dongle is not plugged in on the 13th you will not be Migrated. They will look at this as an Opt Out decision by you.
5) If you do not normally have your dongle plugged in or you Opt out you can still get on MySolArk by calling support and they will transfer you.

6) If you are not on MySolArk but still on Powerview they will still be able to do customer support but their will come a point when they will not be able to do it simply because PowerView may not let them see your data to support you anymore. Also they will eventually phase out having CS use two platforms for support.

7) I asked what happens with PowerView since they will no longer be paid for hosting customers data. The answer was that he did not know.
They may just keep on having Sol-Ark customers on the platform for free or they may start charging or they may just dump the account.
He said he has not been informed as to what the long term agreement is with Linter.

8) What happens if several months from now you plug in your Dongle because you have a system problem? The answer is you may be SOL in getting fast service if Powerview is not available. They will have to set it up like your a new customer. There will be no Plant Commissioning info. They will have zero historical data to work with and analyze to see what happened. I also personally wonder if the dongle will work or will it flip out because it cannot access Powerview. It would still have the IP for them to change the system setting but it may get stuck in a error message loop trying to contact Powerview. Most likely they will be able to push a Dongle update without a problem. I forgot to ask about this.

My personal thought is what could go wrong with a big move like this done on May 13th at 13:13z :LOL:
Joking aside, I am glad they are just getting this done but I am perplexed about why they are doing it all in one big move instead of a few thousand customers at a time.
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diy solar

diy solar