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diy solar

Need EVE 280K Batteries: Luyuan? Qso? Docan? Other Companies?

don't waste your time with eve official store they just want to make you feel poor.
Just placed an order for 16 EVE 280ah from Jenny Wu from Docan $85 each see how it turns out coming from China. Hopefully good seen mixed reviews. She had REPT for $65 each but she said no testing datasheets said the EVE were better I went with those. She sent me these pictures.

what type of testing report did she say you were getting, did she already send?
don't waste your time with eve official store they just want to make you feel poor.

what type of testing report did she say you were getting, did she already send?
She sent me this screen shot. I also ordered a JK B2A24S20P BMS for $165. She said I have 15 days to contact them after receiving for any damage. If there was other issues they would handle it. I was trying to get her to give me some written warranty I could take it to my credit card company if needed for a charge back. Ill save all communications she stated these were tested and new grade A.


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Dang! That's perfect what did you say the price was?
As long as your cells that match that test report you should be getting decent cells.
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I ordered from Amy Wan of Shenzhen Luyuan.
I have been more than happy with the products purchased from Amy Wan. Arrived earlier than expected. Arrived in excellent condition. Support has been amazing!
Dang! That's perfect what did you say the price was???
$85 each x 16 $165 for the BMS totaled out with shipping to AZ and fees was $1742. If I remove the BMS and take the total divide by 16 about $98 per battery shipped. US companies are all out of stock it would be another $400 with taxes and shipping if I bought from them, I'm risking about $1200 on this. I'm hoping that my credit card will bail me out if it turns out to be a scam.

Trying to figure out a way to test these I have a good multi-chemistry charger made by Revolectrix from my RC airplanes it only goes up to 2000 watts. It has a cycle feature I don't think the discharge can go more then 20 amps rate at most. It does show internal resistance and I can get capacity reports.
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That is good as long as you have matching qr codes, for extra safety peel back the black cover and make sure. I just hope they don't do the bs they did earlier where 1 person got grade A and the other got Grade B all depending on what type of buyer it was.
I just got a price Of A$270 per cell for grade A here in Australia. Wondering if the price on the next batch the shop buys will go down? I am willing to pay a bit more to avoid the hassle of dealing with China. (I got burned once already.) But US $ 100 = A$ 152. Big difference
I just got a price Of A$270 per cell for grade A here in Australia. Wondering if the price on the next batch the shop buys will go down? I am willing to pay a bit more to avoid the hassle of dealing with China. (I got burned once already.) But US $ 100 = A$ 152. Big difference
How the hell are are you going to buy a chinese made product without dealing with china in some way?
Indirectly. Through a supply chain of people who are equipped to deal with china.
Call it what you will... I cant see how the dealings through all the middle men can be anywhere near as efficient or fair?... Your still dealing with china.
Call it what you will... I cant see how the dealings through all the middle men can be anywhere near as efficient or fair?... Your still dealing with china.
Negotiating power. The weak link for accountability is the international transaction. As a buyer of 16 or 32 cells the china dealer doesn't lose much by telling you to get stuffed, unless they really are trying to build a brand reputation to maintain. They are not on the whole notorious for maintaining this reputation.

An importer though may have a relationship of ongoing business, and therefore a lot more pull with the china dealer to motivate the china dealer to send good cells.
Negotiating power. The weak link for accountability is the international transaction. As a buyer of 16 or 32 cells the china dealer doesn't lose much by telling you to get stuffed, unless they really are trying to build a brand reputation to maintain. They are not on the whole notorious for maintaining this reputation.

An importer though may have a relationship of ongoing business, and therefore a lot more pull with the china dealer to motivate the china dealer to send good cells.
So how many agreed on reputable venues are their through these channels?
So how many agreed on reputable venues are their through these channels?

The 5 Pillars of being a reputable supplier:

1) Must have manufacture test reports for each individual cells, and absolutely not have cells with sanded off counterfeit qr codes that have been re-lasered.
2) North American phone number & physical North American address
3) Reasonable customer support and should respond to emails or phone calls within 24-48 hours
4) They have been in business for a year or more
5) Fair prices, no they will not be as cheap as direct from China, but are reasonable considering you are getting items faster and have actual recourse vs Alibaba where there is NO recourse only credit card dispute.

You put all 5 together and you have yourself a reputable supplier. Unlike Alibaba where when they are caught, they can just start a new company and be back to start scamming in no time.
Unlike Alibaba where when they are caught, they can just start a new company and be back to start scamming in no time.
Seen that happen on Amazon & Ebay as well...
Reality Check: There are Scammers EVERYWHERE and more "schemes" to liberate people from their money than any of us can count regardless of what continent or nation you are in.

Pillar 6)
Dealing with a company (regardless of location) that has repeatedly delivered exactly what was promised with a good track record with numerous clients. You know, the "Known Good Vendors" with a good history.
Pillar 6)
Dealing with a company (regardless of location) that has repeatedly delivered exactly what was promised with a good track record with numerous clients. You know, the "Known Good Vendors" with a good history.
Great point. Sometimes even a state side supplier can turn sour. Perfect example that I will leave rest is a former group buy.

After hearing so many positive reports from a number of members including @Steve_S about Amy Wan Owner of Luyuan I decided to test the waters with a purchase. I have been more than pleased and impressed with the results.

Even after the purchase, Amy has responded to all my product questions with technical schematics, photos, information, etc. After reading multiple threads about long hold times for technical support from state side companies I will leave nameless I am pleased to say that this supplier goes above and beyond to provide both excellent products and services.
Seen that happen on Amazon & Ebay as well...
Reality Check: There are Scammers EVERYWHERE and more "schemes" to liberate people from their money than any of us can count regardless of what continent or nation you are in.

Pillar 6)
Dealing with a company (regardless of location) that has repeatedly delivered exactly what was promised with a good track record with numerous clients. You know, the "Known Good Vendors" with a good history.
It is FAR more likely to happen on alibaba or aliexpress unless you do your homework and research the seller and feedback.

I have well over 2000 ebay transactions according to my feedback which means likely over 4000 in reality and ive only been burned once there.

amazon is very good about refunding the buyer if something goes wrong.

I have many purchases on aliexpress and yes the first time I purchased cells there I almost got scammed but I got my money back when it became clear they were scammers.
The second time I was more careful who I purchased from and everything went well, I got 16 86ah cells for $601 shipped so I wasnt expecting automotive grade... Just batteries for my golf cart that work as they should. 90+% of these cells are chinese made... Your dealing with china on some level regardless whether you pay a broker in the states to be the middleman or not. I'm not saying it cant have advantages but if your paying 50% more for the brokers cut is it really worth it? I guess its depends on the situation and if this is a reoccurring business thing.

Ive purchased about a half a dozen things from alibaba but they were mostly very expensive items made in china and normally rebranded here before being resold. I made one purchase for my business which was like 8,500 with customs and taxes and such vs the quote I got from the "reputable" company stateside that buys from that same manufacturer... The stateside vendor would have been over $16 grand with shipping with a longer wait... Now days the markup norms are no longer the 30% they used to be.

look at some brands of chinese BMS... literally over twice the price as others when rebranded by a stateside vendor for "support"
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Exactly... people dont even agree on the US sellers being reputable..
Hey if you're in Australia and it's a different market dynamic I respect that. I imagine you guys have faster and cheaper shipping from China and more expensive domestic resellers. And it's probably annoying when Americans jump in and offer the American advice to not order direct from China when it's not as applicable in your market.

But don't think your advice applies globally either. Small Ali orders in the US can run into months of shipping delays, product damage en route with middle carriers that are unknown and uncontactable, and difficult recourse from the seller. All for very little savings, maybe 10-20%. Our resellers are very competitive with our direct Ali options.
Hey if you're in Australia and it's a different market dynamic I respect that. I imagine you guys have faster and cheaper shipping from China and more expensive domestic resellers. And it's probably annoying when Americans jump in and offer the American advice to not order direct from China when it's not as applicable in your market.

But don't think your advice applies globally either. Small Ali orders in the US can run into months of shipping delays, product damage en route with middle carriers that are unknown and uncontactable, and difficult recourse from the seller. All for very little savings, maybe 10-20%. Our resellers are very competitive with our direct Ali options.
I'm in the states... all the new cells stateside im seeing are more than 10-20% more on average, especially when factoring in shipping.
Ive bought from multiple stateside as well al ali vendors... All have been postive experiences.
Ive yet to find the 86ah CATL cells I bought for about $35 each shipped with tax anywhere near that from a stateside vendor.

I see thread after thread here about various vendors and people being disappointed in thier purchases and the majority of these threads are based off of the same bigger vendors.

lets take the common 105ah eve cells, docan has them for $880 for 16 cells shipped + tax.

18650stores price is the same, +and extra $90 for shipping so $970+tax..

aliexpress sellers have these from between $500 and 650 depending on seller.

now thats over a 30 to 40% price difference unless im missing something?

now if I were to buy 105ah cells right now? id buy them here because Ive bought here a few times now and everything has always been as advertised. but these are not "typical" US prices
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Well, I wasn't theoretically opposed to it, I've always been satisfied with my aliexpress orders for electronics. But I saw the Docan relasered cells and they were off my list.

I think the bottom has dropped out of the competition for 105's and you're probably right there but for 280's and 304's I didn't get the impression there is a compelling savings and I want a CLEAN reputation. Selling B's as B's is fine but relasering is intolerable.
That is good as long as you have matching qr codes, for extra safety peel back the black cover and make sure. I just hope they don't do the bs they did earlier where 1 person got grade A and the other got Grade B all depending on what type of buyer it was.
She sent me pictures of the actual batteries with my name tagged on them and QR codes she is sending me along with excel spreadsheet she sent me. That QR code look right I hope not re-lasered I did put this one code in a decoder it did pull it up online matched 280 EVE battery.



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As long as you can do this for every cell from Docan then you are ok, but Docan does this where the will screw over 1 buyer and give legit to the other one.

So be cautious when dealing with docan and always make sure you get a test report.


Lt. Dan got good cells with a test report from ezeal:

in the same thread,
zcskywire2 got sanded / re-lasered cells:

Both purchased around the same time.

So its clear they have access to both, I think they much rather sell the re-lasered ones but if they suspect the buyer is not a push over/gullible they will send the ones with legit codes & test report.

Personally I would avoid, but I agree you can get a good price, however, its a mess IMHO.
As long as you can do this for every cell from Docan then you are ok, but Docan does this where the will screw over 1 buyer and give legit to the other one.

So be cautious when dealing with docan and always make sure you get a test report.


Lt. Dan got good cells with a test report from ezeal:

in the same thread,
zcskywire2 got sanded / re-lasered cells:

Both purchased around the same time.

So its clear they have access to both, I think they much rather sell the re-lasered ones but if they suspect the buyer is not a push over/gullible they will send the ones with legit codes & test report.

Personally I would avoid, but I agree you can get a good price, however, its a mess IMHO.
I read that thread like I said I'm risking $1200 when you compare the cost differences between US and China. If I find the QR's were re-lasered I will claim it to my credit card as fraud.
I think your codes are fine and you have a matching report, but you are not like the typical goggly eyed buyer, you did your research; can't say the same for 9/10 buyers (myself included when I first bought cells form xuba and basen).

But sure peel off the black cover, clean with alcohol and verify but I think you will be ok.

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