diy solar

diy solar

LIFEPOWER4 and EG4LL 48v packs work with anything we've tried so far

Lets get this thread back on track. If you have an inverter that is not working with our batteries, please post below. Anyone else who would like to message me directly regarding previous interactions or anything is fine to do so, but we want to clear this thread so that people having issues currently can GET SUPPORT. Thanks!
Actually - he started his system somehow and then used our batteries the entire time - dozens of cycles on the batteries he returned.
Yes Richard but we all know he had to jump start it using a different battery. Once that Pre-Charge circuit times out it's not going to start his Inverter no matter what he does.

We did exchange his batteries though. It was a strange situation, we have learned and are making changes moving forward to give customers a better experience.
Yes you did, but you must agree it went on way longer than it should have and the return was largely due to You, plus the fact that the guy was only a one hour drive from your warehouse and his Plea for help had reached over 700 posts.
Again, there were a lot of issues during this process with this being the first ever reported issue of something like this. Your analysis is correct - it shouldn't be a duplication as a criteria for warranty return.
Thank you, at least we agree that duplication should not be a criteria for a warranty return. Of course your bosses original post seems to state that it will be a criteria for him. I have yet to see him come out and state anything differently.
But do you think the first time an error is discovered that they don't go through troubleshooting steps and try tons of troubleshooting to find out what's going on? If every company simply threw new products out then we wouldn't be able to learn and grow.
That is where Beta testing comes in. I see that SOK seems to have a lot of batteries out there being Beta tested. The Customers should never be the Beta testers unless they are told this in advance. There will always be problems that arise after Beta testing that no one found, but the paying customer should not have to endure a long process to get warranty service.
We are doing our best and everyone's feedback is being taken so we can improve - both our products and customer service. I thank you for the opportunity to learn. Some people on the forum are great critics (yourself for example) - they criticize but also give constructive feedback. Others just want to use me as a pinata to bash over and over - no constructive growth. You @robby have always been a voice of reason so I appreciate that.
Richard I think your a straight up good guy just trying to help. I have no idea why your Boss decided to start a third thread on this issue.
He still does not understand that this is Will Prowses forum, not his! He cannot expect to just lay out terms and expect everyone to just shut up and except them. It is obvious that he is making a lot of money via this forum and that is fine, but he cannot also expect that members will just sit back and except his very odd Warranty terms without opposition.

Please note my opposition to this whole thing has been the Warranty Process. I had what I felt like was a warranty issue with my Eg4LL and I was shutdown immediately! "We don't warranty cell voltage, only the battery capacity". It is not a comfortable feeling having the same three cells in my battery running up to 3.78V while charging and the others are at like 3.44V I suspect that those three cells are going to die a lot faster than the others.
I am too old to play games, so I have just written it off as my own personal mistake for going out and buying budget batteries. I don't expect any form of warranty service on that pack, but at the same time I feel a lot of pity for guys who spent a lot of money on packs that cannot even get their Inverters started.
If I buy an Outback Radian along with a few of your rack batteries, does signature solar guarantee they will work together If properly installed?

If I follow instructions and it doesn’t operate per specs (or fails to start), will you accept a return without regard to whether you can duplicate the fault in your shop with your inverter?

Or is my return dependent on whether you can duplicate?

And increasing your font size probably isn’t going to help you here (chuckle). Thanks!
Why did we start a new thread? Is 875 posts the maximum allowed? Or is it the nearly 20k view's of dirty laundry that’s making some nervous? I have it book marked so I can forward it easily to those looking for an opinion. I don’t give one just a link.
The tone of these emails don’t sound like Richard. Is this Richard? Or a ghost writer?
Everyone take a deep breath please.

Just a suggestion.

I see people with a real problem and I see people trying to solve it.

The hostility is not helpful IMHO and it seems more common on the forum lately.

Back to the fray for those so inclined, I’ll show myself out.
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This is actually Richard from Signature Solar. I’m just trying to keep this thread on track. It’s not about the what ifs or bashing me or SS. It’s about, here’s what we have found and please share with us if you see differently. Having to comb through pages and pages of threads isn’t helping us solve the issue so please let’s not side track this one as well! We can continue the Richard bashing in the other thread (I promise I can take it and will only cry when I get home XD) but for this thread please keep it on track. If you have an inverter that doesn’t work, post here or PM me directly. We want to help. Let us help.
The problem is only showing up in one system out of two thousand (per SS), so is a tolerable rate of "lemon". And the battery is still "good", usable with other inverters.

The problem is being reported for many brands of inverters (though works for most inverters of each brand) but only for one model battery. What happens if a new shipment of batteries to SS has a problem for 50% of systems, due to a parameter variation? You could suddenly be in financial trouble.

This isn't a one-off problem, since it has shown up for several customers with different tier-one inverters. Now is a time you can figure out what's going on, when it's not a big deal to address. Better to proactively find a solution, than to wait until it affects $3,000,000 worth of sales.

This could be reworded as "Why does Kolds 6848 not work with batteries that are shown to work on 100's of other 6848's?" This line of thinking (that it is ONLY the batteries at fault and there is nothing wrong with the system because it works with other batteries) can easily be reversed to (that it is ONLY his set up at fault and there is nothing wrong with the batteries because it works with the same model inverter in literally dozens of other systems). This line of reasoning just has no end - and so why can't we all agree to a better line of reasoning:
There is something about this users SPECIFIC setup, in addition to the use of the LifePower4 batteries, that is causing an issue.
If we adopt this line of thinking, instead of pointing fingers, possibly we can analyze and discover what is actually causing the problem. The reality of this line of thinking, however, does mean that DIYers (of any level whether they are building their own battery or using parts and building their own system) assume a level of risk in doing so. We, as the company selling the EG4 batteries, are happy to review any warranty return claims and fulfill them. The length of time this specific issue took is not normal for many reasons, both within our control, within the users control, and out of both of our control. I will try to get an official stance on this and publish it so consumers can make educated decisions.

1 - it's not really necessary for me to explain how you started your system in the context of that statement. I was merely correcting his statement that made it sound like you were not using our batteries the entire time without any additional issues beyond the initial startup. I wasn't "pretending not to know" how you started your system. That information was just irrelevant in the context.
2. How are we contradicting each other? The fact of the matter is - the batteries are not incompatible with a specific brand or model inverter. It is your specific 6848 that is having an issue, not the 6848 in general. That being said, if any SPECIFIC PERSON is having issues, we want to know so we can troubleshoot and fix the issue.

1. Good because we quite literally did this - there is a video of his specific batteries, that he returned working without any issues using the exact same brand and model inverter that he is.

If this battery started all Schneider inverters except Kold's, you could say the problem is with his inverter.
But, we understand a small number of users with half a dozen brands of inverter including Schneider, Outback, several others I don't remember are having the same problem.
Yes, the battery you got back from Kold started the Schneider you have.
Are you going to say all those customer's inverters are bad? Even though they all worked with different batteries?
Seems to me something about this model battery, or some instances of this battery, aren't quite compatible with a number of top-tier inverters.

It seems lithium batteries aren't quite compatible with these inverters without something extra. BMS may quit on inrush current, or relay contacts weld, or class-T fuses blow. The low internal resistance of lithium batteries means a precharge circuit is required for inverters with large capacitors banks. It is difficult to make that precharge circuit one size fits all. If it was designed to deliver 100A for 0.25 seconds and then fully turn on, would probably be fine. But that takes big parts, to handle a 5000W peak, 1250 Joule hit. Telling the inverter to hold off for a few seconds is the optimal fix, but apparently not always an option. External customized precharge circuit may be the only solution for some applications.

But what you really need to do is find out why this handful of inverters have a problem. It might be some parameter setting, and if you solve the problem for any one, you'll probably know how to solve it for all (all models where most work fine.)
And what about me? I don’t raise a bunch of hell over all of this and apparently that just leaves me in the dark? I know mine is a 12v not a 48v but I have a legitimate problem. I have sent to tech support via email and had no follow up either. Now past my 30 day return window. Below was my last post from previous thread
Yesterday at 10:54 AM
Yesterday at 10:54 AM
Yesterday at 10:54 AM
I'll research. How many batteries do you have and exactly what are you trying to run? Have you verified the starting amperage - this battery has a separate manufacturer and bms unit than the LifePower4 so the other issues above don't really apply here.
Ok, I’m back off vacation so can join back in the conversation. Well as you know first of all it won’t even start the system up so doesn’t much matter what I am running, but here are a couple items that kill it when I get the battery running (it is 1 single rack system as previously shown 400ah). 1500w microwave, 13500 btu Coleman Mach Airconditioner. Now keep in mind I just spent a week out of town and the system worked flawless using another brand battery with built in BMS. Even ran the AC unit for around an hour while stopped at a rest stop While watching tv and eating lunch. I have not checked the starting amperage on the ac unit but can climb up on the roof and remove the shroud to check. At this point I really don’t want to waste my time or effort unless you are planning on taking the battery back. If you would like me to conduct some tests so as to assist you before you take it back I would be happy to, but if all of this is just to tell me it should work and must be something in my system I have better things to do. Just didn’t want to get stuck with an expensive paper weight. Attached is yesterdays usage on a very overcast day, not sure if that will help you in anyway.


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If I buy an Outback Radian along with a few of your rack batteries, does signature solar guarantee they will work together If properly installed?

If I follow instructions and it doesn’t operate per specs (or fails to start), will you accept a return without regard to whether you can duplicate the fault in your shop with your inverter?

Or is my return dependent on whether you can duplicate?

And increasing your font size probably isn’t going to help you here (chuckle). Thanks!
I asked this question in another thread.
It wasnt answered.
1. We are a solar parts supplier, not an installer. We carry necessary legal documents and insurance for this type of business. We cannot go on site to a customers location and monitor or assist in an install without violating these business characteristics, taking on additional liability, or possibly losing that status.

This is not true from an insurer/manufacturer point liability. For example, if your batteries were starting fires, you and your insurer would have someone on site due to the litigation that would be forthcoming.

I know of several manufacturers in this area, some quite large employing 10's of thousands of employees and if there is a problem reported with the product, there is a team sent to investigate the problem. Many of these companies have to meet FMVSS and if there is even the slightest possibility of a safety concern, it needs to be addressed immediately and an investigation takes place where engineers and tech support go on location.

One such incident involved door latches on fire trucks. When rounding a corner at higher speeds, the doors would unlatch and swing open. Both companies involved went onsite to not only the factory where the fire trucks were built but also to the test track the fire truck manufacturer used to duplicate the problem. Once that was done and the conditions for the failure were duplicated, then the engineers went to work. A good friend of mine determined the cause and changed the latch design.

I guess one must ask the question are you a company that is looking to improve a product with reported issues, which may even include liability and safety concerns? From the response given above, it appears the fallback is we can't duplicate this in our testing facility so you must be the problem.

I don't go to an auto parts store, buy a part, and call the parts store to send an employee to my house when it doesn't work. I get he is close - but that doesn't change the type of business we are classified as or the legal repercussions we may assume if we did.

If I went to an auto parts store and the product was defective, I get 2 choices when I return. An immediate exchange of the part or a refund of my money.

No bullsh#t excuses such as we can't duplicate the problem in our testing.

2. We've stated multiple times - there is 100% something specific about his install or unit that doesn't agree with our batteries.

Then you should go onsite to see what it is. Playing ostrich does not identify what the problem is.

Just maybe you might actually learn something in the process. But if your goal is just to sell units, then you spend your efforts on marketing and not product development. Hmmm.............

I could tear the rest of this post apart but I think anyone reading this probably comes to the realization that some companies would rather focus on sales/units sold than addressing issues with the product. Who cares about that 10% or 20% of buyers who have problems, we are busy selling to the 80 to 90% who fixed the problem on their own or determined a workaround and gave up on your technical support which isn't doing a very good job.
If it was a case of the Schneider itself not working, it would be easily duplicated. We have hundreds of case studies with this model where it is working flawlessly. We work with several large scale installers, some specifically only using Schneiders, and there has been 1 reported case of an issue like this. We have done tons of research and troubleshooting to fix the issue, up to bringing the batteries back and giving him upgraded models. The returned batteries worked first try, each individually, on a brand new Schneider unit that we made no changes to or installed extra parts. In Koldsimers videos, there is some additional parts installed on the inverter itself and likely elsewhere in the system. We cannot (nor does it make sense for us to) test our battery with EVERY possible configuration a DIYer can come up with.
3. You are right, there have been about 10 people who have this issue. I've invited each of them to reach out to me directly multiple times and we can troubleshoot or go from there. In some cases that Koldsimer linked, it's a completely different battery that doesn't even have a pre-charge resistor (the waterproof unit), from a different manufacturer - someone who read the original post, and thought it applied to them. In reality, they just need to pre-charge their system like normal.

Regarding your final paragraph, there are tons of posts on this forum where people run into issues or have systems that don't work (in fact there is an entire section devoted to this). And in 99% of them, the supplier doesn't even show up to help. Yes, you can be upset with some of the replies we have had, and you can chew me out in the comments - but the fact remains that I am here and willing to be chewed out on this forum which is a huge step towards working with people that most suppliers don't even take. The fact we are having this conversation on a public forum is a huge step forward from where you would get with other companies who don't even care to look at the forums at all - and that is where most of them choose to live.
Lets get this thread back on track. If you have an inverter that is not working with our batteries, please post below. Anyone else who would like to message me directly regarding previous interactions or anything is fine to do so, but we want to clear this thread so that people having issues currently can GET SUPPORT. Thanks!
There is this thread where the problem still exists, yet it hasn't seen addressed. Thread started Jan 15th. That's 3 months in case you were wondering. I'm starting to think SS likes to stall on support in order to get out of the return window.
I'm 100% fine having the conversation happening in this thread and continue it on the thread it began. The purpose of this thread is simple - we want to help people who are currently still having issues. So please help everyone on the forum who may be having issues be seen by not crowding this thread with all these posts. I will still be active in the other thread - but lets leave this one reserved for people who have our batteries and are still having issues. Thanks!
but lets leave this one reserved for people who have our batteries and are still having issues. Thanks!

That's not what this thread is called. Title is,
"LIFEPOWER4 and EG4LL 48v packs work with anything we've tried so far"
... which fairly screams for us to call you out on that.

You could change title to:

"Having any issues? Let us help! (LIFEPOWER4 and EG4LL 48v worked in all our tests)"
That's not what this thread is called. Title is,
"LIFEPOWER4 and EG4LL 48v packs work with anything we've tried so far"
... which fairly screams for us to call you out on that.

You could change title to:

"Having any issues? Let us help! (LIFEPOWER4 and EG4LL 48v worked in all our tests)"
On it.
I feel bad for Richard. He is trying to offer customer service at a company where the owner is not interested in Customer Service or Warranties.

I think he is possibly going to have an issue getting the title of the thread changed. It was made by his boss specifically to increase sales.
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I'm 100% fine having the conversation happening in this thread and continue it on the thread it began. The purpose of this thread is simple - we want to help people who are currently still having issues. So please help everyone on the forum who may be having issues be seen by not crowding this thread with all these posts. I will still be active in the other thread - but lets leave this one reserved for people who have our batteries and are still having issues. Thanks!
I guess I missed the link in previous post, how about this thread?
If there was a flaw in the battery itself, then why would the EXACT batteries Koldsimer returned work on the first try with a new, no customization, no changed settings inverter of the exact same brand and model. The only perceivable difference between our unit and his would be any customizations he has made on site.

I'm not sure I answered your question directly @RichardfromSignatureSolar. Answering your question with a similar question.

Can you explain why (3) different brands of batteries started @Koldsimer XW Pro 6848 just fine, INCLUDING your own EG4 LL battery, but the LifePower4 wouldn't?

To me having 3 other batteries work perfectly with an inverter setup exactly the same with only one not working "EG4 LifePower4", tells me there is something about the EG4 LifePower4 batteries not right. Add many other reports of the same issue with not starting inverters showing up on here and that starts to shine light on this as being a more widespread issue with the batteries, not an isolated mystery with one inverter.

The first step to solving any issue is admitting there is an issue. I feel like after 4 month and damn near 1,000 post on this topic, Signature Solar is still struggling with step 1, admitting there is an issue..
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Anyone that claims any issue occurs is welcome to post on this chat the inverter and a video of the issue.
Since you asked, here ya go....

To clarify for anyone not familiar with my situation- I tried starting my Schneider xw pro 6848 inverter in every possible configuration with the eg4 lifepower batteries. It didn't matter what sequence or method i used to attempt to start the system, the lifepower batteries simply would not work. I tried 3 other batteries on my system with no changes to my system. All other batteries (Discover lithium, crown cr430, eg4 LL) worked perfectly, without hesitation. The only way i was able to get my system running with the lifepower batteries was to use an external DC power source (my charge controllers) producing at least 20a to supplement the lifepower.

I'm stunned that Signature Solar can't seem to grasp this issue and move forward in a constructive way for both their company and their customers. I don't know what else i can do at this point except to call them out when they seem to keep denying that there is an issue. Saying there are 'rumors' of an issue is at best ignorant and at worst misleading. Someone needs to get James off the computer, sit him down and explain how his actions are harming his business.

But don't listen to me, i'm obviously biased. Hedges, Robby and lots of others are not and they have been trying to help you and explain how to make this better. Start listening.
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If anyone of us including Richard had a D cell flash light and tried 4 different sets of batteries and they all worked fine except one set we would simply throw the bad ones away. If they were brand new we would make a mental note not to buy that brand in the future. However if we tried them in another light before throwing them out and they worked. We would still assume there is still a problem with the batteries. We may use it around the house only knowing it may not work when
Since you asked, here ya go....

To clarify for anyone not familiar with my situation- I tried starting my Schneider xw pro 6848 inverter in every possible configuration with the eg4 lifepower batteries. It didn't matter what sequence or method i used to attempt to start the system, the lifepower batteries simply would not work. I tried 3 other batteries on my system with no changes to my system. All other batteries (Discover lithium, crown cr430, eg4 LL) worked perfectly, without hesitation. The only way i was able to get my system running with the lifepower batteries was to use an external DC power source (my charge controllers) producing at least 20a to supplement the lifepower.

I'm stunned that Signature Solar can't seem to grasp this issue and move forward in a constructive way for both their company and their customers. I don't know what else i can do at this point except to call them out when they seem to keep denying that there is an issue. Saying there are 'rumors' of an issue is at best ignorant and at worst misleading. Someone needs to get James off the computer, sit him down and explain how his actions are harming his business.

But don't listen to me, i'm obviously biased. Hedges, Robby and lots of others are not and they have been trying to help you and explain how to make this better. Start listening.
We have a brand new xw6848 Pro, we probably should have thought to offer a swap in the name of science. we aren't a field service company but totally any ideas like that pls share.

This would be a whole lot simpler of an issue had a new conext as well as all other conext had failed to work, we are chasing a phantom at this point which is very real to you but so far it is impossible to replicate with your exact same batteries and the same model inverter, but if we did the swap and your inverter runs can we agree that it is your site?

Zonna energy mentioned that they are flashing the Pro inverters with new firmware because a recent batch was problematic, I would assume you went around that gig with schneider but can you confirm the version you are running?
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On the Outback radian we have some customers but have not done a bench test on the latest models, we have confirmed the FXR series (typically worse) but we are demo-ing a radian with our thin cable starvation test next week

diy solar

diy solar