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diy solar

Just Place new Order on Alibaba- 280AH x 8 for 1260.00 USD Delivered, Grade A to Canada

I was about to drop 20K on these cells as a first order. I'm so glad EVE showed it's dark side.
You could always play a dirty hand here. Let Amy know, that you were just about to order ## of the EVE 280AH cells BUT because of EVE's reaction to having their product verified, you have reconsidered and are now seeking another product from somewhere else that is reliable & stands behind the product they make and sell. I suspect you will not be the only one to reconsider.... if I was buying TODAY and saw this reaction, I'd RUN from it too.
I was also trying to get 4-8 cells sent to Will for review & testing like other products such as SSR Relays and Energy Saver ones as more but such isn't going to happen with such things. I worked with Amy to get the Bus Bars & Screws thrown in for our members, I argued for Xuba to be able to offer cases that would fit these cells as people want cases and keep coming up short. I've even put her in Contact with Jason @ Chargery so tat Xuba could offer Chargery BMS' and related good like assorted relays etc for our membership (with a discount) and for others...

No good deed goes unpunished and so I am stepping away from it. Such is the Consequences for the actions of a few.
At least I sent the new revised Manuals to Chargery for their BMS, and finished other tasks I had going to benefit folks Here.
The Samlex to BMS Interface doc's are not going to happen now either, why spend days of work on it for ...

If someone wants to think I am being grumpy about it... fine, that's up to them. I've done what I've done for no compensation or consideration of any kind, strictly to help out folks navigating these waters to make it easier & better for them. I will NOT see our next election (October 2023) because by then I'll 99.9% chance of being well planted in my pine box, so I am not wasting more time on such things.

Yo Steve, Re: Your: " I sent the new revised Manuals to Chargery for their BMS, and finished other tasks I had going to benefit folks Here. The Samlex to BMS Interface doc's are not going to happen now either, why spend days of work on it for ... "

I for one, would Love to review your revised manuals for the Chargery BMS. Please consider share a pdf file. Maybe good idea to but your name or some label like "Steve's Unoffical revised BMS... Manual" so it does not get mixed up with Chargery's version.

I have my first DIY effort; 8 cells of 3.2 V * 280 Ah on a boat ride from China to FedEx to my Calif. door, plus a Chargery BMS8T on its' way to me. I am sure I would benefit from a second manual re-done by somebody like you vs some version of English as second language. My thoughts are: When I am still wondering: Two info. Sources would be better than just one. Food for Thought. ... Who else likes that idea?
Also, in business it is very common that email conversation, or any other communication, is considered confidential.

I don’t believe that is true without explicitly stating so.

Every business email I receive that needs to be confidential has that explicitly stated in the signature line. Almost all of them do even when it’s clearly public information in an email I receive.

Steve seems very well versed in NDA’s etc. and I highly doubt he posted a confidential email on the forum.
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Agreed VERY DISTURBING - What is there to hide ? If a company is proud of what they produce they certainly would not want to hide the fact. On the other hand, if they are doing things they prefer to keep secret....

Confidence & Trust in EVE and these cells is now questionable IMO.
Might explain some oddities too as the cells DO NOT Charge equally, still within margin but vary quite a bit when they should not.
Got them now and using them so it is what it is.

WOW: I have 8 of those EVE 280Ah from Xuba on way. I figured: worth the risk; looks like good bet; and see what the are when I get em. Re: Your "Might explain some oddities too as the cells DO NOT Charge equally, still within margin but vary" ! ... If I go for a second set later, after they check out, to double my Ahs; ... I may order one extra cell (if possible in the packaging and order protocol); thinking it would be nice for kind of low price, to have an extra backup cell to replace a possible low end roll of dice, or some unforeseen mishap (like fhort Thailand's fuck up / in different thread / leading to one puffed up battery cell . The Xuba deal sure looks like a great economical way to get into 280 Ah LiFePO4s for the money.

Kind of Related Question: Re: " ... oddities too as the cells DO NOT Charge equally" : When I got my video of the Voltage Match Ups of the 8 cells packed up at Xuba along side a card with my first name on it, I noticed the voltage readings where all 3.38v (going from memory) with a % figure above the voltage number. Those % figures were 13% or 14% on 7 cells, and one cell was 12%. Question: Does anyone know what those % figures on Xuba's meter represent? Is that the "internal resistance" of the battery cell? I have not yet seen that % figure on a meter, would like to understand more, and wonder what that represents. Wondering for My Learning More All the Time program. ;+) Bill
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Yo Steve, Re: Your: " I sent the new revised Manuals to Chargery for their BMS, and finished other tasks I had going to benefit folks Here. The Samlex to BMS Interface doc's are not going to happen now either, why spend days of work on it for ... "

I for one, would Love to review your revised manuals for the Chargery BMS. Please consider share a pdf file. Maybe good idea to but your name or some label like "Steve's Unoffical revised BMS... Manual" so it does not get mixed up with Chargery's version.

I have my first DIY effort; 8 cells of 3.2 V * 280 Ah on a boat ride from China to FedEx to my Calif. door, plus a Chargery BMS8T on its' way to me. I am sure I would benefit from a second manual re-done by somebody like you vs some version of English as second language. My thoughts are: When I am still wondering: Two info. Sources would be better than just one. Food for Thought. ... Who else likes that idea?
Jason retrieved the documents and images from the data storage last night (4/15/2020) how long it will take for them to do their thing, I dunno. There is some formatting issues because I use Libre-Office and they use Office-365 from MS Corp. I did finally revisions yesterday afternoon, so he has all of it. I suppose I could put it out as an alternative to theirs but we'll see what they do.

@Capt Bill They are one hell of a good price considering that XUBA is not piling 100+% on top (up to 500% for some vendors !) but who knows what will happen now, as EVE is PO'd nd that will cause fallout there too... I would not be surprised if all of a sudden the prices Leap Up and possibly another sales rep appears. Consequences of some peoples actions … wish I had gotten 4 "spare" cells to replace the 4 odd chargers (they want to go high & fast, causing charging to stop on the rest. not-happy-un-smiley.
Steve seems very well versed in NDA’s etc. and I highly doubt he posted a confidential email on the forum.

I'm sure of that - what I think happened is that someone overstepped their boundaries and is doing damage control. This would also explain why others that sent an email to EVE didn't get a reply, and why it was stated in another post that 'such information is not disclosed' or something along those lines.
I was VERY CLear about my intent an why I wanted to verify the QR Codes.
They made NO MENTION that email required an NDA, they wont; get it.
They are NOW FLAGGED as far as I am concerned & it's Strike Three with "Rule of Three Applied".

Unfortunately, XUBA is a Low Overhead operation and they passed on t hose savings to the consumers for our collective benefit, as they make up the difference in quantity sales. Sorry but EVE has SELF-Sabotaged very effectively. I WILL NOT SUPPORT THEIR PRODUCTS IN ANY WAY Forward from this point. I feel bad for Amy as she was trying to do the Best she could for her Clients, now she is getting dumped on too... (not from our users, as far as know).

So much for the Good Ride, just had to be wrecked didn't it.
I feel bad for Amy and Xuba too. Steve, Thank you for All that you do for this forum. I'm not trying to stroke your ego, but there are only a few on here that I trust. You are one of them.

Up north and personal, I have read many of your post. I respect and value your opinions and knowledge.
I'm sure of that - what I think happened is that someone overstepped their boundaries and is doing damage control. This would also explain why others that sent an email to EVE didn't get a reply, and why it was stated in another post that 'such information is not disclosed' or something along those lines.

Whats the big deal here? They have QR codes on them. Its supposed to mean something. Either they stand behind their product because its theirs or they don't. Which is it?
Whats the big deal here? They have QR codes on them. Its supposed to mean something. Either they stand behind their product because its theirs or they don't. Which is it?

For you and me, in our culture, not much. For an employee in a Chinese company - possibly a lot. You have to understand the Chinese mentality when it comes to business. Everyone also copies from everyone else, and they're all competing for large orders - we're small fry. Anything that might even perceive to give them a disadvantage is going to be an issue for the person that put the information out there. It wouldn't surprise me if someone has a spotlight on them right now, and they definitely don't want that - doesn't matter how big or small, or correct, or in the end nothing serious it all turns out to be. Maybe those QR codes were not supposed to be there, maybe they were never supposed to be verified as 'real' EVE, who knows.

I've noticed that this forum is pretty well known by now, and I'm not sure they believe that is a good thing. Too much scrutiny and worried that someone might use the information to put them at a disadvantage - perceived or otherwise.

Edit: the image from @legacyturbo with the reply from EVE.


Why are those regulations there? Probably because some higher up put the policy in place, for whatever reason justified or not. Someone broke policy.
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In also owning property in Costa Rica, and seeking answers in foreign country while having just basic non-conversational Spanish down; I noticed I can get different answers to important questions from different people working for the same company (like the ICE public utility company). ... In other situatons, I have gotten a short end of the stick type answer from someone in a position of authority while (I think) they are feeling small or something. I just wonder about making that little one guy a representative of the whole EVE battery line. That little guy making demands of Steve S sounds like a missing link kind of person to me. just my 2 cents/ wondering take ...
In also owning property in Costa Rica, and seeking answers in foreign country while having just basic non-conversational Spanish down; I noticed I can get different answers to important questions from different people working for the same company (like the ICE public utility company). ... In other situatons, I have gotten a short end of the stick type answer from someone in a position of authority while (I think) they are feeling small or something. I just wonder about making that little one guy a representative of the whole EVE battery line. That little guy making demands of Steve S sounds like a missing link kind of person to me. just my 2 cents/ wondering take ...
Faina is a senior Sales Manager @ EVE and I went direct to corporate mail with them, no intermediate phooey.
Everyone I theorising, coming up with whatever conjecture and trying to read whatever fits into it. Bottom Line is simple, they don't want people to know it's theirs, they obviously have issue with that knowledge being out there and that simply makes dealing with the company products dubious. Why Cover Up / Hide / Conceal such ? Lot's of rationalization too but IT IS ALL MOOT isn't it.

Anyone placing a large order should do 3 things immediately BEFORE making an order.
1) Verify that said product is NEW Grade-A quality product.
2) Have Vendor provide Manufacturer specification sheets & certifications.
3) Have Each company VERIFY that indeed this is their GENUINE Product.
IF the Vendor / dealer refuses or raises issues about it, tell them it's THAT or NO SALE and their responses will be Publicly Posted for ALL to see.
It's one way to weed out the Shifties.

It will be nice when the new Battery Factories open in Europe and elsewhere and their products hitting the market. Yes, I would pay more for a domestic product that has a guarantee & quality assurance.
Faina is a senior Sales Manager @ EVE and I went direct to corporate mail with them, no intermediate phooey.
Everyone I theorising, coming up with whatever conjecture and trying to read whatever fits into it. Bottom Line is simple, they don't want people to know it's theirs, they obviously have issue with that knowledge being out there and that simply makes dealing with the company products dubious. Why Cover Up / Hide / Conceal such ? Lot's of rationalization too but IT IS ALL MOOT isn't it.

Anyone placing a large order should do 3 things immediately BEFORE making an order.
1) Verify that said product is NEW Grade-A quality product.
2) Have Vendor provide Manufacturer specification sheets & certifications.
3) Have Each company VERIFY that indeed this is their GENUINE Product.
IF the Vendor / dealer refuses or raises issues about it, tell them it's THAT or NO SALE and their responses will be Publicly Posted for ALL to see.
It's one way to weed out the Shifties.

It will be nice when the new Battery Factories open in Europe and elsewhere and their products hitting the market. Yes, I would pay more for a domestic product that has a guarantee & quality assurance.

Steve- I am a brand new member, and also brand new to solar. I would like to thank you and echo the few posters above in our appreciation for your work and contributions to this community and the knowledge base at large. You’ve provided a lot of insight for us to make informed decisions with.

Personally, I am still feeling confident to move forward with an order for 8, as the value to me seems worth the gamble. I plan on a conservative charging schedule to treat them as gently as possible. I may also request a 9th that can act as a spare, I might as well as I don’t want to make this order twice!

Anyhow- whether you step away or not, your impact thus far has been substantial, so again, thank you.
Thanks for the Morale Boost Pacer & Others.
Dear Steven,
According to your suggestion, I have applied to the boss. For friends in the forum, we will give double bus bars. The boss agreed with my application.
Sorry to disturb you!
Good night!
She was just following up on my suggestions and got this OK'd from upstairs too. She's already nailed down offering cases which should be posted next week hopefully. IF/When they will carry Chargery BMS' and related hardware I dunno, she's still working on that, but they are in contact with Jason @ Chargery so who knows.
does any1 have infos about LiPoFe batteries are produced in europe in the near future ?
or are these more NCM cells ?
QR Below:

I had them check two QR Codes one 280Ah and one 50Ah

The 280 QR Code
View attachment 11069
I noticed that this link a few days ago had a video on it showing batteries in boxes with EVE stamped on them. Some of you may have screen shots of the video. In your alibaba transactions. For some reason, EVE does not want to be linked to Xuba all of the sudden. But this was in plain view on the video that is now replaced. .
I noticed that this link a few days ago had a video on it showing batteries in boxes with EVE stamped on them. Some of you may have screen shots of the video. In your alibaba transactions. For some reason, EVE does not want to be linked to Xuba all of the sudden. But this was in plain view on the video that is now replaced. .

At the end of the video it still shows the EVE box for me.
Anyone who has these assembled in a 4x2 configuration can I get an exact measurement of LxW ?
I just recieved my order of 8 cells from Zuba. They came in two boxes that looked undamaged. One box had 4 perfect cells. The other box, had 4 cells, every one of which is damaged. I inspected the shipping boxes and there is no apparent damage or evidence of abuse. All 8 cells were very well packaged. To me, it looks like the cells were dropped as every one has corner damage, which is not easy to do with the double boxed shipping setup. I am working with Amy to rectify this situation. I cannot tell if the cells are internally damaged but am reluctant to use them in their current state.


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Steve. Besides the damages.. any surprise fees with your sea shipping?
Steve. Besides the damages.. any surprise fees with your sea shipping?

no surprise fees. Everything was fine until I unwrapped the cells. I cannot see how they could have been damaged after boxing since there is no damage to the outside box or the inside box. No dents on the inside box where the cells were damaged either. I post a photo of the inside of the box which is pristine.

diy solar

diy solar