diy solar

diy solar

Signature solar horrible customer service

We called him to see if he needed any additional help because you posted that video. Just wanted to see what was wrong. He has a 240 response email chain with one of our Technicians that started in July and goes all the way through Dec. We know Jeff's entire story. He and his father are both electrical engineers, his son works in the IT field, Jeff told us all about how he was going to be out of pocket two weeks in order to handle some things at his sons wedding. You are looking through a peep hole thinking you are seeing the big picture. You're calling me a liar when you have no idea what the facts actually are. That's the part that is dramatic. It's clear that you enjoy throwing gas on the fires that start in the Signature Solar back yard even though you don't really know what is going on. You took one sentence out of a 14 min video that didn't even mention us by name to make that post. There are enough legitimate claims that you could throw in our direction, why reach that far?
Again, all I did was repeat what he has stated in two videos now and ..again there's people here saying he same thing. Right after my post another customer said the same thing and you were like "Oh let me look into why we've been dropping the ball". Come on man! I posted the link to the section of the video for relevancy ..the rest was not relevant but nice try. If you or anybody else wants to watch it then do it. Stop making excuses for poor customer service and then getting pissed when other people point it out, customers are tired of getting taken advantage of and this is exactly why forums exist so we can help each other.
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I'll meet you have way. If you own a company you need to have good customer service; solid customer service is the foundation on which successful and long lasting companies are built. Good customer service should be able to return a email or phone call fairly quickly and not leave the customer hanging...that's the low bar but at least be able to provide this.


So you want bottom dollar products with top-dollar reliability, ease of setup and operation AND customer service from "could be engineers but chose to work in customer service instead" level people?

If you can't have that, you'll take products at harbor freight prices and level of refinement along with a Costco-like return policy?

Why are you so against spending the money it takes to get stuff that just works?


Oh look. Signature solar sells Victron and Schneider. Why don't those end up in people's carts instead of the $1100.00, 8 billion kilowatt AIO that accepts up to 8 trillion volts from your 300 panels in series solar array? You like that you can just series wire 900 panels because then you can use old speaker wire you found in the abandoned house next door and not spend the money on expensive things like combiner boxes and breakers right? Oh and who cares if the heat generated from the 20kw idle draw heats the garage or laundry room up to hotter than the surface of the sun! It's worth it!
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Honestly I don't know how some of you guys do it. After watching a few videos by "Adam De Lay" I am kind of surprised at not just the number of issues and run arounds but also the unreliable way these inverters work and the low overall efficiency they produce.
The first problem is that my wife would freaking kill me if the lights kept going off at night because I had to fiddle with something!
Secondly I cannot imagine being off grid and having an Inverter down for 2 hours much less several days while I trying to get support.
Also the need to even think about the equipment on a daily basis is just beyond my patience level, especially when I have so many other things going on in life.
These things are supposed to be set and forget pieces of gear, a replacement for the power grid that works as well or better than the grid.
I inspect mine once per month to clean off any dust build up.

So you want bottom dollar products with top-dollar reliability, ease of setup and operation AND customer service from "could be engineers but chose to work in customer service instead" level people?

If you can't have that, you'll take products at harbor freight prices and level of refinement along with a Costco-like return policy?

Why are you so against spending the money it takes to get stuff that just works?
You assumed! I stated in this thread I was wanting to get Schneider products from know tier 1 products. But, why the hell would I do that with a bad reputation in basic customer service. Nobody is saying they have to engineer the customers install but they should understand the product they are selling, it's capabilities and settings and be available consistently to answer questions regardless of it's price point. You almost seem like you work at SS with the way you're acting.
Honestly I don't know how some of you guys do it. After watching a few videos by "Adam De Lay" I am kind of surprised at not just the number of issues and run arounds but also the unreliable way these inverters work and the low overall efficiency they produce.
The first problem is that my wife would freaking kill me if the lights kept going off at night because I had to fiddle with something!
Secondly I cannot imagine being off grid and having an Inverter down for 2 hours much less several days while I trying to get support.
Also the need to even think about the equipment on a daily basis is just beyond my patience level, especially when I have so many other things going on in life.
These things are supposed to be set and forget pieces of gear, a replacement for the power grid that works as well or better than the grid.
I inspect mine once per month to clean off any dust build up.

I have (2) 6500EXs running for two months so far and I have had ZERO issues. No shutdowns, no lights flickering, none of it. And I didn't even update my firmware.

I would wager 95% of the issues seen are customer self induced, and some customers very likely are either not technically capable or don't have the tools necessary to help diagnose their problem.

Good luck helping some guy over the phone who barely knows how use a screw driver figure out his flickering lights are being caused by a overtighened battery post connection that cracked the laser weld when he torqued it without a torque wrench.

I've learned a shit ton in this forum in the past 6 months and I'm a very capable person with both mechanical and controls. The information needed to DIY a cheap solar solution, especially for an entire house, is not trivial.
You assumed! I stated in this thread I was wanting to get Schneider products from know tier 1 products. But, why the hell would I do that with a bad reputation in basic customer service. Nobody is saying they have to engineer the customers install but they should understand the product they are selling, it's capabilities and settings and be available consistently to answer questions regardless of it's price point. You almost seem like you work at SS with the way you're acting.

Because no one can understand and master the stuff they are selling. It's not that kind of stuff and it's challenging for anyone to figure out. In order to hire people that could master that kind of stuff, they would need to raise prices and then you wouldn't buy it.

See the catch 22 there.
So small business are exempt from being on point when we choose to spend money with them? Should we only deal with big established businesses?
So what was your bad experience with us? The majority of the people on this forum that have negative things to say about us have never made a single purchase here. There are absolutely a few that slip through the cracks, but those are the outliers and the reason I try and watch these threads. People aren't coming to the forums to say great things normally, only when they have a negative experience. So it's going to seem overwhelmingly negative. The customer support here is very good and the vast majority of the issues we deal get resolved quickly. Sometimes people don't like our policies, but they check a box agreeing to them before we ever accept a payment from them.
If the customer support is bad and the product is bad am I supposed to say they are a good company because they are an American business?

Well, would you rather buy "PowMR on Amazon, or get something of equivalent quality and price from signature solar where you at least have a chance of getting customer service?

That's the way to look at it.

If guys want Ron Popeil, "set it and forget it" then up your credit limit and get what works.
I have (2) 6500EXs running for two months so far and I have had ZERO issues. No shutdowns, no lights flickering, none of it. And I didn't even update my firmware.

I would wager 95% of the issues seen are customer self induced, and some customers very likely are either not technically capable or don't have the tools necessary to help diagnose their problem.

Good luck helping some guy over the phone who barely knows how use a screw driver figure out his flickering lights are being caused by a overtighened battery post connection that cracked the laser weld when he torqued it without a torque wrench.

I've learned a shit ton in this forum in the past 6 months and I'm a very capable person with both mechanical and controls. The information needed to DIY a cheap solar solution, especially for an entire house, is not trivial.

Maybe. They also sell stuff that comes in at a price point where I just don't see that it would be possible to get good quality control so I bet there are lots of little random hiccups and failures with stuff and then there is of course always the stuff like yours that just works.

That's the gamble one would take and should be mindful of, I think.
So what was your bad experience with us? The majority of the people on this forum that have negative things to say about us have never made a single purchase here. There are absolutely a few that slip through the cracks, but those are the outliers and the reason I try and watch these threads. People aren't coming to the forums to say great things normally, only when they have a negative experience. So it's going to seem overwhelmingly negative. The customer support here is very good and the vast majority of the issues we deal get resolved quickly. Sometimes people don't like our policies, but they check a box agreeing to them before we ever accept a payment from them.
It's called a reputation Ben!
I agree there is likely a built in defect rate. You can only test so much at that price point and 100% testing something like an AIO costs gobs of money.

Hell look at even simple component companies like EVE. Even in a fully modern, basically 100% robotic prismatic battery factory their yield rate is only 98%.

I bet EG4s have a lower failure rate than 2%.
If we're being honest, we have a great reputation in the industry of late. You're correct @PreppenWolf, the last time I ran a failure report EG4 was at 1.2% A handful of people that paint us as the bad guys on the forum doesn't negate the thousands of satisfied customers that we have. I don't mean for that to sound callus to the people that are having big problems, but those people are going to get taken care of too.
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Everyone gets grumpy this time of year.

Low Kwh harvests during the winter. Guys have to drag out the mules to get water out of the well and take cold showers while eating cold soup out of a can.

At least if they have an EG4 AIO they can warm their hands and beverages up on the case of the unit.
I’ve been skipping over the sig solar threads for a year or so. Y’all’s rep could use some polish here. Some pretty bad stuff in the not so distant past. Hope you are improving.
I knew there is very little support when spending money for these high frequency inverters from China..... so since am basically on my own looked for the absolutely cheapest price. This is what I found and would recommend as a source for the 6548.

If there is no customer service advantage then eliminate the middle man.

For me personally am looking to build a minimum system back up. I bought a single 3048 and after checking it for operation might buy another to parallel
Again KNOW am on my own and these inverters are not known to last very long anyway. All these long warranties offered mean nothing except toilet paper. Companies come and go all the time now. Warranty paper is again toilet paper in most cases. The Lifepo batteries provided with warranties mean nothing. These cheap inverters provided with warranties mean nothing. These companies are not in it for the long term. Solar panel warranties are a joke too.

So save as much money as possible while you play with this junk and try not to burn anything down. The World as you knew it is no longer.
Well, would you rather buy "PowMR on Amazon, or get something of equivalent quality and price from signature solar where you at least have a chance of getting customer service?

That's the way to look at it.

If guys want Ron Popeil, "set it and forget it" then up your credit limit and get what works.
Your much better off checking the Used Inverter Section of the Forum and getting a used Outback or Schneider etc.
Here was a great listing from a few weeks ago:
Outback radion for sale.
It's not costing you a whole bunch more and it's a reliable product.
I have a ton of test equipment in my Home Lab that I bought off of eBay for a fraction of the price of a new one.
If we're being honest, we have a great reputation in the industry. You're correct @PreppenWolf, the last time I ran a failure report EG4 was at 1.2% A handful of people that paint us as the bad guys on the forum doesn't negate the thousands of satisfied customers that we have. I don't mean for that to sound callus to the people that are having big problems, but those people are going to get taken care of too.
You have a fair point and we have no way of knowing how many satisfied customers you have nor if what you're saying is valid. Assuming it's true what negates your statement is what we do know...lots of customers here and elsewhere saying the same thing regarding prompt, polite and good basic customer service. To be clear and add context..I'm not saying you should help them install and wire the house but you should know your products you sell..period. For more context, from the short time I've been here, it would seem like Ian at watts/247 has a better reputation for customer engagement before and after the sale and he's a much smaller company. I've not seen anybody saying he never calls or emails them back.
It's always the same group of people here that have an ax to grind with Signature Solar and your constant attacks are getting more than a little annoying. I'm currently dealing with a product issue with SS and so far have received adequate support. Once the problem is resolved I'll write up the entire transaction here for all to see as it may be helpful to someone else. One of my emails to them did end up in a spam folder and wasn't seen by the tech and its understandable that it happened, because I have the same problem with my email on occasion. You can blame that on the constant barrage of scammers out there trying to steal your money via email fraud. Spam filters are getting more aggressive in response to that ever growing problem. Based on previous tech support issues with SS, I can tell you they are improving and are putting in place the necessary means to do so.

Oh and stop blaming them for inadequate or poor documentation in regard to operators manuals from various manufacfurers. Take that fight up with the manufacturers themselves if you like since they are the ones putting out the product and documentation, not SS. I'm more than satisfied with the equipment I've purchased from SS but perhaps that's because I'm not an idiot that types in run-on sentences with no punctuation.
I’ve been skipping over the sig solar threads for a year or so. Y’all’s rep could use some polish here. Some pretty bad stuff in the not so distant past. Hope you are improving.
You're right. For the purpose of this forum we need a great deal of image refining. Most of the real bad stuff that people have had happen was before July 2022. Less still since October of last year. We have been constantly improving and will continue to do so.
It's always the same group of people here that have an ax to grind with Signature Solar and your constant attacks are getting more than a little annoying. I'm currently dealing with a product issue with SS and so far have received adequate support. Once the problem is resolved I'll write up the entire transaction here for all to see as it may be helpful to someone else. One of my emails to them did end up in a spam folder and wasn't seen by the tech and its understandable that it happened, because I have the same problem with my email on occasion. You can blame that on the constant barrage of scammers out there trying to steal your money via email fraud. Spam filters are getting more aggressive in response to that ever growing problem. Based on previous tech support issues with SS, I can tell you they are improving and are putting in place the necessary means to do so.

Oh and stop blaming them for inadequate or poor documentation in regard to operators manuals from various manufacfurers. Take that fight up with the manufacturers themselves if you like since they are the ones putting out the product and documentation, not SS. I'm more than satisfied with the equipment I've purchased from SS but perhaps that's because I'm not an idiot that types in run-on sentences with no punctuation.
You could if just said you're having a good experience with them instead of accusing people that have legit issue of attacking. Or since you're annoyed by it said nothing at all!

diy solar

diy solar