diy solar

diy solar

Get ready for the Price increase

so I have been blocked by the interim bank, and by paypall from buying from the entity I bought from before. late night talks on the phone with both have yielded no results... only that the powers taht be have blocked me. the bank does not ecognize my military address all o the sudden and neither does paypal. mind you I have ordered using both for over 15 years. the interim bank in the wire transfer was the one who blocked me. it was morgan stanley. then paypall dedided to fudge me. I have no other thought than it must be due to my political leanings as we all know china loves to rate folks on their political reliability. and their is no other reason. I have used paypal twice, meaning they shut down my account once in 2015 and I had to reset it. prior to that I had used them since 2005. so they have been co opted by the CCP. Morgan Stanley I used for the last two orders from China. and they now blocked my cash transfer claiming to not understand how a military person could have a Japanese ISP while having a US address... fudge you all. I will order via a friends Paypal or bank account and I will get what I want.... you will fall on the fudge you list when its time for me to deal out retribution.
Sorry to hear that Ken. Its going to get much worse i'm afraid with the current admin using "mandates" to get around the constitution.
so I have been blocked by the interim bank, and by paypall from buying from the entity I bought from before. late night talks on the phone with both have yielded no results... only that the powers taht be have blocked me. the bank does not ecognize my military address all o the sudden and neither does paypal. mind you I have ordered using both for over 15 years. the interim bank in the wire transfer was the one who blocked me. it was morgan stanley. then paypall dedided to fudge me. I have no other thought than it must be due to my political leanings as we all know china loves to rate folks on their political reliability. and their is no other reason. I have used paypal twice, meaning they shut down my account once in 2015 and I had to reset it. prior to that I had used them since 2005. so they have been co opted by the CCP. Morgan Stanley I used for the last two orders from China. and they now blocked my cash transfer claiming to not understand how a military person could have a Japanese ISP while having a US address... fudge you all. I will order via a friends Paypal or bank account and I will get what I want.... you will fall on the fudge you list when its time for me to deal out retribution.
So you are based overseas in Japan but your home is in the US. They dont understand that?
So you are based overseas in Japan but your home is in the US. They dont understand that?
Appears to be so though I think it’s more than that, This all started for me back when I went online and had a couple of rants about a few people ever since then I’ve had problems with various online accounts getting shut down I guess they don’t like it when you tell the world how you really feel about things
Appears to be so though I think it’s more than that, This all started for me back when I went online and had a couple of rants about a few people ever since then I’ve had problems with various online accounts getting shut down I guess they don’t like it when you tell the world how you really feel about things
Its a well known problem if you have an alternate view from the state run media, including social. We become more like the CCP every day.
Its a well known problem if you have an alternate view from the state run media, including social. We become more like the CCP every day.
HAH! Success screw you international banks... I managed to sneak into the paypal account by purchasing a set of speakers on ebay and then going back through ebay to access the account without the BS two step authentication needed to enter the account and just sent the money to Jimmy for the batteries. He replied back that they got it, so I finally have the second half of my battery bank paid for and inbound... took an extra 3 months of BS two attempts at wire transfers and one direct with CC but finally got PP to work. 3 months and 17 complete cycles should not make much difference on the battery ageing i hope. this will bump me from 400 a/h to 600 a/h @ 48 and give me a complete week of no solar or a couple of weeks of very low solar

I am so happy i could shit my pants...better not fart i might sneak out. (sad thing is I have never been so happy to watch money leave my account in my life.)
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Many of the folks in the home state DMV don't understand it either. My son is in the Army and we're coming up to speed on how to deal with stuff like this.
Bro wait until he gets an overseas posting. My advice for him get a shipit APO account. they will transship stuff via the USPS when he tries to buy from a vendor that will not deal with the US military postal system. (same as USPS just a couple of extra forms) Of course if Mom and Dad are still alive and kicking I expect he will just send to you and you can forward to him.
Its a well known problem if you have an alternate view from the state run media, including social. We become more like the CCP every day.
yep sad but true... I just got the fauchi ouchie on monday as they told me that if I did not I would be looking for a new job. i thought that the days of lining up for mass injections were done when I finished my time in the Marines.... little did I know...
yep sad but true... I just got the fauchi ouchie on monday as they told me that if I did not I would be looking for a new job. i thought that the days of lining up for mass injections were done when I finished my time in the Marines.... little did I know...
Thanks for your service. Same true for me from my time in the Army. Seems like they are switching from the constitution we swore to defend, to the UCMJ.
Yeah it seems like we are running away from the Constitution as fast as we can. at this point all we can do is vote and hope to get someone who believes in it. The current crop most decidedly do not.
Yeah it seems like we are running away from the Constitution as fast as we can. at this point all we can do is vote and hope to get someone who believes in it. The current crop most decidedly do not.
Even voting is a farce now. Things are not as they seem.
? Don't get me wound up, I was trying to go back to sleep but to damn excited after getting my last set of batteries on order.
Glad to hear your excited! This Solar hobby is such a great way to take your mind off politics and just have fun. I used to watch sports, but then that became political, so this hobby has been my outlet to sanity.
HAH! Success screw you international banks... I managed to sneak into the paypal account by purchasing a set of speakers on ebay and then going back through ebay to access the account without the BS two step authentication needed to enter the account and just sent the money to Jimmy for the batteries. He replied back that they got it, so I finally have the second half of my battery bank paid for and inbound... took an extra 3 months of BS two attempts at wire transfers and one direct with CC but finally got PP to work. 3 months and 17 complete cycles should not make much difference on the battery ageing i hope. this will bump me from 400 a/h to 600 a/h @ 48 and give me a complete week of no solar or a couple of weeks of very low solar

I am so happy i could shit my pants...better not fart i might sneak out. (sad thing is I have never been so happy to watch money leave my account in my life.)
Just out of curiosity why are you not using your batteries daily? Seventeen cycles in 3 months means they are pretty much sitting at full charge for almost a week at a time. Your wasting a lot of the batteries potential energy by doing that.
Just out of curiosity why are you not using your batteries daily? Seventeen cycles in 3 months means they are pretty much sitting at full charge for almost a week at a time. Your wasting a lot of the batteries potential energy by doing that.
in reality they are going to be three months off of normal cycling but the BMS only counts cycles when it hits a particularly low point like 40% remaining. (or 60% used.)

I am not exactly sure how and when the BMS decides a cycle has been initiated but I know it does. in reality they drop down to about 60-65% daily and then get fully recharged every sunny day so I am guessing that the BMS is counting when I have two or three bad production days in a row and then comes back to a full charge.

with the current battery bank and the old PV system in the summer months with the A/C running 6 hours a day (when we are not there) and 24-7 when we are, it would drop down to about 65% over night and then get fully charged by the end of the solar day with the extra panels I just installed I can run the A/C and be fully charged by 1300 but one or two cloudy days wipe is out. the extra 200 amp hours will stretch that out a couple fo more days.
in reality they are going to be three months off of normal cycling but the BMS only counts cycles when it hits a particularly low point like 40% remaining. (or 60% used.)

I am not exactly sure how and when the BMS decides a cycle has been initiated but I know it does. in reality they drop down to about 60-65% daily and then get fully recharged every sunny day so I am guessing that the BMS is counting when I have two or three bad production days in a row and then comes back to a full charge.

with the current battery bank and the old PV system in the summer months with the A/C running 6 hours a day (when we are not there) and 24-7 when we are, it would drop down to about 65% over night and then get fully charged by the end of the solar day with the extra panels I just installed I can run the A/C and be fully charged by 1300 but one or two cloudy days wipe is out. the extra 200 amp hours will stretch that out a couple fo more days.
According to Fortress Power the company that makes my batteries, a full cycle is 100% of the capacity used and I roughly verified that by using their PC software and looking at the cycle count.
A typical 100 to 20% nighttime usage does not increment the counter, I have to use 20% more power the next day and it increments.
Each manufacturer will have their own method but it now makes me wonder just how valid are these cycle warranties if they don’t even use a standard cycle counting system.
According to Fortress Power the company that makes my batteries, a full cycle is 100% of the capacity used and I roughly verified that by using their PC software and looking at the cycle count.
A typical 100 to 20% nighttime usage does not increment the counter, I have to use 20% more power the next day and it increments.
Each manufacturer will have their own method but it now makes me wonder just how valid are these cycle warranties if they don’t even use a standard cycle counting system.
My count (obviously not necessarily the same as the battery maker) is by the BMS, a Daly 48 volt version. i highly doubt that they have had any contact with CALB, (or Eve, Lishan etc.) and are setting a value that their calculations show as a good approximate. they might be averaging charge vs discharge to come up with an approximate wear and tear cycle that roughly corresponds with a full cycle according to the battery maker.

this would also explain why some folks get 10,000 cycles on a battery pack that is only supposed to get 3000 (if you count each day as a cycle).

this would make the most sense to me for what they are offering. if 100 amp cell draws out a total of 90 amp hours over x period of time even though it was recharged say twice... it aggregates the same amount of wear and tear as a full cycle hence it counts it as one???? i don't know as I am not privy to the programing that went into these devices and they are not about to tell us peons what could be propriety info to them. Remember they are not bad engineers, they are just stifled by a government and a socio-economic model that encourages uniformity/mediocrity not standouts or shining stars. unleash them and we should be very afraid for our socio-economic model....
My count (obviously not necessarily the same as the battery maker) is by the BMS, a Daly 48 volt version. i highly doubt that they have had any contact with CALB, (or Eve, Lishan etc.) and are setting a value that their calculations show as a good approximate. they might be averaging charge vs discharge to come up with an approximate wear and tear cycle that roughly corresponds with a full cycle according to the battery maker.

this would also explain why some folks get 10,000 cycles on a battery pack that is only supposed to get 3000 (if you count each day as a cycle).

this would make the most sense to me for what they are offering. if 100 amp cell draws out a total of 90 amp hours over x period of time even though it was recharged say twice... it aggregates the same amount of wear and tear as a full cycle hence it counts it as one???? i don't know as I am not privy to the programing that went into these devices and they are not about to tell us peons what could be propriety info to them. Remember they are not bad engineers, they are just stifled by a government and a socio-economic model that encourages uniformity/mediocrity not standouts or shining stars. unleash them and we should be very afraid for our socio-economic model....
From what I have been told you can typically get 6000 cycles from a brand new "true Grade A cell".
The cycles are counted as 100% DOD by Tier one companies. I suspect that just like every other battery test I have seen on other chemistries that it will vary a bit by manufacturer and QC but probably not by that much, maybe +/- 300 cycles.
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Taxes on investments are not based on return above inflation, not "official" inflation nor "real". They are based on increase in number of (dwindling in value) dollars.
I’m not an economist but too few Americans understand why they’re important and indeed vital
I’m not an economist but too few Americans understand why they’re important and indeed vital
This is due to being spoiled (LAZY) and lack of education. Mostly miss-information by media (MSM) and too many folks can't distinguish between true and false.
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.... and lack of education....
I think sometimes it's not the lack of education, but the QUALITY of education. Some of the most genuine, intelligent, and well-rounded people I know don't have college educations. I've also got some friends that finished college, and they aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

though one can receive it
One can seek it. I suppose you can luck into it, but for most you have to be looking for education to get it.

I don't think it is a lack of education, I think it is deliberate and almost universal avoidance. Public schools don't even teach simple economics.

Then again, why would you want a general population that doesn't spend every last dollar they have each month, borrow at high interest rates, and work like a dog to pay off revolving debt?
I think education is actively resisted.
The statistics put high school graduation rate around 70%. Some groups it is 50%. You don't do that badly because teachers fail to present material effectively, you actually have to try to fail.
One group had previously been around 20% to 30% graduation rate, has moved up to 50%. My suspicion (don't have the details) is that children of migrants didn't stick round long enough to complete the program. Probably outreach efforts resulted in transfer/enrollment to whichever local schools and improved results somewhat.

"Privileges" are valued more than "Entitlements", and more than "Requirements".
I think our system of mandatory education could be modified with a second track supporting the trades, for students who can't or won't study academics. And some kind of diversion for the disruptive ones; students who are willing to learn shouldn't be subjected to youths who aren't willing to be students. Separate and unequal, with the opportunity to participate in the programs you want.

But Richie Rich is probably Right. It wouldn't serve the state.
Besides, problems are needed. Without them, who would need government?

diy solar

diy solar