diy solar

diy solar

LIFEPOWER4 and EG4LL 48v packs work with anything we've tried so far

What you F-tards are not understanding is that Signature Solar tests and posts what their batteries work with. Grow the F up. If you basterdise your DIY build and the battery no longer works it's on you. Grow the F up.
You need to back off the throttle a little bit and let things cool down.
We are all passionate about our projects, but you are letting a difference of opinion and experiences get in the way.
Let's get this back on track and quit turning this into a yelling match.
For the record, there are several posters in this thread who need to take it down a notch and quit taking all of this so personal. We are talking about batteries, not family.
Are you going to refund the original shipping cost?
That would likely depend on a case-by-case basis. Did you buy 1 battery and return 1 battery? Yes. Did you buy 1 battery, an inverter, 2 pallets of panels, wiring, and all the other components for an entire solar system? Probably not going to refund the entire shipping cost. Shipping isn't a 'add x product and it goes up by $x every time'. There are a lot of factors, dimensions being one of the largest and the battery really doesn't add a lot to the total shipping when you add in all the additional equipment. However, shipping a battery by itself can seem expensive because it requires palletization which takes up significantly more space than just the battery itself on a truck. Not to mention the current state that product shipping is in worldwide - there are just too many factors to give a yes or no answer to this.
They did troubleshoot the batteries including with the exact same make and model of inverter. Do you even own any of these batteries or anything from Signature Solar? All you ever do is whine about others. Why do you think your opinion has any merit? Where is the perfect system that you have built? Do you think people visit a DIY Solar power forum to listen to you whine?
I see you evidently stopped taking your medication.
I leave the forum for 10 hours and you assume I am personally avoiding you?
My PM box is open, I recently had a conversations with even Richard from SS. So evidently you do not know how to use PM!

When a person has to resort to insults it's pretty obvious that the conversation has gone past the persons IQ level so the only way they can get any attention is to use profanity.

To Answer Your Question, Yes I have a Signature Solar EG4 LL Battery. If you had been following the numerous threads you would know that. My Eg4 LL Battery has an issue in that three of the Cells constantly rise up to 3.78V during charging while the others are at 3.4xV. I have asked Signature Solar about this and have been told their warranty does not cover cell voltages, so I am out of luck.

I will post pictures of my Installation when I feel like doing so. If you would like to keep on implying that it is a rubbish installation or does not exist please keep on doing so. That way you will look like a bigger idiot when I post the pictures.
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So i tried to talk with an individual and he refused to speak privately with me and I am the villain? You are not self aware enough to understand human communication? Grow up.
Your Behaving like a little child that is why your looking like a villain.
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Until they log into it, they are just guessing..... It's an easy enough variable to eliminate.. Just trying to help them with troubleshooting 101.
Get a capacitance meter and measure it (mine doesn't go high enough.)
One suggestion I had was to connect two inverters (as a way to get 2x the capacitance) and make sure battery could still start it.

Capacitors vary in capacitance with voltage, some more than others. New batch of capacitors could have been same rated capacitance, but with less reduction due to voltage, present 2x what previous capacitors did.
Agree but I also don't have a meter that can read that high. I suspect very few people have one unless they work with large capacitors for a living.
The second dirty way to go about this is to just use a scope or meter and measure the time Interval to get to 52V volts then plug it into the equation t=5RC or C = t/5R in this case 5R is equal to 100. Assuming an Eg4LL actually gets the caps up to full voltage it would at least give you a close enough idea of the Inverters input Capacitance. Now if you had @Koldsimer Inverter to compare it against they would know what they are dealing with and could adjust the Lifepower max pre-charge time accordingly.
Agree but I also don't have a meter that can read that high. I suspect very few people have one unless they work with large capacitors for a living.

Of course there are tricks. charging up (not enough to turn on loads) and discharging through a resistor is one way.
Another would be to put a large capacitor you could measure on your meter, then connect in series with the unknown too-large capacitor.
Similar to paralleling resistors. I used that method to observe 30 Meg leakage on an unwashed PCB with 6 Meg resistor.
You gain range, lose accuracy.

Measuring under bias voltage in situ would be more difficult, given power draw by circuit.
@RichardfromSignatureSolar what's your XW Pro 6848 firmware version?
We just contacted Zonna yesterday to verify this. I'll hopefully hear back soon.
FWIW the factory test certificate that shipped with the inverter should show the F/W Revision near the top of second page.

The one I got in February was tested 15 September 2021 and has version 01.03.00 BN0003, for example.
I'll see if we still have the paperwork. The shop guys tend to move papers around a lot.
@RichardfromSignatureSolar and several others pounced me about peteb, he's not us; I truthfully have no knowledge of an inside player. No John Mackey moves here so far, you'll probably spot my personality if that was tried though.
We did have over 10,000 people buy from us last year alone, so while the main players here are a core group of 50 or so there is always the chance that any one of them takes some of the tougher approaches here as "mean or unfair". As a business we deserve mean and unfair to get better so I'm not spending time attacking anyone here.

It's not unusual to have some people like us. that's why we get an average of 3 orders per customer. if peteb and others like us then that ought to be a free speech allowance here, you guys can keep criticizing away under them

I think we need to keep this place cleaner by starting a Signature Solar feedback and forum thread and try to keep replies to threads on topic for newbies.
Honestly we own 3 schneiders and for some reason no SCP, getting one for next week.
You may want to consider the Insight Home instead of the SCP. The SCP will work with an XW PRO 6848, but doesn't allow you to fully configure it, they are discontinuing the SCP. Also you can't apply a firmware with the SCP, insight home or gateway needed for that.
who knows, one of these days we may carry these guys. as an installer I used then in 2015-2018
They are solid equipment, and like a swish army knife of inverters. This makes them advanced and less DIY friendly, but for those that learn them, good stuff I think.
You may want to consider the Insight Home instead of the SCP. The SCP will work with an XW PRO 6848, but doesn't allow you to fully configure it, they are discontinuing the SCP. Also you can't apply a firmware with the SCP, insight home or gateway needed for that.
Also, the SCP doesn't provide a way to upgrade the firmware of the XW.
@Mahendra Gomanie We just got the Radian in yesterday and put a video up with it operating with 2 batteries. It took 2 to start it based on the size of the unit. It can run with 1 but the startup inrush takes 2 batteries for the inrush amps.
So since i have four on the signature solar cabinet.
What sequence should i use to turn the radian on?
A. Turn on at least two batteries then the inverter load centre breakers


B.Turn on Inverter load centre breakers then two batteries at the same time.

I sure cannot turn on four batteries at the same time.
So since i have four on the signature solar cabinet.
What sequence should i use to turn the radian on?
A. Turn on at least two batteries then the inverter load centre breakers


B.Turn on Inverter load centre breakers then two batteries at the same time.

I sure cannot turn on four batteries at the same time.
with any paralleled batteries:

1: turn on ALL batteries
2: turn on your inverters after

diy solar

diy solar