diy solar

diy solar

Just Place new Order on Alibaba- 280AH x 8 for 1260.00 USD Delivered, Grade A to Canada

I've seen some LiFePo4 datasheets that define these:

Fully charged: charge with 0.3C - 0.5C, up to 3.65 V, and cutoff when the current drops below 0.05 C (i.e. 14 Amps for 280 Ah).
Some manufacturers specified [3.6 Volts and cutoff at 0.02 C] instead of [3.65 Volts and cutoff at 0.05C].

Fully discharged: discharge with 0.3C - 0.5C, cutoff when the voltage reaches 2.5 Volts.

Based on these definitions, charging to 3.65V and 0 amps is a bit overcharging. Probably not harmful if it does not happen very often and the cell does not stay in this condition for very long, but it might also explain why the cell returned 294 Ah.

My boat cells have a suggested cutoff of 3.65 V but a true cutoff of 3.85 for their brand. I have cells with a 2.8 cutoff also not 2.5. You cannot make such generalizations. You must look at the specific data sheet for the cells in question. Most cells are over 100% for first several cycles (ask Will), so sorry that is not abnormal. Please stop splitting hairs people. I am off this thread. Done, gave the info, happy with the 8 cells I have and the 4 more I am ordering. Good luck with your projects everyone
Been lurking here a while, but have been looking to upgrade the summer cottage with a decent off-grid system and based on the good reviews I just ordered 16x these for 1810 USD (including 30d shipping by train to Sweden on Feb 10) to go with a Victron Easysolar 48v/3kva

If my math is not completely off that's 1810/(280x16x3.2=14336)= $126/kWh?
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Today I received the 4 - 280ah cells I ordered. I would have had them on the January 31st, but I had them rerouted to my current location as I was not at home.

I made a video showing how they were packed, the condition they arrived in, and installation into my RV. Please watch the entire video before commenting on the things I’ve done (or didn’t do) during installation. It is only temporary. Thanks!

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Today I received the 4 - 280ah cells I ordered. I would have had them on the January 31st, but I had them rerouted to my current location as I was not at home.

I made a video showing how they were packed, the condition they arrived in, and installation into my RV. Please watch the entire video before commenting on the things I’ve done (or didn’t do) during installation. It is only temporary. Thanks!

Thanks for that review. Real bummer over the shipping damage, please let us know how that claim works out. I'll assume you had no leaks or anything as I'm sure you would have mentioned that in your video, which is a good thing. If you have access to an FLIR you might want to scan the cells while getting a heavy charge to see if there are any "hot spots".
I watched the video but I did not hear any mention about initial balancing.
I did see they were all around 3.31V, but that does not guarantee SOC balancing, considering the flat SOC - OCV curve of LiFePo4 at 30% ... 70% SOC.
@Ralo This was the same packaging method as min and I also had one cell with the same corner damadge.... but my box has zero sign of impact, holes or anything that could have cause that damadge! My guess is that it's happening in the bulk shipping preparation stage.
I just sent a note to Amy Wan of Xuba on this issue with a suggestion regarding their current packaging that could easily solve such problems in the future at little cost to them. I hope they implement it before they send mine out (still tentatively scheduled for Feb. 10th ) or at least come up with another good solution. The damage as Ralo showed is obvious "Edge Hits" which occurred when the boxes were handled during shipping. Likely some shmuck manhandling the heavy boxes with an angry disposition.

BTW, small boxes & light weight packages are nicknamed bang-bangs because they get "chucked" into bags / boxes for shipping and during handling.... they get banged around a lot... what joe consumer doesn't know.... ohh boy.
One more report and its systemic.
boboxx and Ralo both ordered 4 cells (~25kg) from two different sources. Not sure how many Steve_S ordered, but I ordered 8 (~50kg). Maybe Xuba will package the larger quantity better, or maybe there will just be more damage...
I just sent a note to Amy Wan of Xuba on this issue with a suggestion regarding their current packaging that could easily solve such problems in the future at little cost to them.

Thank you. Doing the same. I ordered 8 and I think you ordered 16. Too much weight for such flimsy packaging (even if they send in packages of 4).
I plan to order 16 packs (so 64 cells total) but I'm a bit worried about the cell quality and the packaging.

Should I wait more feedback/tests/reviews before I order?
@Ralo & @boboxx IF you ordered the 280AH cells from Xuba at the link below from Alibaba you should contact the supplier immediately trough their messaging APP. Amy would like pictures & details so they can make corrections. They will be reviewing their packaging and changing it to prevent further issues. Amy is very proactive to ensure everything is done as best as possible.

You can also go through their company contacts page here:

LINK to Xuba 280AH cells on Alibaba

A NOTE: I have no association whatsoever with this company. I have bought 16 Cells which are due to ship on the 10th "tentatively" so in my particular instance, I took this opportunity to underline packing issues resulting in damage in the hopes they will correct this to prevent the rest of us "queued up & waiting" from also having to deal with similar issues. As well, I'd like to say that my extended discussions with Amy have left a very good impression (and I am NOT easy to impress in any way)

EDIT: Just as I posted this, Amy asked me if I had your email addresses so she could contact you directly to expedite a resolution. Of course I do not so I told her that. BTW, it is now 01:30 hours there right now ! Says something doesn't it.
Thank you. Doing the same. I ordered 8 and I think you ordered 16. Too much weight for such flimsy packaging (even if they send in packages of 4).
Carly, they are taking things quite seriously, from her response I know they are revisiting their packaging and hopefully will consider my suggestions which are inexpensive and easy for them to employ. Yes I ordered 16 cells in one fell swoop ;-) to make 2 24V/280AH packs.

There IS a possibility of an extended shutdown due to the Coronavirus issue but that has not been set yet, there will be notices posted should that happen.
I've a newbie to this solar stuff and jargon used. Now a little confused about what Alibaba call pieces regarding these 4PCS Lifepo4 Rechargeable 3.2V 280Ah li-ion Lithium Battery for Solar System for EV . Are they saying a piece is one cell of 3.2v for 583 dollars shipped to the USA or are they saying a piece is 4cells of 3.2v packaged together for 12v shipped to USA for 583 dollars?
I've a newbie to this solar stuff and jargon used. Now a little confused about what Alibaba call pieces regarding these 4PCS Lifepo4 Rechargeable 3.2V 280Ah li-ion Lithium Battery for Solar System for EV . Are they saying a piece is one cell of 3.2v for 583 dollars shipped to the USA or are they saying a piece is 4cells of 3.2v packaged together for 12v shipped to USA for 583 dollars?
This depends on which one you select. Up in my post above and Steve's they are same company but different. One is for 4pc and the other is for singles.
There IS a trick to this … a ZEKRET for shopping on Ali* DHGate & others....
Often a company will list the price of "single" units at one rate, then in "bundles" with a slight discount per "item" depending on the size of the bundle, 4, 8,16 cells, in this case. So you must pay attention to the bundle & the "piece" price. Here comes the hard part... Various vendors list things differently AND use different terms... so you really have to pay "very close attention".

Now if you know how to deal with these vendors it helps a LOT... You need to understand that the Chinese Business mentality is NOT like that of westerners and you have to deal with them on their terms... When in Rome, do as the Romans do ! Knowing these wee details can save you money, hassle, time & prevent stress overall. IF you find a product listed at one price "per unit" and a different price in a bundle or "kit" you can "contact the vendor" and do some negotiations, they do not mind negotiating !!! KITS often include the busbars & bolts, sometimes even a BMS and/or box too, so pay attention to that. Some kits can be quite good, while others not so much.

Most importantly keep in mid that there is significant time difference, in my case (EST), it is 13 hours difference ! This can make discussion with a vendor difficult, so adjust your time accordingly so you can actually converse interactively and BE PATIENT ! Many have to supplement their English ability with a translator and that does take time and we all know how lousy some translations can become, so always write simply, in easy terms and be brief. If you have several questions, make them simple bullet points, not a paragraph long question (you'll never get an answer).

I hope that will help anyone placing orders and trying to navigate through the multinational jungle of online sales.
I just got this in my messenger box this morning. AMY is following up on the claims I am assuming she is referencing @Ralo but not sure... not my business anyways. But this says something to me, maybe the rest of you too, so take it for what it's worth.

Steve: 2020-02-05 11:14
Both of these people are members on our DiySolarPowerForum, I do not have direct contact info for them, so I am posting to them to contact you via the Alibaba Messenger. I am sure you will hear from them. I do not know how they ordered them. These were ordered & shipped just as the holidays began as I understand it.

Wan Amy 2020-02-05 17:03
Ok,thanks Steve.

Wan Amy2020-02-05 21:54
Dear Steve, the friend who sent the video has contacted me,

Wan Amy2020-02-05 21:56
It was the rudeness of the Express that broke these packages. He had already filed a claim against the express, and I would also contact them about the claim after working in the logistics company.

Wan Amy2020-02-05 21:56
We will actively discuss the next issue.

Wan Amy2020-02-05 21:57
In terms of packaging, I will tell my leaders and other colleagues that we will do it more safely in the future.
I am new to the forum and buying from Chinese vendors but not DIY projects. On Thursday I ordered from BLS Store 8 x 150Ah aluminum cells delivered for $800 to greater San Diego where I live.
I haven’t heard anything from Jason or BLS since automated confirmation. I sent an e ail with a few questions including clarifying delivery timing.
from a search here it seemed BLS is reputable. I tried that search again this morning and the function wasn’t working.

should I be nervous? Or just wait? I understand CV is throwing off life in China extensively. And absolutely am sensitive to that.
thanks for the feedback!

To sum up, for long and happy LFP battery life, in order of importance, you should be mindful of the following:
  1. Keep the battery temperature under 45 Centigrade (under 30C if possible) – This is by far the most important!!
  2. Keep charge and discharge currents under 0.5C (0.2C preferred)
  3. Keep battery temperature above 0 Centigrade when discharging if possible – This, and everything below, is nowhere near as important as the first two
  4. Do not cycle below 10% – 15% SOC unless you really need to
  5. Do not float the battery at 100% SOC if possible
  6. Do not charge to 100% SOC if you do not need it

Jason ... I just want to make sure that folks know that this is YOUR PERSONAL recommendations and NOT a specific answer for LFP specifications. I say that because according to our industry spec sheets:

For #1. YES HEAT kills 95% of the LFPs that go bad. User error the other 4% and cold 1%. We have found through experience that the BEST temperature range for us is between 10℃ and 40℃ to ensure the performance and available capacity .. However – the battery manufacturer states that his battery will OPERATE (not Charge) in a temperature range to be between -30℃ and 52℃. Everyone has to check their own spec sheets.

#2. Charge and discharge currents - once again it all depends on the manufacturer and the materials they used. i have some 280aH that are designed to do a 1C charge and a 2C discharge all day and not blink. Then again i have some that a .5C will make them into a toaster - Everyone has to check their own spec sheets.

#3. Totally disagree. Our Alaska guys often will charge the LFPs in a heated area (above 35F) and then use them all day in -30C with no affects. CHARGING below 32F/0C is BAD (regardless of what some of this BS that manufacturers are putting out) .. BUT using down to -30 is OK. Sure you are not going to have MUCH capacity life for that one cycle - BUT it will not harm the battery. Everyone has to check their own spec sheets.

#4. We set our batteries to cycle 10% to 90% with zero issues ... some of the other techs go 5% to 100% ... we are talking about a battery that has at a minimum 2000-3000 rated cycles at 0% to 100% .. by you not using 20% of your battery potential are you really going to get that much more cycles ... ??

5. Once again - very little REAL proven info on that ... As long as you are NOT NOT NOT storing the battery -- then hitting 100% and using some of it during the day to keep the particles moving is OK ... me personally 90% is good enough -- BUT THATS ME ... Officially we store all of our LFPs at 40% per manufacturer request.

6. Same answer as Number 5 ...
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I am new to the forum and buying from Chinese vendors but not DIY projects. On Thursday I ordered from BLS Store 8 x 150Ah aluminum cells delivered for $800 to greater San Diego where I live.
I haven’t heard anything from Jason or BLS since automated confirmation. I sent an e ail with a few questions including clarifying delivery timing.
from a search here it seemed BLS is reputable. I tried that search again this morning and the function wasn’t working.

should I be nervous? Or just wait? I understand CV is throwing off life in China extensively. And absolutely am sensitive to that.
thanks for the feedback!


Just drop him an email asking for confirmation ... he will get it Sunday night your time ...I will tell you though that our particular suppliers are full up and running regardless of the Corona thing as i think most LFP manufacturers are ...

diy solar

diy solar