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Signature Solar Tech Support...Ghosting?


New Member
Oct 23, 2020
I have an issue where one of my 6500EXs is able to use power from the batteries but is not able to read the battery voltage (yields F83 code), causing me to be unable to use the units with battery power since they now have mismatching voltages. I reached out to Signature Solar 10 days ago when it happened, and reached out again 3 days ago and have not heard anything. I have not be able to use my batteries with my inverters at all causing me to have to use from the grid, which is pretty expensive here at ~$0.33 kWh. I also had a grid outage today that lasted only a few seconds but it shut down my whole house, which was the straw that broke the camel's back for me and prompted me to post here.

I decided to use Signature Soiar because of the warranty and because they're based out of Texas, which seemed easier and faster to get support from instead of MPP Solar, but MPP Solar has never taken more than 24 hours to reply to me and they have shipped me replacement parts from Taiwan in 3 days before. I'm fairly certain this would've been resolved already if I had been dealing with MPP Solar support.

I've worked with their support before and it has been fine, but I've seen a few other threads recently with Signature Solar support issues. Is shady support starting to become the norm with them?
How did you “reach out” to them @adobopr? Did you send an email - maybe this didn’t arrive with them or got filtered to junk mail folder. Have you phoned?

Seems hasty to name and shame on the forum before you’ve even established contact successfully.
Much of North, Central and East Texas were impacted last week by the multi-day ice storm. In one of his posts last week James said they were running at partial staff. I would reach out directly to James or Ben again and see if you can make connection. In the meantime, you might start compiling the documentation and photographs/vids that they will no doubt request. Good luck.
Much of North, Central and East Texas were impacted last week by the multi-day ice storm. In one of his posts last week James said they were running at partial staff. I would reach out directly to James or Ben again and see if you can make connection. In the meantime, you might start compiling the documentation and photographs/vids that they will no doubt request. Good luck.
I was aware and this is initially why I didn't think much of the few days of delay, but my best friend lives in Texas and he says everything's pretty much back to normal.
Is there a places James posts that I can stay up to date on things like this? Or do you mean that he commented on a thread here?
I was aware and this is initially why I didn't think much of the few days of delay, but my best friend lives in Texas and he says everything's pretty much back to normal.
Is there a places James posts that I can stay up to date on things like this? Or do you mean that he commented on a thread here?
If you would DM me your email address I can look into this for you and get you some help today.
I talked to SS twice yesterday by phone. I got no response from emails I sent. I am guessing their inbox looks like my work inbox (that's a big number of unread :p ).
I talked to SS twice yesterday by phone. I got no response from emails I sent. I am guessing their inbox looks like my work inbox (that's a big number of unread :p ).
I hate having unread emails staring at me, so they all get "read" - now whether I fully read them and remember or understand them is another matter o_O
This thread is interesting because I was thinking of making a purchase thru Signature Solar and in fact sent a question (via email) on Feb 6th. While I agree a few day is fine - 10days is not OK. Ignore email (e.g. a potential customer) at you're peril would be my advice.
I talked to SS twice yesterday by phone. I got no response from emails I sent. I am guessing their inbox looks like my work inbox (that's a big number of unread :p
Last week when everyone was out Tues-Thurs the tech support email got absolutely hammered. We had over 1,100 emails in the inbox by the time anyone was able to start working on them. The ice storm put us way behind. There are still a couple hundred unread in that box. We typically get between 150 and 250 a day. Not to mention the main guy that delegates the emails from that box was out on Monday of this week. I KNOW it's super frustrating and is effecting us in a negative way. But if you need anything answered right now, please give us a call instead.
This thread is interesting because I was thinking of making a purchase thru Signature Solar and in fact sent a question (via email) on Feb 6th. While I agree a few day is fine - 10days is not OK. Ignore email (e.g. a potential customer) at you're peril would be my advice.
If you have a presales related question that you are needing answers to, send an email to or The sales inbox is packed right now too, but those questions are typically easier to answer than what we see in tech inbox so they get knocked out a little quicker.
If you have a presales related question that you are needing answers to, send an email to or The sales inbox is packed right now too, but those questions are typically easier to answer than what we see in tech inbox so they get knocked out a little quicker.
This is what you post everywhere on your site...
Which implies a response in a reasonable time. While I can appreciate the honesty, full inbox comments don't help you're case - it just says out loud that you don't have enough resources for the level of support I would prefer - which is not a good first impression.
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This is what you post everywhere on your site...
View attachment 134051
Which implies a response in a reasonable time. While I can appreciate the honesty, full inbox comments don't help you're case - it just says out loud that you don't have enough resources for the level of support I would prefer - which is not a good first impression.
We're still playing catch up from the ice storm we had here last week. That's really the long and short of being behind in sales. I understand the concern and thank you for your feedback.

If you call sales right now, I'm sure you'll be able to get all your questions answered today.
We're still playing catch up from the ice storm we had here last week. That's really the long and short of being behind in sales. I understand the concern and thank you for your feedback.
Appreciate this - good answer and you have made sure I now have a good first impression :)

If you call sales right now, I'm sure you'll be able to get all your questions answered today.
FYI - Phone may be OK for some, but for me (and I suspect many others) its not OK.
It is good to see Signature Solar looking into these questions on this forum. I missed the sale in January on the 'buy three batteries and get the rack free'. I sent SS an email about it on February 6th, and they did get back to me today. I feel for them getting slammed. It can be difficult to catch up at times!